2021.10.12 國際新聞導讀-疑似伊朗駭客入侵美國以色列軍火工業公司、BEN與JERY冰淇淋抵制以色列猶太屯墾區的理由、亞塞拜然否認境內有以色列軍隊、伊朗油輪在伊朗海軍護航下前往敘利亞與黎巴嫩

2021-10-12·17 minutes


2021.10.12 國際新聞導讀-疑似伊朗駭客入侵美國以色列軍火工業公司、BEN與JERY冰淇淋抵制以色列猶太屯墾區的理由、亞塞拜然否認境內有以色列軍隊、伊朗油輪在伊朗海軍護航下前往敘利亞與黎巴嫩

伊朗入侵美國和以色列國防科技公司 - 微軟
2021 年 10 月 11 日 21:40

10 月,伊朗防空部隊參加了軍事演習,伊朗國旗被拍到在導彈附近。(西亞通訊社/路透社)

微軟威脅情報中心 (MSTIC) 週一宣布,伊朗黑客成功針對美國和以色列國防技術公司。
與美國、歐盟和以色列政府相關的 250 多個 Microsft Office 365 帳戶通過廣泛的密碼噴塗被黑客入侵。
Ben & Jerry 的決定並不是抵制以色列 - 創始人
Ben & Jerry's 的創始人傑里·格林菲爾德 (Jerry Greenfield) 和本·科恩 (Ben Cohen) 表示,他們不認為聯合利華的決定是對反猶太主義的抵制。
2021 年 10 月 11 日 16:24

Ben Cohen 和 Jerry Greenfield 於 1978 年創立了 Ben & Jerry's,他們在接受週日發布的 Axios 採訪時談到了該公司決定停止在西岸銷售冰淇淋的決定。

“我認為 Ben & Jerry's 和聯合利華被定性為抵制以色列,事實並非如此。它不會以任何方式抵制以色列,”格林菲爾德說。
這對傳奇的二人組於 1978 年創立了他們的同名冰淇淋公司,雖然不再是所有者,但仍然參與該公司。他們在周日晚上發布的 Axios 採訪中談到了停止在西岸銷售冰淇淋的決定的影響。
在以色列和哈馬斯在 5 月的最新一輪緊張局勢之後,該公司於 7 月宣布決定停止在“巴勒斯坦被佔領土”銷售冰淇淋。該決定是在該公司受到親巴勒斯坦活動人士數月的壓力之後做出的,該公司長期以來一直致力於解決社會問題。
該公司 在 7 月份的一份聲明中表示: “我們認為 Ben & Jerry 冰淇淋在巴勒斯坦被佔領土上銷售不符合我們的價值觀 。” “我們也聽到並認識到我們的粉絲和值得信賴的合作夥伴與我們分享的擔憂。”
停止在約旦河西岸銷售冰淇淋的決定引發了抵制 Ben & Jerry's 和聯合利華的呼籲,聯合利華是擁有它的企業集團。亞利桑那州於 9 月從聯合利華撤資近 2 億美元,其他幾個州已根據該公司關於西岸的決定審查了他們在聯合利華的投資。
格林菲爾德和科恩在接受 Axios 採訪時表示,停止在西岸銷售的決定並不構成抵制。聯合利華還表示 Ben & Jerry's 不會抵制以色列,它計劃繼續在以色列 1967 年的邊界內銷售。鑑於禁止抵制西岸的以色列法律,這是否真的可行尚不清楚。
Ben & Jerry's decision was not a boycott of Israel - founders
Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen, the founders of Ben & Jerry's said they do not see Unilever's decision as an antisemitic boycott.
OCTOBER 11, 2021 16:24

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who founded Ben & Jerry's in 1978, spoke about the company's decision to stop selling ice cream in the West Bank in an interview with Axios released Sunday.

