2021.06.09 國際新聞導讀-美軍指責俄羅中國在中東的動作企圖取代美國影響力、伊朗資深神職人員穆塔沙米普過世、以色列新內閣下周日信任投票後就職

2021-06-09·21 分


2021.06.09 國際新聞導讀-美軍指責俄羅中國在中東的動作企圖取代美國影響力、伊朗資深神職人員穆塔沙米普過世、以色列新內閣下周日信任投票後就職

幫助在黎巴嫩成立伊斯蘭革命衛隊、真主黨的伊朗神職人員死於 COVID-19
這位 74 歲的老人被認為是先知穆罕默德的後裔,並幫助建立了真主黨和伊斯蘭革命衛隊,並在以色列的一次未遂暗殺中失去了手。
2021 年 6 月 8 日 19:31

Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur,真主黨和伊斯蘭革命衛隊的聯合創始人。
據當地報導,美國資助的伊朗廣播公司法爾達電台週二報導,伊朗前內政部長、黎巴嫩真主黨創始人之一阿里·阿克巴爾·莫赫塔沙米普爾 (Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur) 已死於 COVID-19。
這後來得到了包括美聯社在內的多家新聞媒體的證實 。
據美聯社報導,74 歲的 Mohtashamipur 是一名什葉派神職人員,根據宗教傳統,他是先知穆罕默德的直系後裔。他是阿亞圖拉·魯霍拉·霍梅尼 (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) 的堅定盟友,後者在 1979 年伊朗革命中推翻了政府並建立了伊朗伊斯蘭共和國。
據美聯社報導,在與該地區的伊斯蘭激進組織結成多個聯盟後,Mohtashamipur 後來在伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊(IRGC)的成立中發揮了作用。
後來,他在擔任伊朗駐敘利亞大使期間,幫助多個激進組織合併,組建了伊朗支持的黎巴嫩什葉派恐怖組織真主黨,該組織仍然是該地區的一支強大力量,是伊朗最臭名昭著的代理人之一。 .
此外,一些人認為他監督了真主黨的自殺式爆炸襲擊,例如 1983 年對美國駐貝魯特大使館的襲擊。據美聯社報導,伊朗和真主黨繼續否認參與這些襲擊,但美國不這麼認為。
Mohtashamipur 也因 1984 年成為以色列暗殺未遂的目標而聞名。據作家兼記者 Ronen Bergman 稱,對 Mohtashamipur 的暗殺企圖是由總理 Yitzhak Shamir 親自簽署的。這次行動涉及一個包裹,包裹上標有一本關於什葉派聖地的書,該包裹被送往前大使並引爆。
這次襲擊重傷了 Mohtashamipur,他失去了一隻手。 以色列人懷疑參與 了這次襲擊,但直到伯格曼在 2018年透露這一消息才得到證實 。
儘管在他職業生涯的大部分時間裡都是伊朗強硬激進分子的成員,但 Mohtashamipur 後來加入了改革派,並對 2009 年有爭議的總統馬哈茂德·艾哈邁迪內賈德的連任提出異議。
此後,他開始在伊拉克什葉派聖城納傑夫生活了 10 年。
首席大法官 易卜拉欣·賴西(Ebrahim Raisi)是一位強硬派,被許多人認為是伊朗即將舉行的總統大選的領跑者,他向莫塔沙米普爾的家人表示哀悼。
Iran cleric who helped found IRGC, Hezbollah in Lebanon dies of COVID-19
The 74-year-old was considered a descendent of the Prophet Mohammed and helped found Hezbollah and the IRGC, and lost his hand in an attempted assassination by Israel.
JUNE 8, 2021 19:31

Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur, co-founder of Hezbollah and IRGC.
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Former Iranian interior minister and one of the founders of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur, has died of COVID-19, the US-funded Iranian broadcast service Radio Farda reported Tuesday, based on local reports.
This was later confirmed by multiple news outlets, including the Associated Press.
Mohtashamipur, 74, was a Shi’ite cleric who, according to religious tradition, was a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, AP reported. He was a steadfast ally of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who overthrew the government in the 1979 Iranian Revolution and established the Islamic Republic of Iran.
After having formed multiple alliances with Islamic militant groups in the region, Mohtashamipur would later play a role in the founding of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), AP reported.
Later, while serving as Iran’s ambassador to Syria, he would help with the merging of multiple radical groups and form the Iran-backed Lebanese Shi’ite terrorist organization Hezbollah, which remains a powerful force in the region and is one of Iran’s most infamous proxies.
In addition, he is believed by some to have overseen Hezbollah suicide bombing attacks, such as the 1983 attack against the US Embassy in Beirut. Iran and Hezbollah continue to deny involvement in these attacks, but the US believes otherwise, AP reported.
Mohtashamipur was also famous for having been the target of an Israeli assassination attempt in 1984. According to author and journalist Ronen Bergman, an assassination attempt on Mohtashamipur was personally signed off on by prime minister Yitzhak Shamir. The operation involved a package marked as containing a book on Shi’ite holy places that was sent to the former ambassador and detonated.
The attack severely wounded Mohtashamipur, and he lost a hand. Israeli involvement was suspected in the attack, but it was unconfirmed until revealed by Bergman in 2018.
Though a member of Iran’s hard-line radicals for a large portion of his career, Mohtashamipur would later join the reformists and disputed the controversial 2009 reelection of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
After this, he began living in the holy Shi’ite city of Najaf, Iraq, for 10 years.
Mohtashamipur died in a hospital in Tehran, according to Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), the official state news agency.
Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi, a hard-liner who is considered by many to be the front-runner in Iran’s upcoming presidential election, offered his condolences to Mohtashamipur’s family.
“The deceased was one of the holy warriors on the way to the liberation of Jerusalem and one of the pioneers in the fight against the usurping Zionist regime,” he was quoted by IRNA as saying, AP reported.
2021 年 6 月 8 日 18:10

CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie
自2015年以來,俄羅斯越來越多地干預敘利亞。它還向土耳其出售其 S-400 防空導彈系統,近年來受到包括埃及和沙特阿拉伯在內的該地區其他美國盟友的歡迎。俄羅斯在利比亞也有承包商,在非洲也有足跡。
他說:“2020年,中國幾乎與該地區的每個國家接觸,利用剝削性債務陷阱、‘一帶一路’倡議和疫苗的醫療外交,試圖擴大其影響力,但效果令人懷疑。” “俄羅斯在該地區同樣具有破壞性,他們的參與主要是機會主義和交易性的。
麥肯齊對美國第五艦隊扣押了一艘據稱運載來自伊朗的武器的前往也門的船隻發表講話。這至少是 18 個月內被扣押的第四艘船。伊朗用無人機、導彈和其他技術武裝也門的胡塞叛軍。
Top US general warns of Iran, China and Russia in Middle East
US General Kenneth McKenzie talks Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan
JUNE 8, 2021 18:10

CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of US Central Command, on Monday warned about Iran’s destabilizing activities and the roles of Russia and China in the Middle East.
During a special briefing, he spoke about his visit to Iraq and Syria and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“Another priority is deterring Iran’s destabilizing activities, which remains the biggest threat to stability in the Middle East,” he said. “I believe that our posture in the region has had a deterrent effect on Iran and made it more difficult for them to deny attribution for their malign activities.”
Deterrence involves the US deploying ships, airpower and missile-defense capabilities, McKenzie said.
Regarding the role of Russia and China, he said they are seeking greater influence in the region and stronger ties with various countries.
Since 2015, Russia has increasingly intervened in Syria. It is also selling its S-400 anti-aircraft missile system to Turkey and has been welcomed by other US allies in the region, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, in recent years. Russia also has contractors in Libya and a footprint in Africa.
Russia and China sense a decline in US “engagement” in the region, McKenzie said.
“China engaged with nearly every country in the region in 2020, using exploitative debt traps, the Belt and Road Initiative and medical diplomacy with their vaccine, which has dubious efficacy, to try to expand its influence,” he said. “Russia is equally disruptive in the region, and their engagements are largely opportunistic and transactional.
“Russia seeks ways to position itself as an alternative to the West by offering to mediate regional conflicts, selling arms, offering military expertise and participating in regional and multilateral organizations to advance their interests.”
Regarding Syria, where the US has a close partnership with the Syrian Democratic Forces, which includes many Kurds, Christians, Arabs and other groups, McKenzie said the US was still in the fight in the war against ISIS.
There are concerns among observers that the US may cut funding to the SDF, and there have been clashes in Manbij and Turkish threats to security.
In the long term, “we’d like to transition this to local security organizations that are going to be able to provide this kind of security without a significant investment and international support,” he said. “That’s still in the future, but that is ultimately the direction that we would like to move.”
The US is also continuing to support the Lebanese Armed Forces, McKenzie said. Recent posts on social media have included messages of US support. Many wonder how the US can work closely with the Lebanese army when Hezbollah has massive control of Lebanon.
“We remain committed to supporting the Lebanese armed forces,” he said. “They’re one of the elements of the government of Lebanon that actually functions very well, and we believe they should continue to be the sole expression of military power of the state in Lebanon. I had a good visit there a couple of months ago, where I met with the chief of defense.”
He stressed the importance of training for the Lebanese.
McKenzie addressed the US Fifth Fleet seizing a ship destined for Yemen that allegedly was carrying weapons from Iran. It is at least the fourth ship seized in 18 months. Iran arms the Houthi rebels in Yemen with drones, missiles and other technology.
Asked about the ship, he said: “Yes, we seized a ship… and a large number of weapons on it in very suspicious circumstances. We are still finalizing attribution for this because we want to be very careful before we go public with who we believe is associated with it.”
The US military continues to work closely with Saudi Arabia on improvement of their integrated air and missile defense, McKenzie said.
“That’s a very high priority for us, as it is with Saudi Arabia, because they are subjected to really an unceasing bombardment from the Houthis in Yemen through ballistic missiles, small drones and land-attack cruise missiles,” he said. “And these attacks are not helpful; they’re certainly not helpful to try to find an end to the conflict in Yemen. And so we work very hard with the Saudis to enable them to defend themselves. So that work is going on, and I’m pleased with the results that we’ve made.”
The US has been criticized by some for supporting the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia says it is supporting the government of Yemen against the Iran-backed Houthis. But the war has dragged on for years. The new US administration wants to shift to only helping Saudi defensive capabilities.
“I am personally convinced the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks a responsible political end to the conflict,” McKenzie said. “I am convinced they’re willing to take significant steps to make that happen. Unfortunately, I do not believe the Houthis are ready to seize the moment, and they have an opportunity here to enter good-faith negotiations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to bring an end to this conflict.”
2021 年 6 月 8 日 18:48

2021 年 1 月 4 日,伊朗伊斯蘭共和國陸軍在伊朗塞姆南舉行的大規模無人機作戰演習中發射了一架無人機。照片拍攝於 2021 年 1 月 4 日
5 月 8 日,又發生了另一起無人機事件,4 月,一架無人機襲擊了伊拉克庫爾德地區埃爾比勒國際機場的中央情報局秘密機庫。5 月 11 日還發生了一次無人機襲擊。

這位美國在中東的高級將軍經常警告無人機威脅,包括恐怖分子使用小型四軸飛行器的威脅。ISIS 使用無人機。
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伊拉克的威脅正在增加,麥肯齊暗示可以採取更好的防空或“動能”方法來阻止無人機。據報導,C-RAM 防空系統被用來在阿薩德空軍基地擊落他們。

US CENTCOM: Iran drone threat in Iraq
At a briefing with US Central Command head General Kenneth McKenzie on Monday, he discussed the increasing drone threat.
JUNE 8, 2021 18:48

