2021.11.14 國際新聞導讀-厄瓜多監獄暴動68死、葉門內戰激烈胡塞軍勝率高、伊朗不理會IAEA監管、各國開始阻止伊拉克人飛往搞國家人蛇集團的白俄羅斯

2021-11-14·13 分


2021.11.14 國際新聞導讀-厄瓜多監獄暴動68死、葉門內戰激烈胡塞軍勝率高、伊朗不理會IAEA監管、各國開始阻止伊拉克人飛往搞國家人蛇集團的白俄羅斯

發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 23:29

政府週六表示,在厄瓜多爾 Penitenciaria del Litoral 監獄的夜間暴力事件中,至少有 68 名囚犯喪生,超過 22 人受傷,官員們將其描述為敵對幫派之間的戰鬥。
該監獄位於南部城市瓜亞基爾,與 9 月下旬在該國有史以來最嚴重的監獄暴力事件中 119 名囚犯被殺的監獄是同一所監獄。
58 歲的克里斯蒂娜·蒙塞拉特 (Cristina Monserrat) 仍然沒有收到已入獄一年的弟弟的消息。

9 月,Lasso 宣布監獄系統進入 60 天緊急狀態,這釋放了政府資金,並允許軍事援助來控制監獄。
瓜亞斯省省長巴勃羅·阿羅塞梅納 (Pablo Arosemena) 在當天早些時候的新聞發布會上說,最近的騷亂是由一名黑幫頭目獲釋後出現的權力真空引發的。
“這種情況的背景是,沒有這個牢房的團伙頭目,因為幾天前那個囚犯被釋放了,”Arosemena 說。“與其他團體的其他牢房想要控制他們,進入並進行全面屠殺。”
自 2020 年 12 月 Los Choneros 團伙頭目“Rasquina”在出獄幾個月後被殺以來,這個南美國家的監獄發生了一波騷亂,該監獄關押了大約 39,000 名被拘留者。

官員們表示,2 月份發生的一起導致 79 名被拘留者死亡的事件是對拉斯奎娜之死的回應。另有 22 人在 7 月的騷亂中喪生。
司法部長辦公室表示,在 9 月 Penitenciaria del Litoral 暴力事件中喪生的一些人被斬首或燒毀,數十人受傷。
10 月份,共有 11 人被發現吊在監獄裡,當局稱這些人可能是自殺。
Ecuador prison violence leaves at least 68 dead, dozens injured
Dozens were gathered outside the prison waiting for news of loved ones, who many said they had not heard from since Friday afternoon.
Published: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 23:29

A man holds an Ecuadorian flag in the aftermath of protests against Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno's austerity measures, after Moreno imposed a military-enforced curfew in the capital Quito, Ecuador October 13, 2019.

(photo credit: REUTERS)
At least 68 prisoners were killed and more than two dozen injured in overnight violence at Ecuador's Penitenciaria del Litoral prison, the government said on Saturday, in what officials characterize as fights among rival gangs.
The penitentiary, located in the southern city of Guayaquil, is the same prison where 119 inmates were killed in late September in the country's worst-ever incident of prison violence.
The government has blamed disputes between drug trafficking gangs for control of prisons for the violence.

Dozens were gathered outside the prison waiting for news of loved ones, who many said they had not heard from since Friday afternoon.

Cristina Monserrat, 58, still has not heard from her younger brother who has been in prison for a year.

Gilboa Prison. What went wrong? (credit: FLASH90)

"What is happening inside is reprehensible, people killing each other and the saddest thing is they have no conscience," said Monserrat. "My brother is alive, my heart tells me so."

President Guillermo Lasso, Monserrat added, must do more to help the poor. Ecuador's prison system has come under harsh spotlight in recent years for overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions and organized crime.
Lasso in September declared a 60-day state of emergency in the prison system, which freed up government funding and allowed for military assistance in control of the prisons.

