2021.10.27 國際新聞導讀-伊朗全國加油站系統遭駭客攻擊、蘇丹政變情況未變、土耳其總統原諒10國大使不驅逐了、以色列允許一個德魯士城鎮升格為城市、納唐雅胡參觀市場向支持者致意、以色列處理流浪貓問題爭議、以色列與歐盟科學計畫重啟但不包括西岸佔領區

2021-10-27·26 minutes


2021.10.27 國際新聞導讀-伊朗全國加油站系統遭駭客攻擊、蘇丹政變情況未變、土耳其總統原諒10國大使不驅逐了、以色列允許一個德魯士城鎮升格為城市、納唐雅胡參觀市場向支持者致意、以色列處理流浪貓問題爭議、以色列與歐盟科學計畫重啟但不包括西岸佔領區

2021 年 10 月 26 日 21:41


據報導,一些被黑客入侵的系統中發布了消息,直接向伊朗最高領袖阿亞圖拉阿里哈梅內伊提出要求,並要求知道,“天然氣在哪裡?” 此次襲擊發生在 2019 年秋季全國因天然氣短缺而引發的抗議活動兩年後。
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“加油站加油系統的中斷……在過去幾個小時內,是由網絡攻擊造成的,”國家廣播公司 IRIB 說。“技術專家正在解決問題,很快加油過程……將恢復正常。”
據石油部新聞社 SHANA 報導,石油部表示,只有使用智能卡銷售更便宜的配給汽油才會受到干擾,客戶仍然可以以更高的價格購買燃料。

伊朗天然氣價格 298.88(來源:美聯社)
迄今為止,美國被認為是世界上最強大的網絡強國,但由於擔心遭到網絡報復,它往往不願使用其攻擊性網絡能力來打擊 ISIS 以外的組織。
但拜登政府迄今尚未這樣做,因為它專注於建立善意,以共同回歸 2015 年的核協議 JCPOA。
據報導,以色列於 2020 年 5 月 9 日入侵了伊朗的 Shahid Rajaee 港口,作為對伊朗上個月試圖對以色列供水系統進行網絡攻擊的反擊。
伊朗還指責摩薩德、美國和歐洲情報機構在 2009-2010 年期間使用 STUXNET 病毒入侵其納坦茲核設施。
前 Shin Bet(以色列安全局)網絡官員 Harel Menashri 告訴 KAN 電台,要在周二完成如此廣泛而成功的攻擊,黑客很有可能必須是民族國家的演員。
8 月,Check Point Software Technologies 發布了一份報告,稱一個名為 Indra 的伊朗持不同政見組織,而不是以色列,於 7 月 9 日在伊斯蘭共和國的火車系統上執行了大型黑客攻擊。
Check Point 表示,Indra 的黑客攻擊是“世界各國政府的一個例子,說明單個組織如何破壞關鍵基礎設施。”
Indra 的工具通過使用“擦除器”或旨在擦除關鍵基礎設施的整個數據系統的惡意軟件,在沒有直接恢復方法的情況下破壞數據,使恢復過程變得複雜,將用戶鎖定在機器之外,更改密碼,並將壁紙更換為自定義攻擊者製作的消息。
Iran gas stations reportedly hit by massive cyberattack
Hackers in Iran address Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei demanding, ‘Where is the gas?’
OCTOBER 26, 2021 21:41

Cyber hacking (illustrative)

(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Gas stations across Iran malfunctioned on Tuesday, reportedly due to a massive cyberattack, according to Iranian state media.
With the details still hazy, speculation is rife about whether the purported attack came from the US, Israel or from local Iranian anti-regime groups.
According to reports, messages were posted in some systems that were hacked, addressing Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei directly and demanding to know, “Where is the gas?” The attack comes some two years after nationwide protests over gas shortages in fall 2019.
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“The disruption at the refueling system of gas stations… in the past few hours, was caused by a cyberattack,” state broadcaster IRIB said. “Technical experts are fixing the problem and soon the refueling process… will return to normal.”
The Oil Ministry said only sales with smart cards used for cheaper, rationed gasoline were disrupted and that clients could still buy fuel at higher rates, the ministry’s news agency, SHANA, reported.