(photo credit: SCREENSHOT VIA JTA)
For Jerry Greenfield, being accused of antisemitism is “painful.” For Ben Cohen, it’s “absurd.” But both of the founders of the famed ice cream brand stand behind the decision to stop selling their products in the West Bank.
“I think Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever are being characterized as boycotting Israel, which is not the case at all. It’s not boycotting Israel in any way,” Greenfield said.
The legendary duo founded their eponymous ice cream company in 1978 and, though no longer owners, remained involved in the company. They spoke about the fallout of the decision to stop selling ice cream in the West Bank in an interview with Axios that was released Sunday night.
“I think it’s fine to be involved with a country, to be a citizen of a country and to protest some of the country’s actions. And that’s essentially what we’re doing in terms of Israel. We hugely support Israel’s right to exist, but we are against a particular policy,” Cohen said of the decision.
The company announced its decision to stop selling its ice cream in “Occupied Palestinian Territory” in July after the latest round of tensions between Israel and Hamas in May. The decision followed months of pressure on the company, which has long been engaged in social issues, from pro-Palestinian activists.
“We believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” the company said in a statement in July. “We also hear and recognize the concerns shared with us by our fans and trusted partners.”
The decision to stop selling its ice cream in the West Bank prompted calls to boycott Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever, the conglomerate that owns it. The state of Arizona divested nearly $200 million from Unilever in September and several other states have reviewed their investments in Unilever in light of the company’s decision regarding the West Bank.
In their interview with Axios, Greenfield and Cohen said the decision to halt sales in the West Bank did not constitute a boycott. Unilever has also said that Ben & Jerry’s is not boycotting Israel and that it plans to keep selling within Israel’s 1967 borders. Whether that is actually possible is unclear in light of and Israeli law that bans boycotts of the West Bank.
When asked why the company continued to sell its ice cream in states with policies that were not in line with the founders’ values like Texas, where access to abortion is limited, and Georgia, where voting rights have been curtailed, Cohen did not have an answer.
“I don’t know. I mean it’s an interesting question, I don’t know what that would accomplish, we’re working on those issues of voting rights and…I don’t know. I think you ask a really good question, and I think I’d have to sit down and think about it for a bit,” Cohen said.
Greenfield suggested that the answer had to do with international law. “One thing that’s different is that what Israel is doing is considered illegal by international law, so I think that’s a consideration,” Greenfield said.
When asked how it felt to be “wrapped up in accusations of antisemitism,” the men were more sure of their answers.
“Totally fine,” Cohen said, laughing at the very idea. “It’s absurd. What, I’m anti-Jewish? I’m a Jew! All my family is Jewish, my friends are Jewish,”
“I understand people being upset, it’s a very emotional issue for a lot of people and I totally understand it and it’s a very painful issue for a lot of people,” Greenfield said.
以色列裔美國經濟學家 Joshua Angrist 獲得 2021 年諾貝爾經濟學獎
這不是安格里斯特第一次獲得諾貝爾獎提名,因為他在 2019 年位居前列。
2021 年 10 月 11 日 21:23

以色列裔美國經濟學家 Joshua Angrist 出現在 2011 年。

以色列裔美國經濟學家 Joshua Angrist 週一與 David Card 和 Guido Imbens 一起被授予 2021 年諾貝爾經濟學獎,因為他率先使用“自然實驗”來了解經濟政策和其他事件的因果關係。
該獎項,正式名稱為瑞典銀行經濟學獎在阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾的記憶,是過去的今年的收成的諾貝爾獎。獲勝者分享 1000 萬瑞典克朗(114 萬美元)。
該學院表示,65 歲的加拿大出生的卡德是加州伯克利大學的經濟學教授,“因其對勞動經濟學的實證貢獻”獲得了一半的獎項。
Angrist 和 Imbens,後者現年 58 歲,是斯坦福大學商學院的經濟學教授,他們分享了另一半“對因果關係分析的方法論貢獻”。
“接到電話我簡直驚呆了;聽到這個消息我非常激動,”伊本斯在斯德哥爾摩與記者的電話會議上說,並補充說他很高興能與他的兩個好朋友分享這個獎項。Angrist 是他婚禮上的伴郎。

2021 年 10 月 11 日在瑞典斯德哥爾摩舉行的瑞典皇家科學院新聞發布會上,屏幕上出現了 2021 年諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者大衛·卡德、約書亞·安格里斯特和吉多·伊本斯的照片。 Claudio Bresciani / TT News Agency / via REUTERS)
由外交部運營的以色列官方推特賬戶祝賀 61 歲的安格里斯特取得這一成就。