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On Saturday, the president called on the constitutional court to allow the military to enter prisons, instead of providing only outside security.
The latest disturbance was set off by a power vacuum following a gang leader's release, governor of Guayas province Pablo Arosemena said in a press conference earlier in the day.
"The context of this situation is that there was no leader of the gang that has this cell block because a few days ago that prisoner was released," Arosemena said. "Other cell blocks with other groups wanted to control them, get inside and have a total massacre."
Videos on social media purportedly posted by detainees overnight showed them begging for help to stop the violence as shots and explosions sounded in the background. Reuters could not independently verify the origin of the videos.
There has been a wave of disturbances in the South American country's prisons, which house some 39,000 detainees, since the December 2020 killing of 'Rasquina,' the leader of the Los Choneros gang, months after he was released from prison.

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His death left a power vacuum, officials said at the time, as less well-known gangs attempted to take control of the country's prisons. Gang rivalries are connected to competition for drug trafficking alliances with international cartels, ex-officials said.
Officials said a February incident which killed 79 detainees was a response to Rasquina's death. Another 22 people died in a July riot.
"We are fighting against drug trafficking, against criminal gangs who fight each other for territory inside and outside prisons to distribute drugs," governor Arosemena said.
Some of those killed in the September violence at Penitenciaria del Litoral were decapitated or burned, the attorney general's office has said, and dozens were injured.
A total of 11 people were found hung in the penitentiary in October, which authorities have said may have been suicides.
"I don't know anything, what we ask for are answers," said Estefania, who declined to give her surname, and said her husband is jailed for a robbery. "I don't know if he's alive or dead."
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 22:31

伊朗媒體有關於也門的消息:沙特阿拉伯正在撤軍。這就是法爾斯新聞本週末所說的。“也門消息人士補充說,沙特聯盟已從也門西海岸撤出所有部隊,包括塔里克·薩利赫(阿聯酋的盟友)和奧盧維婭·阿馬爾卡(前往亞丁)。也門贏了。” 伊朗人的意思是他們支持的胡塞叛軍已經獲勝。
沙特阿拉伯和阿聯酋以及與他們合作的其他國家於 2015 年干預了也門。伊朗增加了對胡塞武裝的支持,以拖累沙特。胡塞武裝現在使用先進的伊朗無人機和導彈對付利雅得。阿聯酋和利雅得不再就也門政策達成一致。胡塞武裝一直在遊行。在奧巴馬和特朗普執政期間,美國一直反對胡塞武裝,但現在拜登政府試圖緩和衝突。然而,即使是拜登政府現在也對胡塞武裝綁架美國駐薩那大使館的工作人員感到憤怒。聯合國已將更多胡塞領導人列入黑名單。

胡塞武裝顯然是在推運氣,希望在荷台達和馬里布獲利。沙特領導的聯盟否認了撤軍的報導。然而,相互矛盾的報導稱,港口城市荷台達周圍有撤軍行動。據阿拉伯新聞報導,“該國西海岸的也門聯合部隊週五宣布,從荷台達省的幾個解放區撤出,包括荷台達市的地區。” 這意味著似乎發生了崩潰 aro
2021 年 5 月 24 日,在奧地利維也納,在冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行期間,伊朗國旗飄揚在國際原子能機構總部所在的聯合國辦公大樓前。(來源:LISI NIESNER/REUTERS)


與此同時,美國駐也門特使蒂姆·蘭德金(Tim Lenderking);美國駐也門大使館臨時代辦凱茜·韋斯特利會見了也門總理梅恩·賽義德、外交部長艾哈邁德·本·穆巴拉克和亞丁省長艾哈邁德·拉姆拉斯。國務院發言人內德·普萊斯說:“現在是所有也門人團結起來結束這場戰爭並進行大膽改革以重振經濟、打擊腐敗和減輕痛苦的時候了。”


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Yemen in the spotlight as US, Iran, Saudi maneuver - analysis
Yemen is now in the spotlight. Once again Iran believes to think it is winning. A setback for Saudi Arabia on any of the frontlines in Yemen will not be welcome news in Riyadh.
Published: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 22:31

A YEMENI government fighter fires at Houthi fighters in Marib, Yemen, March 28.

