甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey

甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey




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🄴 甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey

旅行魂回來了!甲思敏從池上搬到越南峴港啦! 這集分享在峴港數位遊牧一個月的生活經驗, 包括 1️⃣ 當地的物價便宜到爆,摩托車計程車18塊台幣起跳! 2️⃣ 交通狀況超混亂,闖紅燈、逆向行駛通通一起來! 3️⃣ 數位遊牧社群普遍,coworking space超多選擇,非常容易交到朋友。 4️⃣ 週末開啟觀光客模式,到會安古城訂做衣服 - - 📣 甲思敏在公視新聞網副刊的文章【全世界都是你的辦公室? 認識後疫情時代的「數位游牧」熱潮】 **📅【 **預約一對一諮詢:數位遊牧&華語老師】 💌【 訂閱甲思敏電子報 】 - - 追蹤甲思敏 🔎Instagram 限時動態轉播遊牧人生 https://www.instagram.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Blog 甲思敏遊牧生活官方網站 http://jasjourney.com/ 🔎Facebook 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Youtube 也可以聽Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2shJn9Pv6si6ykoE0HKmtQ 🔎臉書私密社團「一起遊牧」 https://www.facebook.com/groups/nomadgo/ --Hosting provided by SoundOn

E89 Breaking Free! From Corporate Grind to Global Nomad- AJ's Digital Nomad Life

E89 Breaking Free! From Corporate Grind to Global Nomad- AJ's Digital Nomad Life

🄴 甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey

Ever wondered what it takes to live and work from anywhere in the world? In this episode, our special guest is AJ, a British digital nomad who runs a successful e-commerce business while traveling through Southeast Asia. Before this venture, he co-founded an app and started 3 other stores, learning from these experiences to achieve success with his current business. Let's listen to AJ's Digital Nomad Life story! (Interviewe in August, 2023) - - Follow Jasmine 🔎Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Blog http://jasjourney.com/ 🔎Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2shJn9Pv6si6ykoE0HKmtQ --Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP88 一天只工作4小時!從0開始的數位遊牧電商創業故事

EP88 一天只工作4小時!從0開始的數位遊牧電商創業故事

🄴 甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey

這集訪問來自英國的數位遊牧民族AJ。 他分享了從創業一開始的不順利,到最後經營電商成功的心路歷程, 還分享了他一天僅需工作4小時便能環遊世界的秘訣! 怎麼開始電商事業?電商當中最難的事情、最好玩的事?數位遊牧最大的挑戰是什麼? - - 📅【 預約一對一諮詢:數位遊牧&華語老師】 💌【 訂閱甲思敏電子報 】 📚 訂購甲思敏的書 **《16歲的壯遊課》+12位旅人明信片套組 - - 【 贊助甲思敏製作剪輯Podcast】 抖內台幣、抖內美金 - - 追蹤甲思敏 🔎Instagram 限時動態轉播遊牧人生 https://www.instagram.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Blog 甲思敏遊牧生活官方網站 http://jasjourney.com/ 🔎Facebook 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Youtube 也可以聽Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2shJn9Pv6si6ykoE0HKmtQ 🔎臉書私密社團「一起遊牧」 https://www.facebook.com/groups/nomadgo/ --Hosting provided by SoundOn



🄴 甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey

這集分享在數位遊牧低潮期,跑到台東池上一個月的經歷。 雖然這裡沒有數位遊牧社群,但稻田風光、慢生活氛圍都讓人感覺自在安心。 本集內容: 甲思敏跑到池上數位遊牧的原因池上特別的文化:人情味、大自然、慢生活推薦適合遠距工作的咖啡店、好吃的餐廳- **💌【 **訂閱甲思敏電子報 】 📅【 預約一對一諮詢:數位遊牧&華語老師】 **📚 訂購甲思敏的書 **《16歲的壯遊課》+12位旅人明信片套組 - 【 贊助甲思敏製作剪輯Podcast】 抖內台幣、抖內美金 - 追蹤甲思敏 🔎Instagram 限時動態轉播遊牧人生 https://www.instagram.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Blog 甲思敏遊牧生活官方網站 http://jasjourney.com/ 🔎Facebook 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Youtube 也可以聽Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2shJn9Pv6si6ykoE0HKmtQ 🔎臉書私密社團「一起遊牧」 https://www.facebook.com/groups/nomadgo/ --Hosting provided by SoundOn

EP86 Balancing Business and Adventure: Agam's Nomadic Lifestyle

EP86 Balancing Business and Adventure: Agam's Nomadic Lifestyle

🄴 甲思敏遊牧生活 Jasmine journey

Meet our VIP guest Agam: - Agam, 28, spent the past year and a half as a digital nomad. He's a software developer from Israel who runs his own company. Agam decided to combine entrepreneurship with travel, as he can work remotely. Starting Up Abroad: - Agam felt that starting a company in expensive city wasn't necessary, so he opted to launch his venture in other countries. Initially without a clear business direction, he sustained himself by teaching programming to fund his company. Balancing Work and Travel: - About the balance between work and travel. He decided to focus on work first and explore different cities during his free time or on weekends. He finds this approach effective but acknowledges the challenge of managing the balance well. **Nomad Life Challenges: ** - The ups and downs of traveling light and managing business on the go. Freedom & Adventure: Agam finds joy in the freedom to work and explore the world on his own terms. (Interview time: August. 2023) - - **Agam's newsletters ** https://unzip.dev/ - - Jasmine's here 🔎Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Blog http://jasjourney.com/ 🔎Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jasjourney115/ 🔎Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2shJn9Pv6si6ykoE0HKmtQ --Hosting provided by SoundOn