EP158 | 5 分鐘補血 #空前的怎麼說 #蘇格蘭免費提供衛生棉 #美國人不管疫情趴趴造 #泰皇不退讓 #台灣自造潛水艇 | 跟賓狗聽新聞學英文

2020-11-26·5 分


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傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual

1 【beef up 加強】— 動詞
Taiwan officially began work on its first domestically-produced submarine to beef up its coastal defenses.

2【all-time 空前的】— 形容詞
US shares hit an all-time high as investor optimism grows.

3【to be sure 不可否認的是】— 副詞(certainly,正式用語)
To be sure, the number of people flying for Thanksgiving decreases by more than half from last year.

4【file 提出訴訟】-- 動詞
Such charges haven’t been filed for two year until now.

5 【period 月經;生理期】— 名詞
Scotland has become the first country in the world to provide free period products.


1)beef up 加強
2)all-time 空前的
3)to be sure 不可否認的是
4)file 提出訴訟
5)period 月經;生理期

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