(photo credit: ALI OWIDHA/ REUTERS)
Iran’s media has a message about Yemen: Saudi Arabia is withdrawing. That is what Fars News said this weekend. “Yemeni sources added that the Saudi coalition had withdrawn all its forces from the western coast of Yemen, including Tariq Saleh (an ally of the UAE) and Oluwiya al-Amalqa [who went to to Aden]. Yemen has won.” What the Iranians mean is that the Houthi rebels they back have won.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as other countries they work with, intervened in Yemen in 2015. Iran increased its backing for the Houthis to bog the Saudis down. The Houthis now use advanced Iranian drones and missiles against Riyadh. The UAE and Riyadh no longer agree on Yemen policy. The Houthis have been on the march. The US had opposed the Houthis during the Obama and Trump years but now the Biden administration has sought to dial back the conflict. Yet even the Biden administration is now angry that the Houthis for kidnapping staff of the US embassy in Sana’a. The UN has blacklisted more Houthi leaders.
Iran’s media says that the Houthis have recently advanced hundreds of kilometers along the coast. “The report comes as Yemeni media reported that a countdown to the liberation of Ma'rib province had begun after the Yemeni army and popular committees made significant progress,” says Fars. Meanwhile Iran is also signaling an opening to discussions with Saudi Arabia. Those talks could involve Yemen. In 2019 Iran launched a drone and cruise missile attack on Saudi Arabia. This was a warning that Iran could do worse in the future.
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The Houthis are clearly pushing their luck, hoping to make gains in Hodeidah and Marib. The Saudi-led Coalition has denied reports of a withdrawal. However conflicting reports say there was a withdrawal around the port city of Hodeidah. According to Arab News “Yemen’s Joint Forces on the country’s western coast announced on Friday a withdrawal from several liberated districts in the province of Hodeidah, including areas in Hodeidah city.” This means that there appears to have been a collapse aro
Iranian flag flies in front of the UN office building, housing IAEA headquarters, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Vienna, Austria, May 24, 2021. (credit: LISI NIESNER/ REUTERS)
und the key city. A truce has taken place that enables these forces to withdraw.

“Our religious and patriotic duty prompts us into defending more important fronts where we can exploit insufficient defenses,” the forces said in a statement, claiming that the Stockholm agreement constrained the forces and prevented them from taking control of the city of Hodeidah.

Meanwhile Tim Lenderking, the US envoy for Yemen; and Cathy Westley, the charge d’affaires at the US embassy in Yemen, have met Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Saeed, Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak and Aden Governor Ahmed Lamlas. “Now is the time for all Yemenis to come together to end this war and enact bold reforms to revive the economy, counter corruption and alleviate suffering”, State Department spokesman Ned Price said.
Yemen is now in the spotlight. Once again Iran believes to think it is winning. A setback for Saudi Arabia on any of the frontlines in Yemen will not be welcome news in Riyadh and it will appear as if Iran is empowered. If Saudi Arabia can open discussions with Iran it will face an uphill struggle because Iran thinks it is winning.
Meanwhile the UAE has been increasing an opening with the Assad regime in Damascus. It’s not clear how that might tie in to Iran seeking gain in Yemen, but the whole region generally is connected in terms of how these policies play out.
與 2017 年“穆斯林禁令”相呼應,各國禁止伊拉克人飛往白俄羅斯
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 22:34

2021 年 11 月 11 日,白俄羅斯格羅德諾地區白俄羅斯 - 波蘭邊境的一個臨時營地,移民聚集在鐵絲網圍欄附近的火堆旁。照片拍攝於 2021 年 11 月 11 日。