Iran Gas prices 298.88 (credit: AP)
Last week, Iran carried out a complex and coordinated strike on US forces in Syria using up to five armed drones to attack the Tanf garrison at a key strategic point near the Jordan-Iraq border.
The attack was the latest in a series of drone strikes on US forces.
In a press briefing on Monday, US Envoy on Iran, Rob Malley, mentioned possible upcoming US action to deter Iranian aggression in the region although he declined to elaborate what those actions might be.

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The US is considered to be the world’s most potent cyber power by far but it has often been hesitant to use its offensive cyber capabilities against groups other than ISIS, for fear of cyber retaliation.
Under the Trump administration, the US did hack certain major Iranian intelligence sea-based operations to get the Islamic Republic to back away from attacking American allies at sea.
But the Biden administration has not done so to date, as it has focused on building goodwill for a mutual return to the 2015 nuclear deal, the JCPOA.
Israel reportedly hacked Iran’s Shahid Rajaee Port on May 9, 2020, as a counter strike for an attempted Iranian cyber strike on Israel’s water supply system the previous month.
Iran has also accused the Mossad, the US and European intelligence agencies of using the STUXNET virus to hack its Natanz nuclear facility in 2009-2010.
Former Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) cyber official Harel Menashri told KAN radio that there was a good chance that to accomplish such a broad and successful attack on Tuesday, the hacker would have to be a nation-state actor.
However, recent months have also shown that amateur hackers can cause major disruption to the US and European powers with sophisticated ransomware and other means, and the Khamenei regime has many local enemies among Iran’s many minorities.
In August, Check Point Software Technologies issued a report stating that an Iranian dissident group called Indra, not Israel, executed the mega-hack on the Islamic Republic’s train system on July 9.
Check Point said Indra’s hack was “an example for governments around the world of how a single group can create disruption on critical infrastructure.”
If non-state groups are traditionally thought of as lacking the capability to do more than hack websites and data, this was an example of such a non-state group causing profound real-world damage.
Indra’s tools destroyed data without direct means to recover it by using a “wiper,” or malware designed to wipe the entire data system of critical infrastructure, making the recovery process complicated, locking users out of machines, changing passwords, and replacing wallpapers to custom messages crafted by the attackers.
The hack included the posting of fake messages about train delays and cancellations on display boards across Iran.
Reuters contributed to this report.

2021 年 10 月 26 日 14:17

2021 年 10 月 25 日,在蘇丹喀土穆,信息部稱之為軍事政變期間,路障被點燃

(圖片來源:路透社/EL TAYEB SIDDIG)
至少有 7 人在軍事接管引發的動亂中喪生,在民眾起義結束了數十年的專制統治兩年後,蘇丹向民主的過渡停止了。
在周一的騷亂之後,夜晚似乎相對平靜地過去了,在士兵逮捕總理阿卜杜拉·哈姆多克和內閣中的其他平民後,抗議者走上街頭。一名衛生部官員說,在抗議者與安全部隊之間的衝突中,有 7 人喪生。
週一,在 2019 年 4 月長期執政的獨裁者奧馬爾·巴希爾 (Omar al-Bashir) 被推翻後,接管領導人阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·布爾漢將軍解散了為引導蘇丹走向民主而成立的軍民主權委員會。
布爾汗宣布進入緊急狀態,稱武裝部隊需要保護安全和保障。他承諾將在 2023 年 7 月舉行選舉,然後將其移交給民選政府。據阿拉伯新聞頻道報導,週二他解散了管理工會的委員會。

