Normal e-hailing driver who have 26 type of stories during in transit of sending passengers to destination. In order to protect driver privacy, we shall use alphabet to represent his name.
It might different than what you think, but it might also a good experience when you meet a lot types of people. Hope this daily stories will make you relax.
We shall update weekly through Spotify, KK Box, and Google Podcast.
我们会每个星期通过Spotify, KK Box, 和 Google Podcast不间断更新。
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司机Z 的 回家后的活动。此系列已经完结,新的系列不久后即将启动,尽情期待。谢谢支持。Powered by Firstory Hosting
虽然没有看最新蝙蝠侠的电影,不妨听听司机Y对前蝙蝠侠系列的其中代表作 - 黑色骑士(The Dark Knight)的感想。Powered by Firstory Hosting
忙于工作是好,在车里面工作就有点。。。Powered by Firstory Hosting
请记得通知身边的亲朋戚友,赶快去打疫苗。#malaysia#vaccinePowered by Firstory Hosting
心理辅导已经成为趋势,如有心理问题,请别作傻事。Powered by Firstory Hosting