(圖片來源:Ramil Nasibulin/BelTA/Handout via REUTERS)
2017 年 1 月,美國禁止來自伊朗、伊拉克、敘利亞、也門、索馬里、蘇丹和利比亞等七個穆斯林占多數的國家的人進入美國 90 天。
出於某種原因,2017 年阻止所有來自這些國家的人,無論他們的個人情況如何,是有爭議的,而禁止來自類似國家的人前往白俄羅斯的呼籲得到了歐洲的支持。

2021 年 11 月 8 日,移民聚集在帶刺鐵絲網附近,試圖越過白俄羅斯格羅德諾地區與波蘭的邊界。(圖片來源:LEONID SCHEGLOV/BELTA/HandOUT VIA REUTERS)
在另一項進展中,歐盟正在考慮制裁一家名為 Cham Wings 的敘利亞航空公司,以及一家位於明斯克的酒店,那裡有難民。《金融時報》寫道,這是“向專制領導人亞歷山大·盧卡申科施壓,阻止移民流入歐洲邊境。” 報導稱,敘利亞人將乘坐 Cham Wings 的航班。現在看來 Cham Wings 已暫停航班。報導稱,伊拉克航空公司也暫停了飛往明斯克的航班。突然間,敘利亞人和伊拉克人無法再飛往白俄羅斯。這與他們是誰或他們的工作無關。最終到達白俄羅斯的移民現在被困在邊境。有些人支付了數千美元前往白俄羅斯,認為這可能是前往歐洲的便捷方式。

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值得一提的是,早在 2015 年,德國就邀請敘利亞人來到歐洲,2015 年有超過 100 萬人通過希臘、塞爾維亞和其他國家(有時乘船)前往歐洲。人們也來自北非。上週,英國表示,他們在一天內通過英吉利海峽接收了最多的移民,一天有 1,000 人非法越境。
歐盟似乎將向更多國家施壓,以阻止伊拉克人和敘利亞人前往白俄羅斯。目前尚不清楚為什麼在 2017 年猛烈抨擊美國“穆斯林禁令”的一些批評者實際上是在禁止來自同一國家的人,甚至禁止他們從伊拉克飛往敘利亞或中東東至白俄羅斯。
Countries ban Iraqis flying to Belarus in echoes of 2017 “Muslim ban”
Turkey is blocking citizens of Syria, Yemen and Iraq from getting airline tickets to Belarus. The sweeping move conjures up memories of the Trump era “Muslim ban.”
Published: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 22:34

Migrants gather around a fire near a barbed wire fence in a makeshift camp on the Belarusian-Polish border in the Grodno region, Belarus November 11, 2021. Picture taken November 11, 2021.

(photo credit: Ramil Nasibulin/BelTA/Handout via REUTERS)
Bans are going up across the Middle East seeking to prevent Iraqis, Syrians and others from going to Belarus after a migrant border crisis developed between Belarus and Poland.
The Guardian reported last week that Turkey was blocking citizens of Syria, Yemen and Iraq from getting airline tickets to Belarus. The sweeping move conjures up memories of the Trump era “Muslim ban.”
In January 2017 the US banned people from seven Muslim-majority countries, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya from entering the US for 90 days.
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For some reason in 2017 the decision to block all the people from these countries, regardless of their individual cases, was controversial, while calls to ban people from similar countries going to Belarus have been greeted with support in Europe.

This illustrates how migrants and refugees appear to be supported and greeted so long as they come from certain places or via certain methods and not others. It also shows the hypocrisy whereby some countries, like Turkey, can abuse Syrians, but others are critiqued for doing the same thing.

