美國夢   你的夢   和史黛一起談天說地   發大財  American Dream Your Dream

美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream



How do you achieve your American Dreams as an Asian/Chinese American Entrepreneur in a dynamic business environment? What challenges you have to overcome and sacrifices you have to endure to achieve your American Dream? From dream to reality what is your path to get there and how did you get there, that is the story I'll be sharing with you from a range of exciting guest speakers.


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#15 Title常識報你知 Part 2

#15 Title常識報你知 Part 2

🄴 美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream

Title常識報你知 Part 2 今年大家瘋狂搶房,搶到房了之後將進入open escrow 的階段。你對Title 認知有多少?什麼是Title Insurance? Title 和Escrow 又有什麼不同?什麼是Preliminary Report? 有哪些訊息可以從Prelim 上看到?保護自己的權力,不要錯過我們這集精彩的內容。 Have you wonder the critical pieces of title, title insurance, and escrow during the Real Estate transaction between buyer and seller? It is an important piece of the link to ensure both parties get a fair and honest deal. For those who are a serious property investor to first time buyer, you will be glad to get the inside scoop from Annie Fan. She is a title insurance specialist from the Chicago Title company. She has amass years of experience and knowledge to help the listeners demystify this process that the buyers often don’t pay much attention to. This is the final 2 part series, hope you enjoy it and learn something new about it.  Leave a comment and feedback. #AmericanDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #ChicagoTitle #AnnieFan Powered by Firstory Hosting

#14 Title常識報你知 Part 1

#14 Title常識報你知 Part 1

🄴 美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream

今年大家瘋狂搶房,搶到房了之後將進入open escrow 的階段。你對Title 認知有多少?什麼是Title Insurance? Title 和Escrow 又有什麼不同?什麼是Preliminary Report? 有哪些訊息可以從Prelim 上看到?保護自己的權力,不要錯過我們這集精彩的內容。 Have you wonder the critical pieces of title, title insurance, and escrow during the Real Estate transaction between buyer and seller? It is an important piece of the link to ensure both parties get a fair and honest deal. For those who are a serious property investor to first time buyer, you will be glad to get the inside scoop from Annie Fan. She is a title insurance specialist from the Chicago Title company. She has amass years of experience and knowledge to help the listeners demystify this process that the buyers often don’t pay much attention to.  This is a part 1 of 2 series, hope you enjoy it and learn something new about it.  #AmericanDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #ChicagoTitle #AnnieFan Annie Fan/ 626-483-1600 Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckvw27mu8zgce08224c1a2g7p?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting

#13 看準了 手錶也可以賺大錢

#13 看準了 手錶也可以賺大錢

🄴 美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream

投資有很多種,有些人投資房地產賺錢,有些人投資股票賺錢,有些人投資“愛馬仕“賺錢,今天我們很高興邀請到Zach 來和我們聊聊如何靠投資手錶賺錢。 In the world of investment, most of us can relate to traditional investment such as stocks, real estates, and financial instruments. However most of the common minds don’t really think outside of the box and invest in other exotic assets such as mechanical watches. In this episode, we have a special opportunity to talk to a very exciting guest and close friend who has a keen eye in investing traditional mechanical movement watches. From his early young age, he developed an appetite in discovering, seeking, and collecting exotic watches. Throughout his early age he was able to monetize a great wealth by collecting and trading watches. Let’s sit back and enjoy this conversation with our amazing guest, Zach Lu. He will take us through his journey from a passionate watch hobbyist to a serious collector & investor. #AmericanDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #AsianYoungGun #WatchInvestment Powered by Firstory Hosting

#12 行行出狀元,暗地裡悶聲發大財的行業

#12 行行出狀元,暗地裡悶聲發大財的行業

🄴 美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream

我曾看過一篇報導,說的是“表面被很多人看不起的行業,暗地裡卻是悶聲發大財”. 多麼有趣的標題,裡面講了五個行業。其中一個是“有一技之長的工人”, 像是水電,鐵工,玻璃,泥作,冷暖氣。的確是喔!如果技術和功夫好,根本不怕沒工作做,市場需求很大,只是很多人不願意做。我們今天很高興邀請到美心玻璃門窗的老闆JONATHAN LIANG來和我們一起談天說地 In our today’s conversation we are very fortunate to invite Jonathan Liang as our guest. He is the founder and owner of the AZ Glazing. From his humble beginning, he was able to transform his career working a 9 to 5 job for someone else and later becoming his own boss. What intrinsic motivation and drive made him the person he is today and what actions and steps he took to have the fruits of his labor?  In a very short amount of timeframe, he was able to progressively grow his company in both size and revenue. No one say you need to conform to a tranditional career path as an engineer or doctor or lawyer to begin making 6 figures income. He did it his own way with style, it was not an easy path he carved out and now he is enjoying the result he has set out with his wife together as a team. Lets all enjoy this journal together and listen on to his visionary story. #AmercianDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #Glass&Window #Construction Contact Us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream Email: info@americanvisioncap.com Contact Guest Facebook: A-Z Glass and Window 美心玻璃 626-248-0662 azglassandwindow@hotmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

#11 讓你24小時隨時享受世界各地美食 - 販賣機飲食

#11 讓你24小時隨時享受世界各地美食 - 販賣機飲食

🄴 美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream

我們通常看到自動販賣機,不外乎就是賣水、賣飲料、賣餅乾。幻想一下,如果哪一天你公司出現一台販賣機,按一下就有日本拉麵跑出來,按一下就有台式牛肉麵跑出來,是不是感覺人生頓時是彩色的?!如果在美國機場,能夠吃一碗熱熱的麵在上飛機,是不是感覺很舒服?而且,據說,一碗麵煮出來的時間只需要45 秒?!這比去餐廳等廚師煮一碗麵的時間還要短?!這到底是怎麼做到的,聽眾朋友是不是跟我一樣都很好奇?我們今天很高興邀請到 Yo-Kai Express的創始人Andy Lin來和我們一起談天說地。 When you are hungry and don’t have the desired to cook but just want something fast with a restaurant quality gourmet dish presented in front of you, have you ever dreamed of it? I know I have, and guess what the reality is finally here! Today, I’m very excited to have this an amazing conversation with our high-tech innovator, Andy Lin.  He will take us through his entrepreneur journey from his stable full-time job as an engineer to startup his own gig. By stepping out his comfort zone to a new frontier, this led him to startup his own company that provided a gourmet food delivery service and platform by taking an old idea with a twist for the modern world.  Because of his creative and innovative thinking, he was able to combine multiple discipline of his experiences and resources with AI technology, food packaging and preparing techniques, analytical food delivery process to bring us a ready to consume restaurant quality gourmet from a vending machine.  Let’s all sit back and enjoy this delicious mouth watering conversation.      #AmercianDreamYourDream #AsianEntrepreneur #AmpericanVisionCap #ReadyToEat #RestaurantGourmetFood #VendingMachine #FoodDeliveryPlatform #LifeStyle Contact Us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream  Email:  info@americanvisioncap.com Contact Guest www.yokaiexpress.com www.facebook.com/yokaiexpress Powered by Firstory Hosting