EP_4 (音樂故事_一半一半):Half and Half

2021-11-11·3 minutes


音樂創作 即使外在的環境會變,人會老,但身體內的靈魂卻永恆的存在,雖無法用肉眼穿透,但你的靈魂會穿越身體的界線直達到另一個身體的你靈魂世界,透過心來認出彼此。 這首歌是想要用童趣的音樂方式呈現靈魂的存在,很多事情不能用外在身體感受,而是用心去體驗,彼得潘,是我們小時候聽過的一個『拒絕長大的孩子』,長大後失去了純真與善良的心,用面具擋住真實的自己,笑裡藏刀的面對社會的現實,在兩性的愛情中,因為貪戀彼此外在物質條件而把內心的單純的那顆心給遺忘,常常用外在條件衡量對方來成就自己所設定的標準,男生要高富帥、女生要白富美的條件,即便個性天差地遠,寧可委屈自己也要贏得別人的羨慕眼光,但在眼光背後的真實,誰知道一場騙局,你我演出來的假象,最後不攻自破的謊言,因受不了彼此的性格,終究走向分離的命運。真正的愛,來自於彼此心靈上的平靜與溫而不燥的交流著,用愛化解彼此心中的恐懼與害怕,而彼此的愛,是溫暖、信任、包容、像光的能量不斷地發光,可以照亮彼此,溫暖的心。 音樂故事 這首歌,是真實發生在我身上的一個小插曲,即時最後的結局是遺憾,但卻讓我感受到世上真的有一個和我一模一樣的人,如同鏡子般的照著自己的性格,那時的我在想怎麼可能有一個和我如此相同的一個人,我,不斷的找尋這個答案,我是誰?那他又是誰?我們是誰?朋友說了的一個答案:Twin Souls(另一個你) 開啟了我的靈魂的探索!正當彼此碰到的那一刻開始,所有的感覺一個一個符合了資料上所寫的特徵,於是,我相信了這樣相遇。 遇見他之前,我是個完全不相信愛的人,對我來說,愛只是一次次的傷害與痛苦,之前,我曾經歷過分離的痛苦而大哭,哭很久,不論是面對身邊長輩、親人的驟逝、家人差點可能面臨會失去的打擊及浪浪(流浪狗)老死的恐懼,因為離別對我來說是一種永別,永遠的別離,代表這個人不會在你的生活出現了,你也不知道他別離了後到哪去了,我們還會不會有機會再次遇見,是不是還有機會成為彼此身邊最重要的人事物,所以,我討厭生離死別的場景而開始封鎖自己內心,只要不碰觸到這個最深處,也許傷痛會少一點,難過會少一點,甚至不會有任何的感覺。因此,不再願意付出一點點的愛,即使遇到令人動心的人事物,也會有界線,因為害怕親密會成為一種習慣性依賴,而選擇了獨立,害怕婚姻,因為怕失去最愛的那個人而沒辦法一個人生活,所以選擇一個人過,這樣就不會有死別的經歷,會羨慕相愛的人可以在一起但卻沒有勇氣期待發生再自己身上,因為沒有任何理由可以讓自己不再恐懼。 上天總是嫉妒兩個真心相愛的人,就如同神話:亞當與夏娃、雙生光,而人生的考驗就是從真心相愛的兩個人開始。 有個他,曾經在我不相信愛,對愛失望、封閉的時候突然闖進了我的世界,起初武裝著自己,拒絕所有的好意,每當我想放棄最愛的事情,他的鼓勵總是讓我一次次穿越害怕,在他單純的心及溫暖的力量下,我長出了勇氣翅膀,而他用溫暖的心軟化了我堅固緊閉的門,那瞬間,我心動了,以為就是我的避風港。久後,越相處越與自己的個性相似,看見他總看見自己掩飾缺點的問題,所有的害怕、恐懼、負面的情緒湧上來,對他迷戀的心已經無法抽離,於是開始自我猜疑、嫉妒、恐懼…情緒的產生,總總因素,最後無法忍受這些自我批判與猜疑的心,我卻放棄還沒準備好的自己來面對最真實的投射影子,切斷了關於他的一切而以淚洗面結束,離別後的我,心痛到無法呼吸,哭到泣不成聲,無法入睡。 寫這首歌,想記念關於這個曾在我心中的他,用單純的心來拯救遺失愛的我,像孩子般的天真善良,淘氣地無心闖入我的世界,教會我許多的事情又轉身離開我的孤獨島。 他的出現,讓我面對自己內心最黑暗的恐懼感,也正視自己一直不敢正視的問題:『離別、遺棄』,就像孩子離開了母親的身邊,他自由飛翔自己的世界,而我卻像個孩子一樣親眼看著失去了自己。現在,已經能開始慢慢接受了這個不變的事實,人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺之時的歷程。 希望藉由這首歌可以帶一點快樂的力量,祝福每個人都能找到自己一半的一半,真誠、善良的心來一起迎接天上的挑戰。 歌詞 一半的一半 天上繁星轉動 時光的幻境 漆黑的夜晚 重逢的約定 風中裡的燭光 亮得理直氣壯 光的 承諾守候 隨 塵埃漂流 當迷失 方向 失落的 時刻 淘氣的peter pan 帶著光的翅膀 飛翔 純真與善 良 衝撞到面前 屬於 我的 never land 發現你的存在 愛如光芒耀眼 堅強力量電流 流成我的心跳線 一半的一半 存在的 痕跡 時而臣服又靠近 特別的魔力 發現你的存在 像流浪的靈魂 穿越懼怕勇氣 回到家的安心感 你我的相遇 如星球一般 物換或星移 未知華麗的秘密 眼神的交會 不需要言語 憑著一股直覺 大步向前 彼此心中的暗號 you won`t forget to come for me remember Da da da da da da….. 發現你的存在 愛如光芒耀眼 堅強力量電流 流成我的心跳線 一半的一半 存在的 痕跡 時而臣服又靠近 特別的魔力 發現你的存在 像流浪的靈魂 穿越懼怕勇氣 回到家的安心感 你我的相遇 如星球一般 物換或星移 未知華麗 的 秘密 Music creation Even though the external environment will change and people will get old, the soul in the body will exist forever. Although it cannot be penetrated by the naked eye, your soul will cross the boundary of the body and reach the soul world of another body through the heart. To recognize each other This song is to show the existence of the soul in a childlike way of music. Many things cannot be felt with the external body, but with the heart. Peter Pan is a "child who refuses to grow up" that we have heard when we were young. Lost the heart of innocence and kindness, use a mask to block the true self, face the reality of society with a smile while hiding a knife, in the love of the two sexes, because of their greed for each other's external material conditions, the innocence of the heart is forgotten, often with The external condition measures the other party to achieve the standards set by him. The conditions for boys to be tall, rich, and handsome, and girls to be rich and