A drone is launched during a large-scale drone combat exercise of Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Semnan, Iran January 4, 2021. Picture taken January 4, 2021
Drones are an increasing threat to US forces in Iraq. There have been at least four drone attacks, most recently on Sunday, when drones, likely operated by Iranian-backed militias, attacked Ain al-Asad Airbase. They were shot down.
On May 8, another drone incident took place, and in April, a drone attacked a secret CIA hangar at Erbil International Airport in the Kurdish Region of Iraq. There was also a drone attack on May 11.
At a briefing on Monday with Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, commander of US Central Command, he discussed the increasing drone threat.
“We are seeing pressure from Iranian-affiliated militant groups that want to push us out of Iraq, and the latest manifestation of that has been the use of small unmanned aerial systems, or drones,” McKenzie said.
The top US general in the Middle East has frequently warned about drone threats, including those by terrorists using small quadcopters. ISIS used drones.
The Iranian drone threat is more sophisticated. It includes kamikaze drones that are as large as a person, carry a warhead and use precise coordinates to carry out attacks. Because they have a preplanned route, they are hard to jam and can be hard to shoot down.
In an attack on Erbil, the drone was said to have used a civilian flight path to avoid detection or interception, according to reports.
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“Some of them are very small; some are a little bit larger; all can be very lethal,” McKenzie said. “And they are resorting to this technique because they have been unable to force the government of Iraq to require that we leave. So political pressure has not worked for them; now they’re turning to a kinetic approach. And that is very concerning to me. As always, we have a variety of measures there to defend ourselves.”

He also discussed the drone threat to Saudi Arabia by the Iranian-backed Houthis. Clearly, drones are increasingly being used as a strategy and tactic by Iran across the region. They traffic the drones or the technology to build them to proxies, such as the Houthis in Yemen, pro-Iran militias in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

During the recent Gaza conflict, the Iron Dome air-defense system downed drones for the first time.

The threat in Iraq is increasing, and McKenzie has hinted at better air defense or “kinetic” approaches to stop the drones. The C-RAM air-defense system was used to shoot them down at Asad Airbase, according to reports.
Lapid-Bennett 政府宣誓就職,將取代內塔尼亞胡在周日舉行
以色列議會議長的聲明意味著聯盟協議必須在周五之前公佈,讓首相所在的集團有 48 小時的時間來審查它們;MK Orbach 支持聯盟,可能以 61-59 佔多數
由邁克爾·BACHNER今天,上午 11:22

(LR) Yisrael Beytenu 領袖 Avigdor Liberman,Yesh Atid 領袖 Yair Lapid,Yamina 主席 Naftali Bennett,新希望主席 Gideon Sa'ar,藍白黨主席 Benny Gantz,Ra'am 主席 Mansour Abbas,工黨領袖 Merav Michaeli 和 Meretz 領袖 Nitzan霍洛維茨於 2021 年 6 月 6 日在特拉維夫舉行的潛在聯盟首腦會議上。 (Ra'anan Cohen)
本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理看起來將在五天內結束他連續 12 年的執政生涯,因為以色列議會議長亞里夫·萊文週二宣布,將在周日舉行的議會特別會議上就宣誓就任新的“更迭政府”進行投票。在法律規定的最後期限之前。
由候任總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 和 Yesh Atid 領導人亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 領導的八黨“更迭政府”聯盟,在搖擺不定的亞米娜·MK Nir Orbach週二表示,他將支持新聯盟後,預計將以 61-59 的多數票獲勝。.
投票的時間意味著所有聯盟協議必須正式提交給以色列議會並在周五之前公佈。因此,支持內塔尼亞胡的集團將有 48 小時——而不是法律規定的 24 小時,因為安息日不算在內——來審查協議,並在信任投票前向右翼 MK 施壓要求跳槽。

2020 年 10 月 19 日,以色列議長亞里夫·萊文 (Yariv Levin) 旁觀,總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡 (左) 在以色列議會全體會議上發表講話。 (Shmulik Grossman/Knesset)
萊文週一正式通知議會,Yesh Atid 黨領袖亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 已在總統魯文·里夫林 (Reuven Rivlin) 分配給他的時間內成功組建新的權力分享政府,但當時並未確定宣誓就職日期,根據法律必須在 6 月 14 日之前進行。
法律規定,信任投票必須在議長向議會發出正式通知後的 7 天內進行,“更迭政府”的成員一直在向萊文施壓,不要等到最後一天,而是在周三舉行投票。
“正在發生!” 他寫了。“我感謝以色列議會發言人亞里夫·萊文 (Yariv Levin) 將宣誓就職日期定在周日。MK Karine Elharrar 將召集安排委員會來製定時間表。聯盟協議將根據法律要求提交。