Migrants gather near a barbed wire fence in an attempt to cross the border with Poland in the Grodno region, Belarus November 8, 2021. (credit: LEONID SCHEGLOV/BELTA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)

For instance,
Turkey used Syrians and other refugees as a threat against Greece for years, claiming Turkey would open the border if it wasn’t paid not to do so. When Belarus welcomed Iraqis and Syrians and encouraged them to go to Poland it was accused of using “hybrid” warfare. It is unclear why a Syrian entering from Turkey to Greece is a refugee, but a Syrian going via Belarus is a “hybrid war.”
Many of the people who went to Belarus are Kurdish and some of them are Yazidis. As such they are persecuted minorities in their home countries. Now Turkey has banned these Kurds from Iraq and Syria from traveling. According to The Guardian “Belavia, the Belarusian state airline said it would no longer carry citizens of those countries to Belarus.”
In another development, the European Union was considering sanctioning a Syrian airline called Cham Wings and also a hotel in Minsk where refugees had gone. Financial Times wrote that this was “to press authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko to stop the flow of migrants to Europe’s borders.” Reports say Syrians are coming on Cham Wings flights. Now it appears Cham Wings has suspended flights. Iraqi airways also suspended flights to Minsk, reports say. Suddenly Syrians and Iraqis can no longer fly to Belarus. This is regardless of who they are or their work. Migrants who did end up in Belarus are now stuck on the border. Some have paid thousands of dollars to get to Belarus, thinking this might be an easy way to get to Europe.

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It is a reminder that back in 2015, Germany invited Syrians to come to Europe and more than a million people made their way, sometimes by boat, through Greece Serbia and other states in 2015. People also come from North Africa. Last week the UK said they had received the most migrants in a single day via the English Channel, with 1,000 people crossing illegally in a day.
It appears the EU will pressure more countries to prevent Iraqis and Syrians from going to Belarus. It remains unclear why it is that some of the same critics who lashed out at the US for a “Muslim ban” in 2017 are in effect banning people from the same countries, and even banning them from flying from Iraq to Syria or from the Middle East to Belarus.
It also remains unclear why when Turkey encouraged migrants to cross into Greece the migrants were seen as victims but in this case the EU is working to keep migrants as far away as possible. It raises questions about blanket discrimination by airlines and countries against specific people for their national origin. It’s also unclear why asylum seekers, such as Kurds and Yazidis are unable to be welcomed for asylum, while in other instances people have been welcomed at other borders.
Russia has been accused of exploiting the crisis, and Russia’s Tass media blamed has carried headlines blaming the West for the crisis. Meanwhile, Russia’s President has been opposed to Belarus cutting energy and gas supplies to Europe in retaliation for sanctions. This shows that the migration crisis is merely a symbol of a larger struggle and complex ties between Moscow, Europe, Belarus and Turkey.
For the thousands of migrants now risking a cold winter stuck on the border with no where to fly to or no way to cross the border, the tragedy is compounded by countries trying to close the gates in retaliation against one another.
Alok Sharma 推遲了在全體會議廳舉行的公開會議,稱由於 COP26 超過一天,談判人員需要更多時間。
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 17:38
更新時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 22:50

2021 年 11 月 1 日,在英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥舉行的聯合國氣候變化大會 (COP26) 上,代表們出席了會議。

近 200 個國家通過的最終協議將實施 2015 年《巴黎協定》第 6 條,允許各國通過購買代表他人減排的抵消額度來部分實現其氣候目標。
2021 年 11 月 1 日,在英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥舉行的 COP26 峰會場地上投射出地球圖像。(來源:REUTERS/HANNAH MCKAY)
在發行抵消的單獨中央系統中,抵消收益的 5% 將用於資助發展中國家的適應基金。
同樣在該系統中,2% 的抵消信用將被取消。這旨在通過阻止其他國家使用這些信用作為抵消來實現其氣候目標來增加整體減排。
根據新氣候研究所和 Oko-Institut 非營利組織的分析,最終協議將延續自 2013 年以來登記的任何抵消量。這將允許 3.2 億個抵消量進入新市場,每個抵消量代表一噸二氧化碳。
世界自然基金會的碳市場專家布拉德·沙勒特 (Brad Schallert) 表示,2013 年的日期“不太好。所以現在買家國的工作就是對他們說‘不’。”
日本的提議解決了這個問題,並得到了巴西和美國的支持。巴西過去堅持允許重複計算已經破壞了過去的第 6 條協議。
UN climate summit reaches carbon markets deal
Alok Sharma delayed a public meeting in the plenary hall, saying negotiators needed more time as COP26 overran by a day.
Published: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 17:38
Updated: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 22:50

Delegates sit during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, Britain, November 1, 2021.

