Ep160|Silly Song #30 樹林裡的樹的樹枝上的鳥巢裡的蛋 Green Grass Grew All Around

2024-04-08·17 minutes


感謝【真老 黑芝麻粉】贊助播出。 真老牌純黑芝麻粉|黑嚕嚕幼綿綿 📌嚴選高品質黑芝麻原料 📌100%純粹無化學添加 📌多道工序研磨,粉質細緻口感滑順 📌極易拌勻,冷熱飲品皆宜 MOMO | 罐裝黑芝麻粉限時優惠活動 🛒MOMO賣場 https://reurl.cc/A4VN2Q 蝦皮 | 輸入專屬優惠折扣碼 「JENLSANDY」再折20元! 優惠碼期間 2024/4/8 ~ 2024/4/30 🛒蝦皮賣場 https://shp.ee/zklr7kd --- 【本集歌詞】 下載本集歌詞與學習單 Oh, in the woods There was a tree The prettiest tree That you ever did see The tree in the woods And the green grass grew all around, all around And the green grass grew all around And on that tree There was a branch The prettiest branch That you ever did see Oh, the branch on the tree The tree in the woods And the green grass grew all around, all around And the green gr ass grew all around And on that branch There was a nest The prettiest nest That you ever did see Oh, the nest on the branch The branch on the tree The tree in the woods And the green grass grew all around, all around And the green grass grew all around And in that nest There was an egg The prettiest egg That you ever did see Oh, the egg in the nest The nest on the branch The branch on the tree The tree in the woods And the green grass grew all around, all around And the green grass grew all around --- ❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 聽故事學英文Podcast節目以免費的方式提供學習資源給小朋友,已經超過兩年。如果你願意支持我繼續走下去,邀請你進一步贊助抖內,幫助節目永續經營。 個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/ Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/ Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h 商業合作請來信 tsandytsaiyu@gmail.com --Hosting provided by SoundOn