新興聯盟中的政黨領袖:這張創建於 2021 年 6 月 2 日的圖片組合顯示(上(左到右)Yesh Atid 領導人 Yair Lapid、Yamina 領導人 Naftali Bennett、新希望領導人 Gideon Sa'ar、Yisrael Beytenu 領導人 Avigdor Lieberman, (底部從左到右)梅雷茨黨領袖尼贊霍洛維茨、藍白黨黨魁本尼甘茨、拉姆黨領袖曼蘇爾阿巴斯和工黨領袖梅拉夫米凱利。(法新社照片)
將推翻內塔尼亞胡現任過渡政府的新八黨聯盟將在議會 120 名議員中佔 61 名議員的微弱多數,這意味著一名議員的叛逃可能會阻止它。
拉皮德在一次 Yesh Atid 派系會議上說:“這個政府會很好,而且會持續下去,因為它基於正確的事情——信任、體面、善意,”他評論了人們普遍懷疑與一個聯盟的生存能力。極薄的議會多數和由右翼、中間派、左翼和阿拉伯政黨組成的雜亂無章的集會。

Yamina 酋長 Naftali Bennett 和 Yesh Atid 領導人 Yair Lapid 於週三晚上出現,他們通知魯文·里夫林總統他們已成功組建政府,2021 年 6 月 2 日(提供)
新政府將首先由亞米納黨主席貝內特領導,拉皮德將於 2023 年 8 月接替他出任總理。
貝內特呼籲內塔尼亞胡“放手”。讓國家前進。即使你不領導政府,人們也可以投票支持它——順便說一下,這個政府在當前政府的右側 10 度。
內塔尼亞胡在貝內特發表評論後向右翼第 20 頻道發表講話,稱他為“慣常的說謊者”。他說,新政府“比[2005年加沙]脫離接觸和奧斯陸[協議]更危險”。

2021 年 6 月 6 日,本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理在耶路撒冷舉行的紀念醫務工作者和醫院抗擊 COVID-19 流行病的儀式上發表講話。(Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
週日,亞米娜 MK 的 Idit Silman 和 Orbach 被授予額外的安全保護,因為他們成為了旨在向他們施壓反對支持新興聯盟協議的激進分子的目標。
Swearing-in of Lapid-Bennett gov’t that would replace Netanyahu set for Sunday
Knesset Speaker’s announcement means coalition deals must be published by Friday, giving PM’s bloc 48 hours to scrutinize them; MK Orbach backs coalition, for likely 61-59 majority
By MICHAEL BACHNERToday, 11:22 am

(L-R) Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid, Yamina chair Naftali Bennett, New Hope chair Gideon Sa'ar, Blue and White head Benny Gantz, Ra’am chair Mansour Abbas, Labor head Merav Michaeli and Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz at a meeting of the heads of the would-be-coalition in Tel Aviv, June 6, 2021. (Ra'anan Cohen)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks set to end his 12 consecutive years in power in five days, as Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin announced Tuesday that a vote would be held on swearing in the new “change government” during a special parliamentary session on Sunday, a day before the deadline set by law.
The eight-party “change government” alliance, headed by Prime Minister-designate Naftali Bennett and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid, anticipates winning a 61-59 majority in the vote, after wavering Yamina MK Nir Orbach said Tuesday he would back the new coalition.
The timing of the vote means that all coalition agreements must be formally handed to the Knesset and made public by Friday. The pro-Netanyahu bloc will therefore have 48 hours — not the 24 hours required by the law, since the Sabbath day of rest isn’t counted — to scrutinize the agreements and pressure right-wing MKs to jump ship before the vote of confidence.
In a statement, Levin said a new Knesset speaker would be chosen during the same session.
The Knesset doesn’t normally convene on Sundays.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) addresses the Knesset plenum as Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin looks on, October 19, 2020. (Shmulik Grossman/Knesset)
Levin formally notified the parliament on Monday that Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid had succeeded in forming a new power-sharing government within the time allotted to him by President Reuven Rivlin, but at the time didn’t set a date for the swearing-in, which must by law take place no later than June 14.
The Likud party’s Levin, a Netanyahu loyalist, has been suspected by critics of trying to time the swearing-in in a way that gives the premier’s allies the greatest chance to foil the coalition by persuading prospective right-wing members to defect.
The law holds that the vote of confidence must come within seven days of the speaker’s formal notification to Knesset, and members of the “change government” had been pressuring Levin not to wait for the last possible day but rather to call the vote for Wednesday.
Lapid celebrated Levin’s announcement on Twitter.
“It’s happening!” he wrote. “I thank Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin for setting the swearing-in date on Sunday. MK Karine Elharrar will convene the Arrangements Committee to set the schedule. The coalition agreements will be submitted as required by law.
“The unity government is going ahead for the benefit of Israel’s citizens.”