(photo credit: REUTERS/YVES HERMAN)
Negotiators closed a deal to settle rules for carbon markets at the UN climate talks in Scotland on Saturday, potentially unlocking trillions of dollars for projects to help curb climate change.
The final deal adopted by nearly 200 countries will implement Article 6 of the 2015 Paris Agreement, allowing countries to partially meet their climate targets by buying offset credits representing emission cuts by others.
Companies, as well as countries with vast forest cover, had pushed for a robust deal on government-led carbon markets in Glasgow, in the hope of also legitimizing the fast-growing global voluntary offset markets.
Critics worry that offsetting could go too far in allowing countries to continue emitting climate-warming gases, making some wary of a hasty deal.
The accord managed to overcome a series of sticking points that contributed to the failure of the previous two major climate meetings.

An image of Earth is projected on the venue for COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland Britain, November 1, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/HANNAH MCKAY)
On the disagreement over how certain carbon trades should be taxed to fund climate adaptation in poorer nations, the deal offered a compromise with a two-track approach.
Bilateral trades of offsets between countries will not face the tax. The deal suggests developing nations capitulated to rich nations including the United States, which had objected to demands for the levy.
In a separate centralized system for issuing offsets, 5% of proceeds from offsets will be collected to go toward an adaptation fund for developing countries.
Also in that system, 2% of the offset credits will be canceled. That aims to increase overall emissions cuts by stopping other countries from using those credits as offsets to reach their climate targets.
Another provision resolved how to carry forward carbon credits created under the old Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement's predecessor, into the new offset market system.
Negotiators reached a compromise that sets a cut-off date, with credits issued before that date not being carried forward.
The final accord carries over any offsets registered since 2013. That will allow 320 million offsets, each representing a tonne of CO2, to enter the new market, according to an analysis by the NewClimate Institute and Oko-Institut non-profit organizations.
Campaigners had warned against flooding the new market with old credits and raised doubts about the climate benefits of some.
The 2013 date "is not good. So now it will be buyer countries' jobs to just say 'no' to them," said carbon markets expert Brad Schallert, with the World Wildlife Fund.
One of the most contentious points had been on the question of whether credits could be claimed by both the country selling them and the country buying them.
A proposal by Japan resolved the issue and gained backing from both Brazil and the United States. Brazil's past insistence on allowing double-counting had torpedoed an Article 6 deal in the past.
Under the deal, the country that generates a credit will decide whether to authorize it for sale to other nations to count towards their climate targets.
If authorized and sold, the seller country will add an emission unit to its national tally and the buyer country will deduct one, to ensure the emissions cut is counted only once between countries.
The same rules apply to credits used more broadly toward "other international mitigation purposes" - wording that some experts said could include a global scheme for offsetting aviation emissions, ensuring double-counting does not happen there too.
Matt Williams, a climate expert at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, said the final deal was better but not perfect.
"We've seen the worst possibilities for double-counting of emissions cuts tightened up or guarded against. It doesn't mean it's ruled out completely."
最近一段持續 42 秒的視頻顯示,一架伊朗直升機靠近一艘美國船隻。
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 20:59

2020 年 7 月 13 日,一架美國海軍直升機繼續在美國加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥海軍基地的兩棲攻擊艦“好人理查德”號上滅火

