菜英文- 動物園『英文會話』18

2022-08-01·4 分


菜英文- 動物園『英文會話』18 #英文學習 #多益

There are many animals動物 in the zoo.
Animals at the zoo looks so sad傷心.
Where can I find the peacocks孔雀?
Peacocks have beautiful plumage羽毛.
Look !The Peacock has spread out it’s tail尾巴 feathers羽毛.
These monkeys are dirty髒的.
The panda熊貓 is so cute.
Pandas are precious寶貴的 creatures生物.
The bears are so funny有趣的.
Let’s see the deer鹿 first.
The gorilla猩猩 is confined關住 in a cage籠子.
This is a fierce兇狠 tiger老虎.
The seal海豹 is sleeping睡 on the ground地上 now.
Have you seen the dolphin海豚 performance表演?
A lion was just born出生.
The kangaroo袋鼠 comes from Australia澳洲.
Can this parrots鸚鵡 talk說話?
The swan天鵝 looks so beautiful.
The ostrich鴕鳥 cannot fly.
How much does the elephant大象 weigh重?
Look at the long neck脖子 of the giraffe長頸鹿.
It seems that the boy likes the zebra斑馬.
The last person is very hungry飢餓.
The turtle烏龜 pull is had inside裡面 the shell殼.
Has the penguin企鵝 adjusted調整 itself to the climate天氣 here?
Why doesn’t the boa蟒蛇 move?

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