【一天10分鐘 英語說得通】Dumplings 令人魂牽夢縈的水餃、鍋貼與小籠包!

2021-04-27·10 分


Topic: Dumplings
In Taiwan, you can taste a variety of “dumplings” such as shuǐjiǎo (水餃), zhēngjiǎo (蒸餃),
potstickers (鍋貼), or xiǎolóngbāo (小籠包)--keep in mind that they are different types of food in
Chinese, but in English they are all dumplings.
One of the most famous Chinese steamed dumplings is xiǎolóngbāo, which originated from the
south of the Yangtze River (長江). The soup inside this bite-sized pleated dumpling with pork
filling is the most memorable. There is a proper way to eat Chinese Soup Dumplings. Use
chopsticks to grab the top of the dumpling and put it on your spoon. Take a tiny bite and slurp up
the soup, and then you can consume the rest of the dumpling.

keep in mind that ...
-- Keep in mind that learning a language takes time and practice.
--Keep in mind that you'll have to practice economy.

1. steamed [stimd] (adj.) 蒸的
2. originate from (phr.) 起源於
3. bite-sized [ˈbaɪtsaɪzd] (adj.) 一口大小的
4. pleated [ˈplit̬ɪd] (adj.) 打褶的
5. memorable [ˈmɛmərəbəl] (adj.) 難忘的;值得紀念的
6. proper [ˈprɑpɚ] (adj.) 適合的;適當的
7. grab [ɡræb] (v.) 抓取;抓住(機會做某事);(借機)趕緊…
8. slurp up (phr.) (出聲地)喝
9. consume [kənˈsum] (v.) (尤指大量地)消耗,消費,花費
10. the rest of (phr.) 其餘的


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