beautiful, even if the personality is far away, I would rather wrong myself to win the envy of others, but the truth behind the vision, who knows? A scam, the illusion that you and I performed, and the lie that is self-defeating in the end, because they can't stand each other's personalities, they will eventually go to the fate of separation. True love comes from the peaceful and gentle but not dry exchanges of each other's hearts, using love to resolve the fear and fear in each other's hearts, and mutual love is the continuous glow of warmth, trust, tolerance, and light-like energy. Can illuminate each other, warm hearts. Music story This song is a small episode that happened to me. The final ending is regrettable, but it makes me feel that there is a person exactly like me in the world, who mirrors my character like a mirror. At that time I was wondering how could there be a person who is so the same as me, I, constantly looking for the answer, who am I? Who is he then? who are we? An answer my friend said: Twin Souls (the other you) Started the exploration of my soul! At the moment when they met each other, all the feelings were in line with the characteristics written in the materials, so I believed in this encounter. Before I met him, I was a person who did not believe in love at all. For me, love was just hurting and suffering again and again. Before I had experienced the pain of separation and cried for a long time, whether it was facing the elders around me, The sudden death of a loved one, the family may almost face the shock of losing, and the fear of stray (stray dogs) old age, because parting is a kind of farewell to me, forever parting, which means that this person will not appear in your life. You don’t know where he went after leaving, whether we will have the chance to meet again, whether we still have the chance to be the most important people and things around each other, so I hate the scenes of life and death and start to block my heart. As long as you don't touch the deepest part, maybe the pain will be less, the sadness will be less, and you won't even feel any. Therefore, I am no longer willing to give a little bit of love, even if I encounter tempting people and things, there will be boundaries, because I am afraid that intimacy will become a habitual dependence, and I choose independence, afraid of marriage because I am afraid of losing the one I love most. I can’t live alone, so I choose to live by myself so that there will be no other experiences. I will envy that people in love can be together but I don’t have the courage to expect it to happen to myself, because there is no reason to stop fearing myself. God is always jealous of two people who truly love each other, just like a myth: Adam and Eve, twins, and the test of life starts with two people who truly love each other. There was him who suddenly broke into my world when I didn’t believe in love, was disappointed in love, and was closed. At first, he armed me and rejected all kindness. Whenever I wanted to give up what I loved most, his encouragement was always to Let me travel through fear again and again. Under his simple heart and warm power, I have grown wings of courage, and