埃塞克斯號是黃蜂級兩棲攻擊艦。根據較早的報導,它據稱最近幾天在阿曼灣,船上有第 11 海軍陸戰隊遠征部隊的成員。
據 USNI 新聞報導,埃塞克斯號是兩棲就緒集團的一部分,該集團擁有三艘船,“埃塞克斯號登陸直升機碼頭(LHD-2)、波特蘭號兩棲運輸船塢(LPD-27)和珍珠港號兩棲船塢登陸艦(LSD-52)。” 波特蘭號在紅海接受最近與以色列和海灣合作夥伴進行的培訓。
據報導,埃塞克斯號上有 MV-22B 魚鷹,是海軍中型傾轉旋翼機中隊 (VMM) 165 的一部分。埃塞克斯號自 8 月部署到巴林以來一直在該地區。
最近的視頻持續了 42 秒,是從據稱是伊朗直升機的駕駛艙拍攝的。離美軍艦很近,甲板上可以看到直升機。上週,有報導稱,埃塞克斯號顯然參與了伊朗無人機接近該船的事件。此外,伊朗還指責美國“海盜”,聲稱美國海軍試圖扣留一艘運載伊朗石油的船隻。伊朗直升機突擊隊隨後扣押了這艘越南人擁有的油輪並帶走了石油。

2020 年 9 月 10 日,伊朗船隻 Khark 出現在伊朗的一個未公開地點。(來源:伊朗軍隊/WANA(西亞新聞社)通過路透社)
直升機嗡嗡作響的視頻來自 Telegram,但伊朗媒體似乎對這一事件輕描淡寫。
美以夥伴關係和聯合培訓似乎處於歷史最高水平。上個月有八支空軍在以色列聚集的藍旗,阿聯酋空軍指揮官訪問以色列,與美國海軍陸戰隊的聯合訓練,以及與阿聯酋和巴林在紅海的聯合海軍演習。我也知道該地區有更多的美國戰略轟炸機。10 月 30 日,B-1 轟炸機在以色列國防軍的護航下飛越以色列。上週晚些時候,B-1 飛機在一個月內第二次被護送。
伊朗塔斯尼姆新聞報導稱,國外報導討論了這起直升機事件,稱“報導繼續說,伊朗飛行員在美軍眼前描繪並記錄了他在埃塞克斯號航空母艦上的存在。艙。” 塔斯尼姆說,“這些不尋常的圖像出現在伊朗在印度洋北部和紅海部分地區進行大規模演習之際。” 伊朗將其稱為 Zulfiqar 1400 聯合演習。
這不是伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊的快艇或無人機或其他伊朗軍事資產第一次騷擾美國海軍。美國在 4 月和 5 月向伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊海軍艦艇鳴槍示警。美國已警告此類“不專業”事件。
伊朗可能洩露了這段視頻,以了解以色列和其他媒體的反應。如果伊朗一開始對此輕描淡寫,那就意味著它正在考慮衡量美國的反應。這與伊朗試圖將事件歸功於自己的其他時候形成鮮明對比。自2019年以來,伊朗與美國的緊張局勢加劇。它已經對船隻進行了布雷並發動了更多的無人機襲擊,並且一直在襲擊沙特阿拉伯、美國在伊拉克和敘利亞的設施,並幫助也門的胡塞武裝。伊朗還於 7 月在阿曼灣使用無人機襲擊了一艘商船。伊朗的薩維茲間諜船於 4 月在紅海受損。伊朗在過去八個月中襲擊了商船,顯然認為它是針對與以色列有聯繫的船隻。
Is Iran downplaying Iranian helicopter buzzing a US naval ship?
A recent video lasting 42 seconds shows an Iranian helicopter flying close to a US ship.
Published: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 20:59

A US Navy helicopter continues fighting a fire on the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard at Naval Base San Diego, in San Diego, California, US July 13, 2020

(photo credit: REUTERS/MIKE BLAKE)
Reports emerged online on Saturday that an Iranian military helicopter allegedly flew close to the USS Essex, days after reports said the USS Essex and the British Royal navy Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier had conducted an interoperability training.
The Essex is a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship. It was supposedly in the Gulf of Oman in recent days, and has elements of the 11 Marine Expeditionary Unit on board, according to the earlier reports.
The Essex is part of the Amphibious Ready Group which has three ships, according to USNI News, a “landing helicopter dock USS Essex (LHD-2), amphibious transport dock USS Portland (LPD-27) and amphibious dock landing ship USS Pearl Harbor (LSD-52).” The Portland is in the Red Sea for training that took place recently with Israel and Gulf partners.
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According to the reports, there are MV-22B Ospreys on the Essex, part of the Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 165. Essex has been in the area since August when it deployed to Bahrain.

