
2023-02-27·5 minutes


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🔊本集特別感謝Trần Thị Kim Bình老師發音(南越口音)

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好的,這則新聞主要是說最近最夯的ChatGPT,不僅向我們展現了AI人工智能的發展,同時也備受美國億萬富翁大佬們的重視,特斯拉創始人Elon Musk也說AI將是人類社會最大的威脅。來看看詢問chatGPT是誰發明的,他就會回答,ChatGPT是由OpenAI開發團隊所創建,而OpenAI是一家人工智能研究機構,於2015年成立,創始人包括一些著名的科技企業家和科學家,如伊隆·馬斯克、Sam Altman、Greg Brockman等等。不由得讓人想起霍金曾在2014年霍金BBC新聞網的專訪中預言:「全面發展AI的話,人類恐自取滅亡。」


Elon Musk, co-founder of OpenAI - the company that created ChatGPT, has warned that AI is one of the greatest risks to human civilization.

At the World Government Summit in Dubai this week, the American billionaire said that AI technology has both positive and negative aspects. He noted that ChatGPT has illustrated how advanced AI has become. Artificial intelligence has been developing for some time, but there is not yet a common user interface for people to use.

The American tycoon also expressed concern about the danger from AI, saying that this technology has more risks to society than cars, airplanes, and drugs. While cars, airplanes, and drugs have to comply with safety standards, there are still no regulations or rules to control the development of AI. According to him, regulations may slow down the development of AI, but it would be better. The text is in Vietnamese.

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