Angrist 出生於俄亥俄州哥倫布市,後來向以色列做了 aliyah。他分別於 1987 年和 1989 年在普林斯頓大學獲得經濟學碩士和博士學位。在加入麻省理工學院 (MIT) 之前,他曾在哈佛大學和耶路撒冷希伯來大學工作,並留在那裡。
Angrist 於 1982 年創造了 aliyah,並一直住在這裡直到 1985 年。後來他於 1995-1996 年回到希伯來大學經濟系任教。
在2006 年接受《耶路撒冷郵報》採訪時,安格里斯特解釋了他離開的原因,稱他“厭倦了這種情況”,在這種情況下,計算機科學和經濟學等領域的教授與文學教授的薪酬相同。
麻省理工學院在推特上寫道:“祝賀麻省理工學院的 Joshua Angrist 教授因'對因果關係分析的方法論貢獻'而獲得瑞典央行紀念阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾經濟學獎。”
在他的職業生涯中,Angrist 對勞動經濟學和教育經濟學進行了大量研究,後者讓他在以色列、美國、哥倫比亞和加拿大的學校進行了研究。他還撰寫了多篇關於以色列控制的西岸和加沙地帶的勞動條件的論文。
據 JTA 報導,1994 年,Angrist 在財政部的以色列-巴勒斯坦勞動力市場關係工作組任職。
“在大多數情況下,在經濟學領域,我們的研究沒有實驗室條件,”經濟學家和前 MK Manuel Trajtenberg 指出。“我們必須從數據中梳理出因果關係,因為我們沒有實驗室條件。但是在 1980 年代後期,Angrist 和其他人——儘管他是主要貢獻者——開發了一種方法來做到這一點。這是一個巨大的貢獻。”
Trajtenberg 稱讚了 Angrist 的成就。
安格里斯特的妻子米拉在宣布後接受 N12 採訪時說,她和她的丈夫都是以色列人,“全身上下都是骨頭”。
“在他創造了 aliyah 之後,我們在耶路撒冷希伯來大學認識了……我們的生活在以色列和波士頓之間奔波……我們現在非常興奮,”她說。
Angrist 的兒子 Noam 也曾在經濟和教育領域工作。他是博茨瓦納非政府組織 Young 1ove 的聯合創始人,也是牛津大學的研究員。此外,他還曾與世界銀行的多個部門合作。
“HU 衷心祝賀 Joshua Angrist 教授和 Guido Imbens 教授以及 David Carr 被授予 2021 年瑞典央行紀念阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾經濟學獎。該獎項分別授予他們對因果關係分析的方法論貢獻和對勞動經濟學的實證貢獻。Angrist 在 HU 度過了很多年,1991-1995 年擔任經濟學高級講師,1995-1996 年擔任HU 經濟學系副教授,2004-2005 年作為 Lady Davis Fellow 回國。”
希伯來大學校長 Asher Cohen 教授說:“祝賀安格里斯特教授獲得經濟學領域最負盛名的榮譽——諾貝爾獎。Angrist 曾在希伯來大學經濟系任教多年。他的獎項是對我們的榮譽,對許多有幸與他一起學習的胡學生來說是一種莫大的榮幸。”
Angrist 的同事、希伯來大學博根家族經濟系的 Victor Lavy 教授說:“Joshua Angrist 是以色列國和希伯來大學的忠實朋友。幾十年來,他一直是我的研究夥伴和親密的私人朋友。我為他感到非常高興,並為他取得的驚人成就感到自豪。”
Angrist 一直保持活躍的職業生涯,繼續撰寫論文和教授研討會,並通過邊緣革命大學發布關於經濟學的常見問題和誤解的問答視頻系列,這些視頻可以在 YouTube 上看到。

據美聯社當時報導,這不是安格里斯特第一次獲得諾貝爾獎提名,他在 2019 年與以色列同胞 Elhanan Helpman 一起位居前列。
Angrist 也是第 13 位獲得諾貝爾獎的以色列人,也是第三位獲得經濟學獎的以色列人。另外兩位是丹尼爾·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),他於 2002 年因將心理學的見解融入經濟學而獲獎,而羅伯特·奧曼(Robert Aumann)則因其在博弈論方面的工作而於 2005 年獲獎。
Israeli-American economist Joshua Angrist wins 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics
This was not the first time Angrist was nominated for a Nobel Prize, having been among the frontrunners in 2019.
OCTOBER 11, 2021 21:23

Israeli-American economist Joshua Angrist is seen in 2011.

