
2021-10-14·22 minutes


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----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
曾以《斷背山》入圍奧斯卡男配的傑克葛倫霍(Jake Gyllenhaal )此次獨挑大梁演出《接線追緝》,挑戰自己對著電話及在同一空間演出長達一個半小時,不過他的演技卻引起論戰?很多人都覺得他over the top了!

(00:02:53) remake 重拍
(00:03:12) the movie is a remake of a 2018 movie 這是一部翻拍自2018年的電影
(00:06:24) over the top 過頭了
(00:06:40) I think his acting is a little bit over the top 我覺得他演得有點太用力了
(00:06:50) a little bit too much 有點太多
(00:10:17) promote 升遷/宣傳
(00:10:57) I just got a promotion 我升職了
(00:11:57) demote 降職
(00:12:48) he holds the entire thing(movie) together 他撐起整部戲
(00:13:03) entire 全部
(00:13:28) fun facts 有趣的背景
(00:15:36) Jake 傑克
(00:16:01) Gyllenhaal 葛倫霍
(00:19:22) how do you pronounce your name
(00:19:39) how do you spell your name

英文主播劉傑中 Ethan
ETtoday英文編譯 Ryan
ETtoday日韓文編譯 隔壁老王

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