EP172 聊新聞 #多元的怎麼說 #喝牛奶不環保?! #非洲的后翼棄兵 #英歐分手擂台 #阿根廷墮胎能合法嗎 | 跟賓狗聽新聞學英文

2020-12-14·6 minutes


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1 【diverse 多元的】— 形容詞
Biden has pledged to make his cabinet the most diverse team in history.

2【leave no stone unturned 竭盡所能】— 動詞片語
The prime minister will leave no stone unturned in this process.

3【give the green light 批准】— 動詞片語
Argentina’s lower house has given the green light to the legislation.

4【dairy industry 乳業】— 名詞 /ˈdɛːri/
Greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy industry are rising.

5 【in real time 即時;同步】— 副詞片語
The system uses AI and facial recognition to verify the identities of Africans remotely and in real time.


1)diverse 多元的
2)leave no stone unturned 竭盡所能
3)give the green light 批准
4)dairy industry 乳業
5)in real time 即時;同步


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