【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Characteristics/個性特質Ⅴ

2021-10-18·9 minutes


👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語☆ (0:50)active [ˋæktɪv] [形] 活躍的blind [blaɪnd] [形] 瞎的brave [brev] [形] 勇敢的busy [ˋbɪzɪ] [形] 忙碌的careful [ˋkɛrfəl] [形] 小心的interested [ˋɪntərɪstɪd] [形] 感興趣的rich [rɪtʃ] [形] 富有的smart [smɑrt] [形] 聰明的stupid [ˋstjupɪd] [形] 笨的thin [θɪn] [形] 瘦的
👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點☆6:33interested 相關文法:1. interested 用於形容「人」感到有興趣的(加上介係詞 in)。
例 : I’m interested in singing.
2. interesting 用於形容「事」或「物」令人感到有興趣。
例 : The movie is interesting.
3. interest 當動詞表「使感興趣」,當名詞表「興趣」

1. When using a knife, we should be _____ in order not to get ourselves hurt. (A) stupid (B) rich (C) careful (D) blind
2. Jimmy is very _____. He always learns things so quickly.
3. Boys are taught to be _____ when they meet some problem since their childhood.
4. I saw him driving a Lamborghini last week. He must be very _____!

A: It’s been a long time since I last met you. How’ve you been? B: I’m busy writing my new book. I hope I can hand it out on time.
#歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評


💯《Answer Key》: 1. (C) 2. smart 3. brave 4. rich

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