(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Israeli-American economist Joshua Angrist was awarded the 2021 Nobel economics prize together with David Card and Guido Imbens on Monday for pioneering the use of “natural experiments” to understand the causal effects of economic policy and other events.
Natural experiments use real-life situations to work out impacts on the world, an approach that has spread to other fields and revolutionized empirical research.
The prize, formally known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, is the last of this year’s crop of Nobels. The winners share 10 million Swedish crowns ($1.14m.).
Canadian-born Card, 65, a professor of economics at the University of Berkeley, California, received half the prize “for his empirical contributions to labor economics,” the academy said.
Angrist and Imbens, the latter of whom is 58 and a professor of economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, shared the other half “for their methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships.”
“I was just absolutely stunned to get a telephone call; then I was just absolutely thrilled to hear the news,” Imbens said on a call with reporters in Stockholm, adding that he was thrilled to share the prize with two of his good friends. Angrist was the best man at his wedding.

Photographs of the 2021 Nobel economics prize winners David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens appear on a screen during the announcement of the award at a news conference at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, October 11, 2021. (credit: Claudio Bresciani/TT News Agency/via REUTERS)
The three laureates had “provided us with new insights about the labor market and shown what conclusions about cause and effect can be drawn from natural experiments,” Nobel Institute said in a statement, NBC reported.
The official Israel Twitter account, run by the Foreign Ministry, congratulated Angrist, 61, on his achievement.
Angrist was born in Columbus, Ohio, and later made aliyah to Israel. He received his master’s degree and PhD in economics from Princeton University in 1987 and 1989, respectively. He worked at both Harvard University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem before joining the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he remains.
Angrist made aliyah in 1982 and lived here until 1985. He later came back to teach in Hebrew University’s Economics Department in 1995-1996.
In an interview with The Jerusalem Post in 2006, Angrist explained why he left, saying he “was tired of the situation” in which professors in fields such as computer science and economics were paid the same as professors of literature.
“Talented people who might like to work in Israel have to pay a high price for that financially,” he said. “It’s hard to retain people with that kind of system.”
“Congrats to MIT’s Prof. Joshua Angrist on winning a share of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for ‘methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships,’” MIT tweeted.
Throughout his career, Angrist has carried out numerous studies on labor economics and the economics of education, the latter of which saw him conduct studies on schools in Israel, the US, Colombia and Canada. He has also written multiple papers on the subject of the labor conditions in the Israeli-controlled West Bank and Gaza Strip.
In 1994, Angrist served on the Finance Ministry’s Working Group on Israeli-Palestinian Labor Market Relations, JTA reported.
But what may be his most significant achievement was his contribution to econometrics.
“For the most part, in economics, we don’t have laboratory conditions for our studies,” noted economist and former MK Manuel Trajtenberg said. “We have to tease out cause and effect from the data because we don’t have laboratory conditions. But in the late 1980s, Angrist and others – though he was the main contributor – developed a methodology to do precisely that. It’s a huge contribution.”
Trajtenberg praised Angrist for his achievement.
“He certainly deserves it,” he said. “It’s a great honor for Israel that he won the Nobel Prize.”
Angrist’s wife, Mira, in an interview with N12 following the announcement, said she and her husband are Israelis “with every bone in their bodies.”
“We met in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem after he made aliyah… our lives are run between Israel and Boston… We’re very excited right now,” she said.
Angrist’s son, Noam, has also worked in the field of economics and education. He is the co-founder of Botswana-based NGO Young 1ove and is a fellow at the University of Oxford. Additionally, he has worked with several units of the World Bank.
“So proud of my dad who just won” the Nobel Prize, Noam tweeted. “Can’t wait for a good dinner later.”
The Hebrew University issued a statement on Monday afternoon, congratulating Angrist.
“HU heartily congratulates Prof. Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens, along with David Carr, on being awarded the 2021 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The award was given for their methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships, and empirical contributions to labor economics, respectively. Angrist spent a good number of years at HU, serving as a senior lecturer in economics from 1991-1995, and as an associate professor at HU’s Economics Department from 1995-1996, before returning as a Lady Davis Fellow in 2004-2005.”
Prof. Asher Cohen, president of Hebrew University, said: “Congratulations to Prof. Angrist on being awarded the most prestigious honor in the field of economics – the Nobel Prize. Angrist spent several years teaching at Hebrew University’s Department of Economics. His prize honors us and is a great privilege for the many HU students lucky enough to have learned with him.”
Angrist’s colleague and good friend Prof. Victor Lavy, of Hebrew University’s Bogen Family Department of Economics, said: “Joshua Angrist is a loyal friend of the State of Israel and of Hebrew University. For decades now, he has been my research partner and a close personal friend. I’m so happy for him and proud of his amazing achievement.”
Angrist has maintained an active career, continuing to write papers and teach seminars, as well as releasing a Q&A video series through Marginal Revolution University regarding common questions and misconceptions about economics, which can be seen on YouTube.