2019 年 8 月 17 日,蘇丹過渡軍事委員會主席阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·布爾漢中將在蘇丹喀土穆簽署權力分享協議期間與埃塞俄比亞總理阿比·艾哈邁德會談(圖片來源:REUTERS/MOHAMED NURELDIN ABDALLAH)
被罷免的政府外交部長周二在信息部 Facebook 頁面上發布的一條消息中說,哈姆多克和他失踪的內閣成員仍被關押在一個不知名的地方。
一些麵包店在 Omdurman 開業,但人們排了幾個小時的隊。
“我們正在為這場危機付出代價,”一名 50 多歲的男子在一家庫存不足的藥店尋找藥物,憤怒地說。“我們不能工作,找不到麵包,沒有服務,沒有錢。”
美國已表示將立即暫停提供 7 億美元的緊急支持。
在後殖民歷史的大部分時間裡,蘇丹一直由在政變中奪取政權的軍事領導人統治。它已成為西方的賤民,並在巴希爾領導下的美國恐怖主義黑名單上,他在 1990 年代接待了奧薩馬·本·拉登,並因戰爭罪被海牙國際刑事法院通緝。
自從巴希爾被推翻以來,在旨在導致 2023 年選舉的過渡期間,軍方與平民不安地分享權力。 自上個月失敗的政變陰謀(歸咎於巴希爾的支持者)引發軍方與平民之間的相互指責以來,該國一直處於緊張狀態.
Sudan capital locked down after coup triggers deadly unrest
Life came to a halt in the capital Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman across the Nile on Tuesday, a day after the army seized power in a coup that triggered unrest.
OCTOBER 26, 2021 14:17

A road barricade is set on fire during what the information ministry calls a military coup in Khartoum, Sudan, October 25, 2021

Roads were blocked, shops were shut, phones were down and mosque loudspeakers blared calls for a general strike in Sudan on Tuesday, a day after the army seized power in a coup.
At least seven people were killed in unrest triggered by the military takeover, which brought a halt to Sudan's transition to democracy two years after a popular uprising ended decades of authoritarian rule.
Plumes of smoke rose over Khartoum from tires set ablaze by protesters. Life came to a halt in the capital and in its twin city Omdurman across the Nile, with roads blocked either by soldiers or by protester barricades.
The night appeared to have passed comparatively quietly after Monday's unrest, when protesters took to the streets after soldiers arrested Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and other civilians in the cabinet. A health ministry official said seven people had been killed in clashes between protesters and the security forces.
On Monday, takeover leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan dissolved the military-civilian Sovereign Council set up to guide Sudan to democracy following the overthrow of long-ruling autocrat Omar al-Bashir in April 2019.
Burhan announced a state of emergency, saying the armed forces needed to protect safety and security. He promised to hold elections in July 2023 and hand over to an elected civilian government then. On Tuesday he dissolved committees that govern trade unions, Arabic news channels reported.

The head of Sudan's Transitional Military Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, talks to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during the signing of a power sharing deal in Khartoum, Sudan, August 17, 2019 (credit: REUTERS/ MOHAMED NURELDIN ABDALLAH)
The Sudan information ministry, still loyal to Hamdok, has called the takeover a crime and said Hamdok is still the legitimate leader.
Hamdok and his missing cabinet members were still being held in an unknown location, the foreign minister of the ousted government said in a message posted on the information ministry's Facebook page on Tuesday.
Main roads and bridges between Khartoum and Omdurman were closed to vehicles by the military. Banks and cash machines were shut, and mobile phone apps widely used for money transfers could not be accessed.
Some bakeries were open in Omdurman but people were queuing for several hours.
"We are paying the price for this crisis," a man in his 50s looking for medicine at one of the pharmacies where stocks have been running low said angrily. "We can't work, we can't find bread, there are no services, no money."
In the western city of El Geneina, resident Adam Haroun said there was complete civil disobedience, with schools, stores and gas stations closed.
Large street protests took place in the cities of Atbara, Dongola, Elobeid and Port Sudan, images on social media showed.
People chanted "Don't give your back to the army, the army won't protect you."
The Sudanese Professionals Association, an activist coalition that played a major role in the uprising that toppled Bashir, has called for a strike.
Western governments have condemned the coup, called for the release of the detained civilian leaders and threatened to cut off aid, which Sudan needs to recover from an economic crisis.
The United States has said it was immediately pausing delivery of $700 million in emergency support.
Sudan has been ruled for most of its post-colonial history by military leaders who seized power in coups. It had become a pariah to the West and was on a U.S. terrorism blacklist under Bashir, who hosted Osama bin Laden in the 1990s and is wanted by the International Criminal Court in the Hague for war crimes.
Since Bashir was toppled, the military shared power uneasily with civilians under a transition meant to lead to elections in 2023. The country had been on edge since last month when a failed coup plot, blamed on Bashir supporters, unleashed recriminations between the military and civilians.
2021 年 10 月 26 日 04:25


