Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Gwen Chen, Castor Sung

身心靈工作者陳曼寧為您獻聲曼妙的詩篇,體驗過去西方著名詩人的時間與空間,並由音樂製作人Castor Sung配上動人的曲子及原文朗誦,與您一起回到最初的夢園。

Please follow us on Instagram: gwen.castor

The fascinating poems are performed by the body, mind and soul practitioner Gwen Chen, delivering to you the experiences from previous brilliant poets. Recited in English and music composition by music producer Castor Sung, traveling back to the dreamland with you together where we used to be on.

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Hope is the Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson 艾蜜莉迪金森【希望是帶有羽毛之物】

Hope is the Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson 艾蜜莉迪金森【希望是帶有羽毛之物】

🄴 Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Support this show: Hope is the thing with feathers. By Emily Dickinson "Hope" is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul-  And sings the tune without the words And never stops - at all - And sweetest in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I've heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet, never, in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of Me. 希望是帶有羽毛之物 艾蜜莉迪金森作品 希望是帶有羽毛之物 棲息靈魂中 唱著無詞的曲調 永不息止 其歌聲在暴風雨倍感絕妙 必是莫大的暴風雨 才能使此小鳥侷促不安 牠讓許多人心中有溫暖 我曾在最寒冷的國土 和最陌生的海上聽見 但牠縱使在最艱困時, 也不向我討一面碎屑。 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting

How Many Times These Low Feet Staggered by Emily Dickison 艾蜜莉迪金森【有多少次這雙卑微的腳蹣跚欲倒】

How Many Times These Low Feet Staggered by Emily Dickison 艾蜜莉迪金森【有多少次這雙卑微的腳蹣跚欲倒】

🄴 Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Support this show: How many times these low feet staggered -  Only the soldered mouth can tell - Try -can you stir the awful rivet - Try - can you lift the hasps of steel! Stroke the cool forehead-hot so often Lift - if you care- the listless hair Fondle the adamantine fingers Never a thimble - shall wear - Buzz the dull flies - on the chamber window - Brave - shines the sun through the freckled pane - Fearless - the cobweb swings from the ceiling - Indolent Housewife - in Daisies - lain! 有多少次這雙卑微的腳蹣跚欲倒 艾蜜莉迪金森作品 有多少次這雙卑微的腳蹣跚欲倒 只有她焊接的嘴能說 試試看 你能不能牽動那不可思議的鉚釘 試試看 你能不能提起鋼鐵環扣 撫摸冰冷的前額   以前常是熱烘烘的 撥弄 毫無生氣的髮絲  如果你想的話 觸摸硬如石頭的手指 再無法戴上頂針 房間的窗子上 蒼蠅單調地嗡嗡 大膽的 陽光穿過點點成斑的窗玻璃照射 無懼的 蜘蛛網大搖大擺於天花板上 慵懶的主婦  躺在野菊花從裡! Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting

There Is A Light Seed Grain Inside by Rumi 魯米【有一顆光的種子種在你裡面】

There Is A Light Seed Grain Inside by Rumi 魯米【有一顆光的種子種在你裡面】

🄴 Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Support this show: There is a light seed grain inside. by Rumi There is a light seed grain inside. You fill it with yourself, or it dies. I am bound by the power of this coil! your hair! Calm and sensible people are not normal! 有一顆光的種子種在你裡面。 魯米作品 有一顆光的種子種在你裡面。你必須用自己去灌溉它,否則它就會死亡。 我被這個綣曲的力量綁住了! 你的秀髮! 鎮靜和明理的人才是不正常! Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting

