Dinosaur Hunters 🦖 written by Kate McMullan

2021-02-04·25 minutes


(Read by Mr. Daddy) 小朋友, 照過來! 你喜歡恐龍嗎? 讓我們一起來瞧瞧看研究恐龍化石的考古學家是如何發現與保存恐龍的化石, 讓我們在這時代也可以探窺幾百萬年前恐龍曾經留在地球上的足跡. 獻給所有喜歡恐龍的恐龍迷.
Are you fantasized about dinosaurs? Let's see how paleontologist discover and preserve the fossils, the bones tell amazing stories. The dinosaur hunters work in dire conditions , dig dep in the earth from hundreds of millions years ago. We are then able to learn about what had happened at the moment in time to those dinosaurs. To dinosaur hunters, the is the best job in the whole wild world. Enjoy this chapter book.
written by Kate McMullan, illustrated by John R. Jones, Published by Penguin Random House Company

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