Party leaders in the emerging coalition: This combination of pictures created on June 2, 2021 shows (Top (L to R) Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid, Yamina leader Naftali Bennett, New Hope leader Gideon Sa’ar, Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Lieberman, (bottom L to R) Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz, Blue and White leader Benny Gantz, Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas, and Labour leader Merav Michaeli. (Photos by AFP)
The new eight-party coalition that would oust Netanyahu’s current transitional government is set to hold a razor-thin majority of 61 lawmakers out of the Knesset’s 120, meaning the defection of a single lawmaker could thwart it.
On Monday, Lapid said the coalition will strive to unite a fractured nation and will also serve the whole nation, including those who voted for parties going into the opposition.
“This government will be good and it will last because it is based on the right things – on trust, on decency, on goodwill,” Lapid said at a Yesh Atid faction meeting, commenting on widespread skepticism about the survivability of a coalition with a wafer-thin parliamentary majority and a motley assembly of right-wing, centrist, left-wing and Arab parties.

Yamina chief Naftali Bennett and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid are seen on Wednesday evening, as they inform President Reuven Rivlin they have succeeded in forming a government, June 2, 2021 (Courtesy)
The emerging government will first be headed by Yamina party chief Bennett, who will be replaced by Lapid as prime minister in August 2023.
Amid alarmist discourse in some right-wing circles, rising incitement on social media, angry protests outside politicians’ homes, and even allegations of treason against Bennett and his allies, the Yamina party chief and prime minister-designate said on Sunday that the new government “is not a catastrophe, it’s not a disaster, [it’s] a change of government: a normal and obvious event in any democratic country.”
Bennett appealed to Netanyahu to “let go. Let the country move forward. People are allowed to vote for a government even if you do not lead it — a government that, by the way, is 10 degrees to the right of the current one.
“Don’t leave scorched earth in your wake. We want to remember the good, the great deal of good you did during your service [as prime minister], and not, God forbid, a negative atmosphere you would leave upon your departure.”
Netanyahu, speaking to the right-wing Channel 20 after Bennett’s comments, called him “a habitual liar.” He said the emergent government was “more dangerous than the [2005 Gaza] Disengagement and Oslo [Accords].”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a ceremony to honor medical workers and hospitals for their fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, in Jerusalem, on June 6, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
He accused Bennett of engaging in a “liquidation sale” of the country and claimed the incoming government was in league with the so-called “deep state.”
On Sunday, Yamina MKs Idit Silman and Orbach were granted extra security protection, after being targeted by activists aiming to pressure them against backing the emerging coalition deal.
At least four of the seven Yamina lawmakers in the Knesset have now been given additional protection amid threats directed at them over the party joining up with Lapid and left-wing parties to form the so-called change government.
Ultra-Orthodox leaders brand Bennett ‘wicked,’ say he’ll destroy Jewish state
Haredi politicians harshly condemn PM designate; Litzman: He should take off his kippah so that ‘everyone understands that he’s Reform’

Haredi party leaders Aryeh Deri of Shas, center, and Yaakov Litzman, left, and Moshe Gafni of United Torah Judaism, at a press conference at the Knesset in Jerusalem, May 6, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

德里說猶太國家“處於危險之中”;Gafni 品牌 Bennett '邪惡'
Shas 領導人 Aryeh Deri 說:“猶太國家處於危險之中。這是在該州根除宗教。”
聯合托拉猶太教領袖 Moshe Gafni 將 Naftali Bennett 稱為“邪惡的”。