蘇丹軍方周一從過渡政府手中奪取了權力,一名衛生部官員表示,在士兵與街頭抗議者之間的衝突中,有 7 人被槍殺,140 人受傷。
布爾汗宣布進入緊急狀態,稱武裝部隊需要保護安全和保障。他承諾將在 2023 年 7 月舉行選舉,然後將其移交給民選政府。
仍然忠於被罷免的總理阿卜杜拉·哈姆多克的蘇丹信息部在其臉書頁面上表示,過渡憲法僅賦予總理宣布緊急狀態的權利,軍方的行為是犯罪行為。它說,Hamdok 仍然是合法的過渡當局。

蘇丹總理阿卜杜拉·哈姆多克於 2019 年 9 月 3 日在蘇丹喀土穆與德國外交部長海科·馬斯舉行的聯合新聞發布會上發表講話(圖片來源:REUTERS/MOHAMED NURELDIN ABDALLAH)
該部表示,軍隊逮捕了主權委員會的文職成員和政府官員。他的家人說,同樣被拘留的還有國家電視台的新聞主任。美國國務院表示,華盛頓對哈姆多克的下落和狀況沒有任何可透露的信息。一位部門發言人表示,它正在暫停對蘇丹的 7 億美元經濟支持。
在後殖民歷史的大部分時間裡,蘇丹一直由在政變中奪取政權的軍事領導人統治。它已成為西方的賤民,並在巴希爾領導下的美國恐怖主義名單上,他在 1990 年代接待了奧薩馬·本·拉登,並因戰爭罪被海牙國際刑事法院通緝。
華盛頓曾派遣特使杰弗裡·費爾特曼 (Jeffrey Feltman) 試圖避免權力分享協議的崩潰。哈姆多克辦公室主任亞當·赫里卡告訴路透社,儘管最近幾天與費爾特曼會面後,軍方已經開始了對達成協議的“積極行動”。
Seven killed, 140 injured in Sudan protests following coup
The leader of the takeover, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, dissolved the military-civilian Sovereign Council that had been established to guide the country to democracy.
OCTOBER 26, 2021 04:25

French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok as he arrives for a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris

(photo credit: REUTERS)
Sudan's military seized power from a transitional government on Monday and a health ministry official said seven people were killed by gunfire and 140 injured in clashes between soldiers and street protesters.
The leader of the takeover, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, dissolved the military-civilian Sovereign Council that had been established to guide the country to democracy following the overthrow of long-ruling autocrat Omar al-Bashir in a popular uprising two years ago.
Burhan announced a state of emergency, saying the armed forces needed to protect safety and security. He promised to hold elections in July 2023 and hand over to an elected civilian government then.
"What the country is going through now is a real threat and danger to the dreams of the youth and the hopes of the nation," he said.
The Sudan information ministry, which is still loyal to ousted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, said on its Facebook page that the transitional constitution gives only the prime minister the right to declare a state of emergency and that the military's actions are a crime. Hamdok is still the legitimate transitional authority, it said.
The U.N. Security Council was likely to discuss Sudan behind closed doors on Tuesday, diplomats said.
White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said: "We reject the actions by the military and call for the immediate release of the prime minister and others who have been placed under house arrest."
Youths opposed to the coup barricaded streets and clashed with troops. The main opposition coalition, Forces of Freedom and Change, which pushed for Bashir's removal and negotiated the military-civilian council, said on Twitter it was calling for peaceful actions in the streets to overthrow the military takeover, including demonstrations, the blocking of streets and civil disobedience.