he softened my tightly closed door with his warm heart. At that moment, my heart moved and I thought it was me. Safe haven. After a long time, the more he gets along, the more similar his personality is. Seeing that he always sees the problem of covering up his shortcomings, all the fears, fears, and negative emotions are coming up, and the obsession with him can no longer be removed, so he began to self-suspicion and jealous. , Fear… The production of emotions, the total factor, and finally unable to bear these self-criticism and suspicion, but I gave up the unprepared myself to face the truest projection shadow, cut off everything about him and tears After washing my face, after parting, my heart hurts so much that I can't breathe, cry so much that I can't cry, and I can't fall asleep. Writing this song, I want to remember him who used to be in my heart, using a simple heart to save me who lost love, childlike innocence and kindness, naughty and unintentionally broke into my world, taught me many things, and turned away from me Lonely Island. His appearance made me face the darkest sense of fear in my heart, and also face up to the problem that I have never dared to face: "Farewell, abandonment", like a child leaving his mother's side, he is free to fly in his own world, and I But like a child, he watched losing himself with his own eyes. Now, I have been able to slowly accept this unchanging fact, that people have sorrows and joys, and the moon has a period of time. I hope that this song can bring a little bit of happiness, and I wish everyone can find half of their own, sincere, and kind hearts to meet the challenges of heaven together. lyrics Half and half The stars in the sky turn, the illusion of time, the dark night, the promise of reunion The candlelight in the wind is so bright and righteous, the light promises to wait, drifting with the dust When lost, lost moment, mischievous peter pan flying with light wings Innocence and kindness collide in front of me, my neverland I found your presence, love is dazzling, strong power and current flow into my heartbeat Half of the half, traces of existence, sometimes surrendered and approached with special magic Finding your existence, like a wandering soul, crossing fear and courage The encounter between you and me is like a planet, trade, or star shift, unknown gorgeous secret The meeting of eyes does not require words but strides forward with a sense of intuition The secret code in each other's hearts you won`t forget to come for me remember Da da da da da da….. I found your presence, love is dazzling, strong power and current flow into my heartbeat Half of the half, traces of existence, sometimes surrendered and approached with special magic Finding your existence, like a wandering soul, through fear and courage The encounter between you and me is like a planet, trade, or star shift, unknown gorgeous secret (音樂創作由Tzu_hsiu Chen之著作財產權,只供分享未經本人同意授權,請勿任意下載音檔文字或作商業用途,若經查證屬於將拷翻必究法律著作權相關責任) lyricist-Tzu_hsiu Chen(Joanna ) Composer- ling lin / Tzu_hsiu Chen Arranger-Tzu_hsiu Chen (Joanna ) piano -Wen_yu Hsu Recording-Tzu_hsiu Chen (Joanna ) Mixing-Tzu_hsiu Chen(Joanna ) Recording studio- Fifty more music studio