This was not the first time Angrist was nominated for a Nobel Prize, having been among the front-runners in 2019, alongside fellow Israeli Elhanan Helpman, the Associated Press reported at the time.
Angrist is also the 13th Israeli to have won a Nobel Prize and the third to have won it in economics. The other two are Daniel Kahneman, who won in 2002 for integrating insights from psychology into economics, and Robert Aumann, who won in 2005 for his work on game theory.

Iran hacked US and Israeli defense tech companies - Microsoft
The hacking "likely supports the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Microsoft said.
OCTOBER 11, 2021 21:40

AN IRANIAN FLAG is pictured near in a missile during a military drill, with the participation of Iran’s air defense units in October. (West Asia News Agency/Reuters)

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) announced on Monday that Iranian hackers successfully targeted US and Israeli defense technology companies.
More than 250 Microsft Office 365 accounts linked to the US, EU and the Israeli government were hacked into through extensive password spraying.
In addition, Persian Gulf ports of entry and global maritime transportation companies with business presence in the Middle East were also targeted.
The hacking "likely supports the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Microsoft said.
The companies hacked included defense companies that support US, EU, and Israeli government partners producing military-grade radars, drone technology, satellite systems, and emergency response communication systems.
A hacker is being depicted in this illustrative photo (credit: Courtesy)
Microsoft assessed that Iran's targeting of these defense tech companies "supports Iranian government tracking of adversary security services and maritime shipping in the Middle East."
This is a developing story.
2021 年 10 月 11 日 21:26

2021 年 2 月 9 日,衛生部長尤利·埃德爾斯坦 (Yuli Edelstein) 和總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu) 在扎爾濟爾的 Clalit 疫苗接種中心發表講話。

反對黨領袖本雅明·內塔尼亞胡在利庫德集團的第二名尤利·埃德爾斯坦週一晚間在接受第 12 頻道採訪時正式宣布,只要舉行初選,他將與內塔尼亞胡爭奪利庫德集團的領導權。
埃德爾斯坦在 6 月份已經告訴耶路撒冷郵報,他準備挑戰內塔尼亞胡。但這是他第一次在鏡頭前說出這句話。
內塔尼亞胡的發言人回應稱,利庫德集團是一個民主黨派,候選人可以自由挑戰這位前總理。他指出,不到兩年前,舉行了一場初選,內塔尼亞胡以 72.5% 比 27.5% 擊敗了 MK Gideon Sa'ar。

2021 年 1 月 14 日,在拉姆拉,總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡和衛生部長尤利·埃德爾斯坦在為 200 萬接受者接種疫苗期間看到。(來源:TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)
Tal Spungin 為本報告做出了貢獻。
2021 年 10 月 11 日 21:05

