菜英文- 跟你一樣甜蜜蜜『英文閱讀』186

2024-04-21·9 minutes


菜英文- 跟你一樣甜蜜蜜『英文閱讀』186#英文學習 #多益

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Lemon cake is a delicious dessert that combines the tangy濃郁 flavor of lemons with the sweetness of cake. 

It is made by mixing lemon juice, zest風味, and sometimes extract提煉 into the batter麵糊 before baking. 

The end result is a moist濕 and flavorful美味 cake that is perfect for any occasion場合. 

Whether served as a light and refreshing dessert or paired with a hot cup of tea, lemon cake is sure to be a crowd-pleaser令人愉悅的.

For a delicious lemon cake, you will need 2 cups of all-purpose flour小麥混合製成的麵粉, 2 teaspoons of baking powder烘焙粉, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda蘇打粉, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of unsalted butter, 1 1/2 cups of granulated顆粒 sugar, 4 large eggs, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons湯匙 of lemon zest調味, and 1 cup of milk. 

Optional ingredients include powdered sugar for dusting and lemon slices for garnish裝飾.

Lemon cake is a popular dessert in Taiwan, known for its light and fluffy texture and tangy濃郁 lemon flavor. 

It is often served as a sweet treat after meals or as a snack with tea. 

The cake is made with fresh lemon juice and zest, giving it a bright and refreshing taste. 

In recent years, variations of lemon cake, such as lemon cheesecake and lemon pound cake, have also gained popularity in Taiwan.

A delicious combination, lemon cake with tea is perfect for a mid-day正午 pick-me-up提神的酒 or a relaxing evening treat. 

The tangy濃郁 flavors of the lemon cake pair perfectly with the warmth and comfort of a cup of tea. 

Whether you prefer black tea, green tea, or herbal tea, this sweet and citrusy柑橘 cake is sure to satisfy your taste buds味蕾. 

Enjoy a slice of lemon cake with your favorite cup of tea for a delightful and refreshing snack.

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