Sudan Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok speaks during joint press conference with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in Khartoum, Sudan September 3, 2019 (credit: REUTERS/ MOHAMED NURELDIN ABDALLAH)
Hamdok, an economist and former senior U.N. official, was detained and taken to an undisclosed location after refusing to issue a statement in support of the takeover, the information ministry said.
The ministry urged resistance and said tens of thousands of people opposed to the takeover had taken to the streets and had faced gunfire near the military headquarters in Khartoum. Central bank employees announced a strike to reject the coup, the ministry said.
Troops had arrested civilian members of the Sovereign Council and government figures, the ministry said. Also detained was the news director of state TV, his family said. The U.S. State Department said Washington had nothing to share on Hamdok's whereabouts and condition. A department spokesman said it was pausing $700 million in economic support for Sudan.
In Khartoum's twin city Omdurman, protesters barricaded streets and chanted in support of civilian rule.
"Burhan cannot deceive us. This is a military coup," said a young man who gave his name as Saleh.
Sudan has been ruled for most of its post-colonial history by military leaders who seized power in coups. It had become a pariah to the West and was on a U.S. terrorism list under Bashir, who hosted Osama bin Laden in the 1990s and is wanted by the International Criminal Court in the Hague for war crimes.
The country had been on edge since last month when a failed coup plot, blamed on Bashir supporters, unleashed recriminations between the military and civilians.
In recent weeks a coalition of rebel groups and political parties aligned themselves with the military and called on it to dissolve the civilian government, while Cabinet ministers took part in protests against the prospect of military rule.
Sudan is also in an economic crisis. Helped by foreign aid, civilian officials have claimed credit for some tentative signs of stabilization after a sharp devaluation of the currency and the lifting of fuel subsidies.
Washington had tried to avert the collapse of the power-sharing agreement by sending a special envoy, Jeffrey Feltman. The director of Hamdok's office, Adam Hereika, told Reuters the military had mounted the takeover despite "positive movements" towards an agreement after meetings with Feltman in recent days.
The military had been meant to pass on leadership of the Sovereign Council to a civilian figure in the coming months. But transitional authorities had struggled to move forward on issues including whether to hand Bashir over to the Hague.
Burhan said it was incumbent on the armed forces to act to halt "incitement to chaos and violence."
The United Nations, Arab League and African Union all expressed concern. Political leaders should be released and human rights respected, AU Commission Chair Moussa Faki Mahamat said in a statement.
Britain called the coup an unacceptable betrayal of the Sudanese people. France called for the immediate release of Hamdok and other civilian leaders. Egypt called on all parties to exercise self-restraint.
The Sudanese Professionals Association, an activist coalition in the uprising against Bashir, called for a strike.
Two main political parties, the Umma and the Sudanese Congress, condemned what they called a coup and campaign of arrests.
2021 年 10 月 26 日 16:29

土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2020 年 12 月 14 日在土耳其安卡拉舉行內閣會議後的新聞發布會上發表講話

土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安( Recep Tayyip Erdogan)已下令宣布 10 個主要民主國家的大使為“不受歡迎的人”,鞏固了安卡拉向威權主義的轉變及其與反對美國和西方國家的聯盟。
卡瓦拉是數以萬計被安卡拉以虛假指控監禁的土耳其人之一,這是執政的 AKP 黨領導的清洗行動的一部分,該清洗行動針對自由主義者、大學生、LGBT 活動家、庫爾德人、HDP(人民民主黨)的反對派成員。黨)、婦女、媒體和各行各業的評論家。
最近,安卡拉政府回到 2013 年和 2014 年,尋找參與任何反對正發黨抗議活動的活動人士並將他們監禁。土耳其是世界上最大的記者監獄。

