[幼教老師玩外文]#11 Not yet

2022-03-11·3 minutes


Not yet- Robert Rosen Publisher- Ready Readers
建議年紀- 4~7歲

Goggles 泳鏡 life jacket 救生衣
Pool游泳池 run跑
Stretch 伸展 swim游泳
Swim cap 泳帽

Tina is at the pool. She wants to swim.
Can I swim now? Not yet! Not yet!
Stretch before you swim.
Can I swim now? Not yet! Not yet!
You need a life jacket.
Can I swim now? Not yet! Not yet!
Put on your swim cap.
Can I swim now? Not yet! Not yet!
Wear your googles.
Can I swim now?
Yes, you can! Yes, you can!
Tina runs to the pool.
Time to swim!
Don’t run near the pool. It’s not safe.
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Time to swim!
Don’t swim alone. Always swim with a friend.
Time to swim! Splash! Splash!
Time to go home.
Not yet! Not yet!

Boys and girls. Think about the following questions and talk to your parents.
Where is Tina?
What should you do before you swim?
Can you run at the pool?
Have you ever been to the pool?
Did you like the pool?
Who did you swim with?

Quiz time!
Number one: Where is Tina? 
At the pool.
Number two: What does Tina want to do?
Go swimming
Number three: What does Tina need to do first?
Number four: What helps Tina see under water.
Number five: What can Tina not do?
Wear a life jack, run near the pool, or swim with friends
Run near the pool
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