反對黨領袖本雅明·內塔尼亞胡於 2021 年 10 月 4 日在以色列議會全體會議上發表講話。

總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 和反對派領導人本傑明·內塔尼亞胡( Benjamin Netanyahu)週一應40 名反對派 MK 的要求,在以色列議會全體會議的一場暴風雨中向對方開火。
納夫塔利·貝內特總理於 2021 年 10 月 4 日在以色列議會全體會議上發表講話。(圖片來源:NOAM MOSKOVICH)
內塔尼亞胡指責政府在內閣部長出國旅行上浪費錢。他開玩笑說,這麼多部長在國外,以色列缺乏保安人員,而且外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德(Yair Lapid)正在“對以色列進行正式訪問”。
但貝內特表示,有必要修復以色列的公共外交,他說內塔尼亞胡擔任總理期間,包括在今年夏天以色列國防軍對哈馬斯的行動期間,公共外交受到了損害。他說,他為他的政府任命了 40 名新外交官和外交部有史以來規模最大的學員課程感到自豪。
在反對黨 MK 抨擊他對預算的處理後,貝內特表示,他很高興三年半來首次通過預算,並稱他的預算是多年來最具社會經濟意識的預算。
Netanyahu: Bennett pathetic, dangerous
Bennett said it was necessary to heal Israel's public diplomacy, which he said was harmed while Netanyahu was prime minister, including during this summer's IDF operation against Hamas.
OCTOBER 11, 2021 21:05

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu speaking in the Knesset plenum on October 4, 2021.

(photo credit: NOAM MOSKOVICH)
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu fired at each other in a stormy meeting of the Knesset plenum on Monday, called at the request of 40 opposition MKs.
Netanyahu compared Bennett to a child pretending to fly a plane, accusing him of pretending to run the country.
“He has the title but he is not a real prime minister,” Netanyahu said. “It’s not only pathetic, it’s dangerous. He has no achievements and no ideology. He is not a leader. Everything is fake.”
Concluding the pilot analogy, Netanyahu said “there is hope, because the Likud plane is on the runway, ready to return to power.”

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaking in the Knesset plenum on October 4, 2021. (credit: NOAM MOSKOVICH)
Netanyahu accused the government of wasting money on trips abroad by its cabinet ministers. He joked that so many ministers are abroad, there is a shortage of security guards in Israel and that Foreign Minister Yair Lapid is “on an official visit to Israel.”
But Bennett said it was necessary to heal Israel’s public diplomacy, which he said was harmed while Netanyahu was prime minister, including during this summer’s IDF operation against Hamas. He said he was proud that his government had appointed 40 new diplomats and the Foreign Ministry had the largest cadet course ever.
“Hamas defeated us in the war for public opinion,” Bennett said. “Terrorists attacked us, firing at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and we were blamed, because our story was left untold.”
After opposition MKs attacked his handling of the budget, Bennett said he was glad a budget was being passed for the first time in three-and-a-half years and called his budget the most socioeconomically minded budget in years.

2021 年 10 月 11 日 14:29

2020 年 12 月 21 日,一名阿塞拜疆士兵和警察在阿塞拜疆 Kalbajar 區站崗時交談

據伊朗國家廣播公司 IRIB 報導,伊朗邊防衛隊指揮官艾哈邁德·阿里·古達爾齊 (Ahmed Ali Goudarzi) 上周聲稱,以色列軍隊存在於鄰國的“敏感地區”並進行情報和間諜活動,建議穆斯林國家“不要允許這樣做”。
據阿塞拜疆 APA 新聞來源稱,阿塞拜疆 SBS 回應稱,阿塞拜疆邊境從來沒有、現在沒有也永遠不會有任何第三國的軍隊。SBS補充說,它不需要外國勢力的支持。
SBS 還強調,阿塞拜疆擁有對穿越阿塞拜疆領土的道路實施邊境和海關管制的主權權利。
聲明補充說,儘管阿塞拜疆和伊朗邊防衛隊每週舉行不同級別的會議,但據 APA 稱,從未向 SBS 提供有關阿塞拜疆外國軍隊指控的信息。
據伊朗媒體報導,伊朗外交部長侯賽因·阿米爾-阿卜杜拉希安週一也聲稱以色列在阿塞拜疆 - 伊朗邊界沿線存在,警告以色列不要在阿塞拜疆領土上採取挑釁行動。
“正如伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫總統指出的那樣,擁有超過 10 萬軍隊的阿塞拜疆不需要雇傭軍,”阿卜杜拉耶娃說,他質疑為什麼伊朗在戰爭期間或戰後沒有提出這樣的要求,直到伊朗新政府採取行動。辦公室。
阿卜杜拉耶娃建議伊朗如果想尋找恐怖分子,就看看自己的周圍環境。“我們提醒,即使在去年 10 月,阿塞拜疆外交部根據具體事實,向駐該國的外交使團提供了有關亞美尼亞僱傭軍在當時被佔領的國家領土上參與戰鬥的信息。以及伊朗伊斯蘭共和國大使館,”新聞服務負責人聲稱,據 APA 稱。
伊朗卡車被徵稅,至少有兩名司機被拘留,因為他們在亞美尼亞城鎮卡潘和戈里斯之間的公路上行駛,該公路部分穿過去年納戈爾諾 - 卡拉巴赫戰爭後移交給阿塞拜疆的領土,根據 RFE/ RL。這條由俄羅斯維和人員巡邏的高速公路是亞美尼亞與伊朗的唯一通道。
本月早些時候,伊朗在靠近阿塞拜疆邊境的伊朗西北部發起了“海巴爾的征服者”演習。據法爾斯通訊社報導,伊朗陸軍地面部隊指揮官基烏馬爾斯·海達里表示,此次演習是為了測試武器和裝備,並評估武裝部隊在任何競技場和伊朗邊境的戰備狀態。 .