土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2021 年 3 月 4 日在土耳其安卡拉通過視頻鏈接參加了他執政的 AK 黨的會議。(來源:總統新聞辦公室/通過路透社的講義)
2020 年 10 月,安卡拉煽動反對法國的行為可能激怒了一名恐怖分子,導致尼斯發生襲擊事件。這起事件發生在安卡拉領導人開始編造新的聲稱被法國查理周刊雜誌冒犯之後。
支持極端分子是安卡拉向威權主義轉變的一部分。在敘利亞,土耳其不僅在 2018 年對阿夫林進行種族清洗,驅逐了 15 萬庫爾德人和雅茲迪人,在 2019 年 10 月,它還在敘利亞威脅美國,併入侵了美國支持的敘利亞民主力量所在的地區。
受到華盛頓制裁的土耳其支持的 Ahrar al-Sharqiya 極端分子謀殺了手無寸鐵的年輕女性民主活動家赫夫林·哈拉夫 (Hevrin Khalaf)。土耳其媒體稱她為“恐怖分子”,並稱她已“無效化”。
土耳其還向其在敘利亞北部支持的敘利亞團體提供武器,並鼓勵他們砲擊自衛隊控制的 Tel Tamr,該地區有一個基督教社區。因此,土耳其在敘利亞北部曾經受到伊斯蘭國威脅但現在受到安卡拉威脅的地區破壞了少數群體的穩定。
自 2020 年以來,土耳其已經減少了對以色列的一些更極端的煽動。這主要是因為埃爾多安的重要盟友美國前總統唐納德特朗普卸任。特朗普離開後,幾名支持正發黨的美國外交官也離開了。這意味著,當埃爾多安與特朗普白宮密切合作時,土耳其需要在多年對威權主義的空白支票之後努力實現和解。
最近幾天,對以色列的煽動又回來了,因為安卡拉聲稱它拘留了“摩薩德”成員。這是在安卡拉聲稱將“解放阿克薩”一年多之後,阿克薩指的是耶路撒冷的伊斯蘭清真寺。土耳其的親 AKP 媒體聲稱,安卡拉現在正在驅逐外國大使,以阻止他們干預土耳其。
Turkey's expulsion of Western ambassadors cements authoritarian shift - analysis
Despite being a member of NATO, Turkey has routinely crushed the media, bulldozed Turkish neighborhoods in cities as part of claims it is fighting “terrorism” and has launched invasions of Syria.
OCTOBER 26, 2021 16:29

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a news conference following a cabinet meeting in Ankara, Turkey, December 14, 2020

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered ambassadors from 10 leading democracies to be declared “persona non grata,” cementing Ankara’s shift toward authoritarianism and its alliance with countries that oppose the US and the West.
The attack was made by Ankara after the US and other countries critiqued Turkey for continuing to imprison philanthropist Osman Kavala.
Kavala is one of tens of thousands of Turks who have been imprisoned on false charges by Ankara as part of a purge led by the ruling AKP Party that targets liberals, college students, LGBT activists, Kurds, opposition members of the HDP (the People’s Democratic Party), women, media and critics of all stripes.
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Recently, Ankara’s government has gone back to 2013 and 2014 to find activists involved in any protests against the AKP and imprison them. Turkey is the world’s larger jailer of journalists.
Despite being a member of NATO, Turkey has routinely crushed the media, bulldozed Turkish neighborhoods in cities as part of claims it is fighting “terrorism” and has launched invasions of Syria, ethnically cleansing Kurds, Yazidis and other minorities.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attends a meeting of his ruling AK Party via video link in Ankara, Turkey March 4, 2021. (credit: PRESIDENTIAL PRESS OFFICE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
The envoys from a number of key democracies have put a spotlight on the Kavala case as an egregious miscarriage of justice. Turkey has now threatened to expel ambassadors from the US, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and New Zealand.
Foreign ambassadors “cannot dare to come to the Turkish Foreign Ministry and give orders… I gave the necessary order to our foreign minister and said what must be done: These 10 ambassadors must be declared persona non grata at once… They will know and understand Turkey,” Erdogan was quoted as saying. “The day they do not know and understand Turkey, they will leave.”
This is part of Ankara’s growing extremism. Already a repressive authoritarian state, Turkey has become increasingly hostile to NATO and Western countries. It often threatens Greece and has threatened France.

