EP_3(音樂故事_寂淨星空) : silent starry sky,探討環保議題

2021-05-04·3 minutes


寂淨星空 ( silent star sky) 音樂故事 這首歌是在探討人對於環境破壞,而對人類反撲的自然現象,在警告人類,保護自然生態,不要撲殺生命、污染環境、浪費所有萬物給的祥和(鳥語花香)一切。靈感是來自於2020的COVID-19疫情,拉開了人與人之間的溫度也停止喧鬧的世界,穿梭在大街小巷都是救護車聲響及每個生命的告急,就像吹哨者揚起白旗提醒人類將會有重大事情的發生,卻也因為這樣,勇者被犧牲了,這段時間我們瀕臨了前所未有生存危機,國與國間阻斷了經濟運輸及工作窘境,人與人之間的距離也成了一公尺之遠,也開始揣測彼此會不會被影響生活的猜忌心,找不到解藥的全世界的開始慌恐造成人類心裡的害怕,因為這裡離死亡並不遠,隨時一個不小心就可能失去生命,而生命卻在這時顯得如此脆弱與渺小。相信人類卻未曾窺探出世界的真理,不是人們彼此之間的誤解,而是環境萬物讓人類的貪婪給破壞,回不到原始風貌而做出無聲回擊的抗議,警告人類需還原吉境的星空,而人類與萬物皆可共生共存,和平、平靜地渡過….,這也是4.22世界地球日的愛護地球的『寂淨星空』。 (Music creation stories) This song is to explore the human-environmental damage, and the natural phenomenon of the human response, in warning mankind, protect the natural ecology, do not cull life, do not pollute the environment, do not waste all things to give peace (bird language flower fragrance) everything. Inspired by the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, which opened up the temperature between people, but also stopped the noisy world, shuttled through the streets are the sound of ambulances and every life emergency like whistle-blowers raised the white flag to remind mankind that there will be major things happening, but also because of this, the brave were sacrificed, This time, we are on the verge of an unprecedented survival crisis, between countries to block economic transport, work dilemma, the distance between people has become a meter away, also began to speculate whether each other will be affected by life's suspicion, can not find an antidote to the world's beginning to panic, but also caused fear in the human heart, here is not far from death, at any time a careless, may lose a life, and life at this time become so fragile and small.Believe that human beings have not spied out the truth of the world, is not people's misunderstanding of each other, but the environment of all things let human greed destroy, not back to the original style and made a silent protest, warning that mankind needs to restore the stars of the giddy, human beings and all things can coexist and live in peace…., this is also 4.22 World Earth Day, to protect the Earth's "silent star sky". 歌詞 需要多久時間等待 才能走回原點 需要多少時間等待 才能徹底改變 美麗世界唯有存在 萬物真理 窺探無垠渺小境界 穿梭遊戲人間 吉境星空容貌阻斷 徹底破壞一切 寂淨心空揚起塵埃 將被無情凍結 你我狂妄貪婪 早已蔓延多年 失落天堂無聲回擊 正在全球上演 你我之間隔著一尺 距離 恆星萬物望著佇立 不前 訴說萬物 四維扭轉 撼動宇宙 時 空 改變所有 幻象無常 卻難保持 緘 默 新的呼喚 原有容顏 喧鬧封住 彩 虹 失落的天堂 紛亂的時代 賣弄靈魂的你 是唯一的 答案 是你改寫全部自然 的一切 終將 趨近 於零 (lyrics) How long does it take to wait to get back to square one, and how long it takes to change completely? A beautiful world only exists the truth of all things to spy on the infinite small realm shuttle game between the world. Jiyuan star-like block complete destruction of all the silent heart raised dust will be ruthlessly frozen. You and I hubris greed have been spreading for years. Lost Paradise's silent response Is playing out all over the world. Tell the story of all things four-dimensional twist to shake the universe time and space change all illusions fickle but difficult to remain silent A new call, the original face, the noise seals the rainbow, the lost paradise. Turbulent times You who sell your soul are the only answer. It's you who rewrites everything about nature that will eventually get closer to zero. 音樂創作由Tzu_hsiu Chen之著作財產權,只供分享未經本人同意授權,請勿任意下載音檔文字或作商業用途,若經查證屬於將拷翻必究法律著作權相關責任 (Music creation is the property right of Tzu_hsiu Chen's work for sharing without my consent, Do not arbitrarily download audio and video text or for commercial purposes, if verified to be the legal copyright-related liability to torture) lyricist-Tzu_hsiu Chen(Joanna ) Composer-Tzu_hsiu Chen(Joanna ) Arranger-Tzu_hsiu Chen (Joanna ) Recording-Tzu_hsiu Chen Mixing-Tzu_hsiu Chen(Joanna ) Album design -Tzu_hsiu Chen(Joanna ) Recording studio- Fifty more music studio