EP03【社群上的笑與淚 Laughs & Cries of Social Media】S3

2024-06-01·1 hour 5 minutes


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EP03【社群上的笑與淚 Laughs & Cries of Social Media】S3

和泰勒與和安一起剖析這些手機上,小小營幕顯示的「社群媒體」是如何佔據且影響著我們的現代生活。這集最重要的彩蛋就是,大家喜歡的「Brosbond React」環節回來啦!我們將在節目中分享來自聽/觀眾的投稿故事,既瘋狂搞笑又出人意料地感人呢!和我們在 Brosbond 節目中一起笑、一起哭吧!#BrosbondReact

Brosbond's Official Email: brosbond.taiwan@gmail.com
Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments

Together with Tyler and Concor, we talk about how "social media" displayed on the small screens of our phones is occupying and influencing our modern lives. The highlight of this episode is the return of the beloved "Brosbond React" segment! We'll be sharing listener/viewer-submitted stories that are as crazy and funny as they are unexpectedly touching. Join us on the Brosbond show to laugh and cry together! #BrosbondReact

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