Where Are We?by Rumi 魯米【我們在哪裡?】

Where Are We?by Rumi 魯米【我們在哪裡?】

🄴 Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Support this show: Where are we? – by Rumi An invisible bird flies over, but casts a quick shadow. What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe. A man sleeps heavily, though something blazes in him like the sun, like a magnificent fringe sewn up under the hem. He turns under the covers. Any image is a lie: A clear red stone tastes sweet. You kiss a beautiful mouth, and a key turns in the lock of your fear. A spoken sentence sharpens to a fine edge. A mother dove looks for her nest, asking where, /ku?/ Where, /ku?/ Where the lion lies down. Where any man or woman goes to cry. Where the sick go when they hope to get well. Where a wind lifts that helps with winnowing. and, the same moment, send a ship on its way. Where anyone says /Only God is Real./ /Ya Hu!/ Where beyond /where./ A bright weaver’s shuttle flashes back and forth, east-west. /Where are we? Ma ku? Maku/. like the sun saying /Where are we?/ as it weaves with the asking. 我們在哪裡? 魯米作品 一隻看不見的鳥飛過, 投下了一閃即逝的影子。 那是什麼?是你愛的影子的影子, 卻盛滿了整個宇宙。 有個人在沈睡, 不過,他體內卻有某物光亮如太陽, 像華美的流蘇。 他在被褥下輾轉反側。 任何意象都是謊言: 一塊晶瑩的紅石頭嘗起來是甜的。 你親吻一張美麗的嘴, 一把鑰匙插入你驚恐的鎖孔。 一句如出鞘利刃般的句子。 一隻母鴿尋找她的巢, 不停地問:「在哪裡,咕?在哪裡,咕?」 哪裡是獅子伏躺的所在? 哪裡是男男女女哭泣的所在? 哪裡是病人可以渴望康復的所在? 織布的梭子來回抽動, 一會兒西,一會兒東, 邊織邊問:「我們在哪兒?嘛咕?嘛咕」 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting

魯米【我有五事相告】Five Things to Say by Rumi

魯米【我有五事相告】Five Things to Say by Rumi

🄴 Traveling Back to the Dreamland吟詩頌曲歸夢園

Support this show: Five Things To Say /By Rumi The wakened lover speaks directly to the beloved: “You are the sky my spirit circles in The love inside of love, the resurrection-place. Let this window be your ear. I have lost consciousness many times With longing for your listening silence And your life-quickening smile. You give attention to the smallest matters My suspicious doubts, and to the greatest You know my coins are counterfeit But you accept them anyway My impudence and my pretending! I have five things to say, five fingers to give into your grace. First, when I was apart from you this world did not exist nor any other. Second, whatever I was looking for was always you. Third, why did I ever learn to count to three? Fourth, my cornfield is burning! Fifth, this finger stands for Rabia* and this is for someone else. Is there a difference? Are these words or tears? Is weeping speech? What shall I do, my love?” So he speaks, and everyone around begins to cry with him, laughing crazily moaning in the spreading union of lover and beloved. This is the true religion. All others are thrown-away bandages beside it. This is the sema* of slavery and mastery of dancing together. This is not-being. Neither words, nor any natural fact can express this. I know these dancers day and night I sing their songs in this phenomenal cage My soul, don’t try to answer now! Find a friend, and hide. But what can stay hidden? Love’s secret is always lifting its head out from under the covers: “Here I am!” 我有五事相告/魯米作品 醒轉過來的情人直對著他的愛人說: 「妳是我心緒圍繞的長空,是愛中之愛,是我復活之地。 且讓這扇窗當你的耳吧。 只因渴望你傾聽的靜默和令人精神一振的笑靨,我失去過知覺不只一次。 妳的專注鉅細彌遺,包括我的多疑。 妳明知我的硬幣是贗品, 但仍欣然接受我的厚顏和虛飾! 我有五事相告,每件事相對於手上的一根指頭。 第一、當我離開了妳,這世界就不復存在,也不會有其他世界存在。 第二、上窮碧落下黃泉,我搜索的,始終是妳。 第三、我何苦學會數到三? 第四、我的麥田正在燃燒。 第五、這根指頭代表拉比亞,換言之是代表另一人。但有什麼分別呢? 我說的這些,是話,還是淚? 悲泣也可以是一種演說嗎? 我該做什麼好,我的愛?」 他如是說著,周遭的人 開始隨著他大喊,又跟著他狂笑。 大家在愛者與被愛者的合一裡,齊聲默吟。 這才是真正的宗教,其餘的不過是散落的腳鐐手銬。 這是奴隸與自由的共舞。 這是非存有。 沒有任何語彙或自然之物,足以闡明箇中奧妙。 我認得這些舞者。 日日夜夜我哼唱他們的歌,在這些現象界的牢籠裡。 我的靈魂啊,別急著回答問題。 找個朋友,然後隱藏起來。 但沒有永遠隱藏的東西。 愛的奧秘總 不斷 從遮蔽中探出頭來,喊道: 「我在這兒!」 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Powered by Firstory Hosting