伊朗在阿塞拜疆邊境附近進行的“海巴爾征服者”演習(圖片來源:MEHR NEWS AGENCY)
演習的名稱“海巴爾的征服者”似乎是指公元 628 年的海巴爾戰役,當時由穆罕默德領導的穆斯林在那裡與猶太人作戰,最終擊敗了他們並向他們徵稅。
前伊朗外交官阿米爾·穆薩維聲稱,阿塞拜疆有 1,000 名以色列特工和 1,800 名伊斯蘭國特工。穆薩維本月早些時候在接受真主黨附屬的 Al-Mayadeen 新聞採訪時說,伊朗已在其與阿塞拜疆的邊界部署軍隊,以警告該國“不要玩火”。
穆薩維還聲稱,在阿塞拜疆擁有先進設備的以色列人在暗殺伊朗核科學家 Mohsen Fakhrizadeh 中發揮了作用。
阿塞拜疆和以色列關係密切,阿塞拜疆總統在 5 月與 Nizami Ganjavi 國際中心的討論中表示,與以色列的關係非常多樣化,在國防工業中尤其強大。“阿塞拜疆可以完全獲得以色列國防工業產品,這已經不是什麼秘密了,”阿利耶夫當時說。
據報導,阿塞拜疆去年在與亞美尼亞的納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫戰爭中使用了包括 LORA 導彈和以色列航空航天工業 Harop 自殺式無人機在內的以色列武器。
Jerusalem Post
World News
Azerbaijan says no Israelis on border, warns against Iran 'provocations'
Azerbaijani officials rejected claims by Iranian officials that Israeli forces are present on the Azerbaijani-Iranian border.
OCTOBER 11, 2021 14:29

An Azeri soldier and police officer talk as they stand guard at the Kalbajar district, Azerbaijan, December 21, 2020

