你的全英文新聞 podcast | 試聽集 | 賓狗單字 X 嘖嘖訂閱 | EP114

2020-09-24·2 minutes


· 9 月早鳥「限時獨家」線上課程
· 線上課程
· 全英文 podcast
· 視訊家教

Mental health problems

COVID-19 survivors have recovered from the disease, but some of them are suffering from mental health problems. They experience numerous symptoms, including hallucinations, anxiety, and depression. Why do they have such symptoms? They were traumatized by the chaos of COVID-19 wards. That’s why they suffer from serious mental health problems.

Protests in Thailand

In Thailand, young people take to the streets to demand reform of the Thai Monarchy. They hope to stop the King’s intervention in politics. Why are there protests? A pro-democracy party was ordered by the government to dissolve, and a pro-democracy activist has been allegedly kidnapped by the government.


Are you your own worst critic? Do you lash out at yourself when you make mistakes? If the answer is yes, you might need to practice self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness means being tolerant and patient with yourself. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. You will be happier and more confident.

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