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In October 2020, Ankara’s incitement against France likely radicalized a terrorist, which led to an attack in Nice. The incident came after Ankara’s leaders began to invent new claims of being offended by France’s Charlie Hebdo magazine.
Turkey’s leadership, which backs the Muslim Brotherhood, has tended to use religion as a unifier and as a weapon. It has sought to encourage Turkish society to become more Islamist and to see “Islamic” causes as their own, whether that means Ankara meddling in Kashmir or trying to pretend it supports the Palestinians.
Turkey has hosted Hamas officials several times, leading to condemnation from the US, and reports two years ago said Hamas had planned attacks from Turkey. Turkey also hosted the Taliban and extremist groups from Syria.
Support for extremists is part of Ankara’s shift toward authoritarianism. In Syria, Turkey not only ethnically cleansed Afrin in 2018, expelling 150,000 Kurds and Yazidis, in October 2019, it threatened the US in Syria and invaded an area where the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces were present.
Turkish-backed extremists from Ahrar al-Sharqiya, who have been sanctioned by Washington, murdered democracy activist Hevrin Khalaf, an unarmed young woman. Turkish media called her a “terrorist” and said she was “neutralized.”
Turkey has also incited against US official Brett McGurk and accused the US of training “terrorists” in Syria. In recent months, Turkey has increased its drone strikes, targeting the SDF and others in northern Syria and also in the Yazidi region of Sinjar in Iraq.
TURKEY ALSO provides weapons to Syrian groups it backs in northern Syria and encourages them to shell Tel Tamr, an area held by the SDF and which has a Christian community. As such, Turkey destabilized minority groups throughout northern Syria in areas once threatened by ISIS but now threatened by Ankara.
In the meantime, Ankara has grown closer to Russia, China and Iran. It seeks more arms sales with Russia and wants an alliance with other authoritarian regimes in Malaysia, Pakistan, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Qatar.
Turkey has dialed back some of its more extreme incitement against Israel since 2020. This is largely because former US president Donald Trump, a key ally of Erdogan, left office. When Trump left, several US diplomats who were pro-AKP also left. This meant Turkey needed to work toward reconciliation after several years of having a blank check for authoritarianism when Erdogan worked closely with the Trump White House.
Turkey sought outreach to Egypt and the Gulf states, sensing that Egypt, the Gulf and Greece were growing closer with Israel, and all of these countries had tired of Ankara’s aggressive behavior and threats. For instance, during the Abraham Accords, Turkey threatened to cut relations with Israel.
In recent days, the incitement against Israel has returned, as Ankara claimed it had detained “Mossad” members. This comes more than a year after Ankara had claimed it would “liberate al-Aqsa,” a reference to the Islamic mosque in Jerusalem. Pro-AKP media in Turkey have claimed that Ankara is now expelling foreign ambassadors to stop them from meddling in Turkey.
While Ankara has sought to expel and harass ambassadors from leading democracies, Israel is hosting many of those countries this week as part of the Blue Flag air-force drill. Air forces from the US, Germany, Italy, the UK, France, India and Greece are in Israel.
The US, Germany and France are among the countries Turkey is threatening now. Sweden also had a high-level visit to Israel recently. Germany’s outgoing leader, Angela Merkel, who was in Turkey recently, is an exception in Europe for relations with Erdogan, as she has appeared to support the authoritarian ruler. But she is leaving office, and Germany is one of the countries Turkey has slammed despite her recent trip.
Ankara’s overall posture puts it increasingly at odds with democracy and Europe. It tends to use its far-right media and speeches of its ruling party to bash Europe. Europe and the US are seen as the enemy in Turkey, while Russia, Qatar, China, Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, Azerbaijan and other states are seen as allies and friends.
Groups such as the Taliban and Hamas get a welcome in Ankara that is never afforded to Western democracies. This is symbolic of Ankara’s shift toward extremism. The country increasingly employs poor Syrian refugees as mercenaries.
Although some say this is just another rant by Erdogan and is a threat designed to get some concessions, it is causing Turkey’s currency to once again weaken, and that will harm the middle class, especially those more open-minded Turkish voters who are linked to Europe, while increasing poverty and dependence on the government. The ruling party is wagering that this helps cement it in power.
Turkey has also threatened a new conflict in Syria if this doesn’t do enough to increase populism. Ankara’s ruling party is increasingly exacerbating tensions with NATO, the West and the US every time it wants votes, positioning itself as one of the leading anti-Western countries.
Even Iran, Russia and China don’t have the same levels of extreme rhetoric. Oddly, Turkey remains a NATO member despite these incidents.
美國對以色列推進 3,144 座定居者房屋的計劃“深表關切”
然後,預計市議會將最終批准 1,800 套定居者房屋的計劃,並允許存放其餘的計劃,此舉使其能夠提前獲得最終批准。
2021 年 10 月 26 日 22:32

