If I lived with Noah written by Pamela Moritz

2021-02-04·5 minutes


(Read by Mr. H) 你有想過如果你住在諾亞方舟40天40夜, 你會想跟諾亞做什麼呢?你可以成為他的小幫手, 幫他照顧所有的動物或跟牠們玩, 可以修理壞掉的東西. 你可以盡你的一臂之力幫助諾亞.讓大家順利而且開心的到達陸地.
Noah is a kind and a righteous man, that's why God asks him to build the ark. What would you do to be helpful if you are on the ship with Noah? You could play with the animals, clean them, take care of them and fix the plumbing issues.... they are tons of work to do on the ship over the course of 40 days and 40 nights. Roll up your sleeve and think what you would do to help! There is no limit to be resourceful.
Written by Pamela Moritz, illustrated by MacKenzie Haley, from PJ Library

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