The Titanic Lost and Found written by Judy Donnelly

2021-01-28·13 minutes


(Read by Mr. Daddy) 相信很多大人都看過鐵達尼號的電影. 這一本故事書很適合一年級到三年級的小朋友閱讀. 在書上作者描繪了鐵達尼號是如此的巨大讓乘客感到非常安全, 可是意外還是發生了. 這事件發生後, 所有的大船都嚴謹的規定船上的救生船和救生衣是足夠每個人的使用,不分老少,不分貧賤,不分男女. 很多探險者都想進入海底的鐵達尼號, 探勘所留下來的海底殘骸. 第一位發現鐵達尼號的探險家卻留的一封信給所有陸續登上鐵達尼號的探險家猜猜看他寫了什麼?
Tonight Mr. D (Daddy) is reading The Titanic. Most adults have probably seen the movies too many times, it is a classic!
This book has 4 chapters, each chapter captures the exciting turning event of the Titanic. It is about the most luxurious ship you can imagine in 1912 and hit a large iceberg. The pictures and the description are so vivid you will feel the excitement and nervousness with the storyline. Many safety lessons are learnt from this famous disaster-at-sea.
Written by Judy Donnelly, illustrated by Keith Kohler, published by Random House

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