2020 年 6 月 30 日,一名猶太定居者走過耶路撒冷附近西岸 Givat Zeev 和 Ramat Givat Zeev 周圍的以色列定居點建築工地。

美國國務院發言人內德·普賴斯在華盛頓對記者表示,美國對以色列打算在周三推進 3,144 座定居者家園的計劃“深表關切”,他就此事發表了迄今為止最強烈的聲明。
一位高級外交消息人士稱,美國臨時代辦邁克爾·拉特尼 (Michael Ratney) 與總理納夫塔利·貝內特( Naftali Bennett ) 的外交顧問希姆里特·梅爾 (Shimrit Meir) 就此事進行了交談。

高級規劃委員會將於週日推進西岸定居者住房項目,包括在伊塔馬爾。圖片拍攝於 2020 年 6 月 15 日。(來源:RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)
猶地亞和撒馬利亞高級規劃委員會周三將討論的項目中,約有 46% 是在安全屏障計劃路線之外的孤立定居點進行建設。
除了第五大定居點 Givat Ze'ev 之外,所有項目都針對中小型社區。
然後,預計市議會將最終批准 1,800 套定居者房屋的計劃,並允許存放其餘的計劃,此舉使其能夠提前獲得最終批准。
在 1,334 個計劃中,最大的是 Revava 的 399 個住宅,Kedumim 的 380 個住宅和 Givat Ze'ev 的 156 個住宅。
其餘的是 Elon Moreh 100、Sansana 100、Ofarim 86、Vered Yeriho 45、Karnei Shomron 27、Alon Shvut 18、Efrat 116、Hinanit 10、Hermesh 7。
將獲得最終批准的最大項目是 Eli 的 628。其他項目包括為 Kfar Etzion 建造 292 座住宅、為 Har Bracha 建造 286 座住宅、為 Talmon 建造 224 座住宅、為 Elon Shvut 建造 105 座住宅、為 Karnei Shomron 建造 83 座住宅、為 Beit El 建造 58 座住宅、為 Givat Ze'ev 建造 42 座住宅、為 Barkan 建造 28 座住宅、為 Ma' 建造 14 座住宅aleh Michmash,Shima 20 分,Peduel 20 分。
該委員會還將考慮將 Mitzpe Danny