(photo credit: AZIZ KARIMOV/REUTERS)
Azerbaijan's State Border Service (SBS) rejected claims by Iranian officials that Israeli forces are present in Azerbaijan near the Iranian border, saying that Azerbaijan "does not need the support of foreign forces."
Ahmed Ali Goudarzi, commander of Iran's Border Guard, claimed last week that Israeli forces are present in "sensitive areas" in neighboring countries and conducting intelligence and espionage work, advising Muslim countries "not to allow this," according to Iranian state broadcaster IRIB.
The commander additionally claimed that Israel incited neighboring countries to take action concerning their borders or impose large tolls on heavy vehicles, an apparent reference to fees imposed on Iranian truck drivers by Azerbaijan recently.
The Azeri SBS stated in response that there never have been, are not and never will be forces of any third country on Azerbaijan's border, according to the Azeri APA news source. The SBS added that it does not need the support of foreign forces.
The SBS additionally stressed that Azerbaijan has the sovereign right to apply border and customs control on roads that cross through Azeri territory.
The statement added that, despite weekly meetings taking place at various levels between Azerbaijani and Iranian border guards, no information concerning the allegations of foreign forces in Azerbaijan was ever given to the SBS, according to APA.
The SBS warned that "any provocations directed at the state interests of the Republic of Azerbaijani in the state border will be resolutely prevented also from now" and recommended that Iranian officials "be more responsible, and avoid to spread false and defamatory information."
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian also made claims of an Israeli presence along the Azerbaijani-Iranian border on Monday, warning against Israeli provocative actions from Azerbaijani territory, according to Iranian media.
"We have several concerns about the South Caucasus region, the first concern is that some foreign interventions are leading the region to change the geopolitics of the region, change borders, close or relocate border crossings while terrorists are present in the region," said the foreign minister.
Amir-Abdollahian claimed that "terrorists" have entered the region since the start of the Nagorno-Karabakh war last year, saying that these concerns had been raised in diplomatic meetings between Iran and Azerbaijan.
"Azerbaijani officials promised us weeks ago to take the necessary measures to clear the region of terrorists," said the foreign minister. "The Zionist regime has started provocative actions in our region through the territory of Azerbaijan. We consider some of the harsh statements made by the Azerbaijani authorities these days to be unconstructive."
The head of the press service of Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry, Leyla Abdullayeva, responded to Amir-Abdollahian's comments on Monday, stating that there have been no alleged terrorists in Azerbaijan since the start of the Nagorno-Karabakh war, according to APA.
“As President Ilham Aliyev noted, Azerbaijan, which has an Army of more than 100,000, does not need mercenaries," said Abdullayeva, questioning why such claims were not put forward by Iran during the war nor after the war until the new Iranian government took office.
"The Anti-Azerbaijan campaign will not bring benefit to Iran," warned the press service head. "It is clear that the reasons for the groundless claims are prevention of illegal entrance of Iranian trucks into Azerbaijani territory and liberation of Azerbaijani territories from occupation."
Abdullayeva advised Iran to look at its own surroundings if it wants to look for terrorists. "We remind that even in October of last year, Azerbaijan’s MFA presented information, based on concrete facts, on the participation of Armenian mercenaries in battles in the country territories, which were under occupation at that time, to diplomatic corps in the country, as well as Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” claimed the press service head, according to APA.
Iranian trucks were taxed, and at least two drivers were detained, as they traveled on a road between the Armenian towns of Kapan and Goris, which partially crosses through territory handed over to Azerbaijan after the Nagorno-Karabakh war last year, according to RFE/RL. The highway, patrolled by Russian peacekeepers, is Armenia’s only link to Iran.
Tensions also rose recently due to joint military exercises carried out by Azerbaijan and Turkey in the Caspian Sea, with the Iranian Foreign Ministry warning that such drills violated international conventions banning the military presence of countries other than the five states that border the sea.
Iran launched the “Conquerors of Khaybar” exercise earlier this month in northwestern Iran, near the border with Azerbaijan. Kioumars Heydari, commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces, said that the exercise was being conducted in order to test weapons and equipment, and assess the readiness of the armed forces in any arena and along the borders of Iran, according to the Fars News Agency.

''Conquerors of Khaybar'' exercise conducted by Iran near border with Azerbaijan (credit: MEHR NEWS AGENCY)
The name of the exercise, “Conquerors of Khaybar,” seems like a reference to the Battle of Khaybar in 628 CE, when Muslims, led by Muhammad, fought against the Jews there, eventually defeating and imposing a tax on them.
Iranian officials stressed that the exercise was meant to “send a message” to Israel and ISIS, warning that Tehran will take any action necessary to defend its borders.
Turkey and Azerbaijan conducted a joint exercise in Azerbaijan and Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan conducted a joint exercise in Georgia shortly after the Iranian exercise was announced.
Former Iranian diplomat Amir Mousavi claimed that there were 1,000 Israeli operatives and 1,800 ISIS ones in Azerbaijan. Mousavi said in an interview with the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen news earlier this month that Iran had deployed its military on its border with Azerbaijan in order to warn the country “not to play with fire.”
Mousavi additionally claimed that Israelis with advanced equipment in Azerbaijan played a role in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.
Azerbaijan and Israel have close ties, with the president of Azerbaijan saying in a discussion with the Nizami Ganjavi International Center in May that relations with Israel were very diverse and were especially strong in the defense industry. “It is no secret that Azerbaijan has full access to Israeli defense industry products,” Aliyev said at the time.
Israeli arms, including the LORA missile and the Israel Aerospace Industries Harop suicide drone, were reportedly used by Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war with Armenia last year.
2021 年 10 月 11 日 16:26