The recent video lasts 42 seconds and is shot from the cockpit of the alleged Iranian helicopter. It comes close to the US ship, and helicopters can be seen on the deck. Last week, reports said the Essex was apparently involved in an incident in which Iranian drones approached the ship. Additionally, Iran also accused the US of “piracy” and claimed the US Navy tried to detain a ship carrying
Iranian oil
. Iranian helicopter-borne commandos then seized the Vietnamese-owned oil tanker and took the oil.

The Iranian ship Khark is seen at an undisclosed location in Iran, September 10,2020. (credit: IRANIAN ARMY/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)

The video of the helicopter buzzing the ship came from Telegram but Iranian media seems to be downplaying the incident.

The incident wasn’t mentioned on Fars News on Saturday and Tasnim only mentioned it by noting that “Zionist” media were reporting the story. This leaves questions about the incident and what the messaging behind it might be.
US-Israel partnerships and joint training appear to be at an all-time high. There was Blue Flag last month with eight air forces gathered in Israel, the visit of the UAE air force commander to Israel, a joint training with the US Marines, and a joint naval drill in the Red Sea with the UAE and Bahrain. There have been more US strategic bombers in the region as wellI kn. B-1 bombers overflew Israel on October 30 with an IDF escort. For the second time in a month the B-1s were escorted late last week.
Iran’s Tasnim news reported that foreign reports have discussed the helicopter incident, saying that “the report goes on to say that the Iranian pilot portrayed and documented his presence on board the USS Essex aircraft carrier in front of the eyes of the US military from inside his cabin.” Tasnim says “these unusual images come as Iran conducts large-scale exercises in the northern Indian Ocean and parts of the Red Sea.” Iran references it Zulfiqar 1400 joint exercise.
So why was Iranian media hesitant to jump on this story? Last week, Iran appears to have invented a story about an incident with the US navy, claiming it was able to abscond with a ship under the nose of 5th Fleet. Now Iran isn’t talking.
So why isn’t it bragging?
This isn’t the first time Iranian IRGC fast boats or drones or other Iranian military assets have harassed the US Navy. The US fired warning shots in April and May at Iranian IRGC naval ships. The US has warned of “unprofessional” incidents like this.
It’s possible that Iran leaked this video to see how Israel and other media might react. If Iran is downplaying it at first, that means it is thinking to gauge US reactions. This contrasts other times that Iran seeks to take credit for incidents. Since 2019 Iran has increased tensions with the US. It has mined ships and launched increased drone attacks, and it has been striking at Saudi Arabia, US facilities in Iraq and Syria, and aiding the Houthis in Yemen. Iran also used a drone to attack a commercial ship in July in the Gulf of Oman. Iran’s Saviz spy ship was damaged in April in the Red Sea. Iran has attacked commercial vessels over the last eight months, apparently thinking it is targeting Israel-linked ships.
發佈時間: 2021 年 11 月 13 日 20:54

國際原子能機構(IAEA)總幹事拉斐爾·格羅西於 2021 年 9 月 13 日抵達奧地利維也納,參加原子能機構理事會會議的開始。

他曾希望在 11 月 22 日開始的 IAEA 董事會會議之前以及在定於 11 月 29 日恢復伊朗協議的談判之前參加會議。
IAEA 的任務是監測伊朗對伊朗協議的遵守情況,該協議也稱為 2015 年聯合綜合行動計劃,旨在防止伊朗生產核武器。

2021 年 5 月 24 日,在奧地利維也納,在冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行期間,伊朗國旗飄揚在國際原子能機構總部所在的聯合國辦公大樓前。(來源:LISI NIESNER/REUTERS)