三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

Wang & Yu


Society really loves to tell you there is a certain way you are supposed to be. A certain life you are supposed to live. A path you are supposed to take. And if you aren’t ready for that stuff at the age society decides, then it’s a huge amount of pressure. Facing the swerve in your 30s is a tough window of time for sure.

Instagram | wang_and_yu

合作私訊 | chienming103@hotmail.com

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All Episodes

第一季最終回-安全感/ The final episode of season 1 - Feel Secure In A Relationship

第一季最終回-安全感/ The final episode of season 1 - Feel Secure In A Relationship

🄴 三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

謝謝大家在空中陪我們 一起走過第一季,讓我們能夠用聲音 寫日記。 有你們的陪伴 讓我們能說出故事 來療癒受傷的心 我們能夠更勇敢的去正視過去。 有你們的存在 真的讓我們變得有安全感。 哈哈 本季的結束 不代表永遠不見~ 我們期待第二季再會! 王&游 Autumn 2021 Powered by Firstory Hosting

SP04 王遊世界(瑞典篇) - Traveling around the world with Wang - Sweden

SP04 王遊世界(瑞典篇) - Traveling around the world with Wang - Sweden

🄴 三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

你記得學生時期的青春回憶嗎? 是談場小戀愛 還是對方一見面 就想和你私定終身呢? 來聽聽王他在瑞典的生活 看他是如何讓男人 一見面就想和他定終身~ 王遊世界 請你留言下個想聽的世界。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP08 失戀良方 / Ways to Get Over Your Ex

EP08 失戀良方 / Ways to Get Over Your Ex

🄴 三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

(祝!王與游初ロケ) 你失戀時怎麼辦? 大吃 大喝? 找姐妹訴苦? 還是直接找下一個男人!!? 哀傷五階段 讓你好好的告別過去 好好的愛。 你還在為失戀所苦嗎? 找下一個男人,告別過去 其實不難。 來聽聽王與游怎麼說吧~ Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP07 為何我還單身? / Why Am I Still Single?

EP07 為何我還單身? / Why Am I Still Single?

🄴 三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

為什麼我們會單身? 其實理由不重要 可能只是好男人都死了only。 試著和自已相處 喜歡自已一個人 你要讓自已的狀態對感情是ready的 你要喜歡你 喜歡現在的你 懂得讓自已變得更好 懂得去欣賞自已 相信自已 你很棒 準備好了 也許那個人 已經在等你。 你準備好了嗎? 王和游已經準備好了。我們一起脫單吧。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP06 愛情三元素 / The triangular theory of love

EP06 愛情三元素 / The triangular theory of love

🄴 三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

你聽過愛情三元素嗎? 游在一次偶然速成的約會中得知了這個理論 當時的游在一陣醉意中安靜地聽著約會對象細細闡述三元素的定義 忽然間 約會對象講著講著竟然還想跟游組成愛的鐵三角?! 甚至還分別從三元素切入對游濃烈的愛 究竟三元素是什麼東西?是未經驗證的理論抑或是真理? 親密, 激情, 承諾 本集沒有要講三元素的理論 光看這介紹 是否不想聽了呢!? 那你就錯失本季以來 王游 最好笑的一集。 聽聽看 王游對三元素的獨特見解吧~ 本集尺度無限大,BE careful! Have you heard of the triangular theory of love? This is the concept that love is a triangle that is made of three components: Intimacy, Passion and Commitment. Yu first heard this theory in one of the quick swipe-right dating apps. The guy who she was seeing, was instantly attracted to her and wanted to create a love triangle with her by explaining why he was attracted to Yu through the triangular theory. Don’t miss this podcast show, EP06 it is one of the funniest episodes in Season One. Be cautious, the Episode is Rated R. (Restricted – Under 17s require an accompanying parent or adult guardian) Powered by Firstory Hosting