內政部長 Aryeh Deri (R) 於 2016 年 11 月 7 日在以色列議會與聯合托拉猶太教 MK Moshe Gafni 交談。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
聯合托拉猶太教 MK Yaakov Litzman 稱貝內特為改革派猶太人。

Deri says Jewish state is ‘in danger’; Gafni brands Bennett ‘wicked’
Ultra-Orthodox politicians are seething over the imminent establishment of the so-called “change government,” which would see Benjamin Netanyahu removed from power and the Haredi parties flung to the opposition, if it’s sworn in on Sunday as planned.
Shas leader Aryeh Deri says: “The Jewish state is in danger. This is the uprooting of religion in the state.”
“The new government is going to destroy the Jewish identity and character of the state, which allows us to live together,” says Deri.
United Torah Judaism leader Moshe Gafni brands Naftali Bennett as “wicked.”
“The name of the wicked will rot,” he declares of the prime minister-designate, who is an Orthodox Jew.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (R) speaks with United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni at the Knesset on November 7, 2016. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
United Torah Judaism MK Yaakov Litzman calls Bennett a Reform Jew.
“What’s the difference between him and a gentile? He wears a kippah. I urge him to remove his kippah. It’s a great chutzpah that he wears a kippah. Let everyone understand that he’s Reform,” says Litzman.

儘管所謂的“更迭政府”似乎將於週日宣誓就職,取代長期擔任總理的本雅明·內塔尼亞胡,但據報導,關於監督西岸 C 區巴勒斯坦建築的最後一刻的分歧有可能使其脫軌。

Yamina 主席 Naftali Bennett(左)和 Blue and White 主席 Benny Gantz 於 2020 年 5 月 17 日在以色列議會會面。(提供)
該報告稱,分歧涉及 Gideon Sa'ar 的新希望黨要求成立一個新機構,該機構將監督國際敏感的巴勒斯坦人在 C 區(西岸約 60%)涉嫌非法建築的執法事宜。根據《奧斯陸協定》,完全處於以色列的安全和民事控制之下。

Dispute over enforcing West Bank construction threatens to derail new coalition
Although the so-called “change government” appears set to be sworn in Sunday, unseating longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, last-minute disagreements about oversight of Palestinian construction in the West Bank’s Area C are reportedly threatening to derail it.
Prime Minister-designate Naftali Bennett met Defense Minister Benny Gantz yesterday to discuss the matter, the Walla news site reports.

Yamina chairman Naftali Bennett (L) and Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz meet in the Knesset on May 17, 2020. (Courtesy)
The report says the disagreement concerns a demand by Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope party for the formation of a new body that will oversee the internationally sensitive matter of enforcement of alleged illegal construction by Palestinians in Area C — some 60 percent of the West Bank which is under full Israeli security and civil control according to the Oslo Accords.
Gantz objects to that, and reportedly told Bennett that the relevant passage in the coalition deal should be changed to say that the authority will remain with the Civil Administration, the military liaison to the Palestinians that belongs to the Defense Ministry, and that its personnel will be boosted as needed.
邁克·埃文斯說,他的 7700 萬追隨者將與內塔尼亞胡一起“進入反對派”;譴責尋求取代總理的聯盟是將向激進伊斯蘭教投降的反猶太復國主義者
通過TOI人員今天,下午 1:38

美國福音派領袖邁克·埃文斯於 2021 年 6 月 7 日在耶路撒冷舉行的新聞發布會上發表講話(屏幕截圖/YouTube)
一位著名的美國福音派基督教領袖週一警告說,如果以色列議會確認所謂的“更迭政府”並罷免總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡,以色列可能會失去其 7700 萬追隨者的支持。
在耶路撒冷舉行的新聞發布會上,“耶路撒冷祈禱隊”的負責人邁克·埃文斯 (Mike Evans) 抨擊將在周日面臨確認投票的團結政府成員,稱他們是阿拉伯反猶太復國主義者和後猶太復國主義者組成的聯盟將“揮舞白旗”並向激進的伊斯蘭教投降。他說即將舉行的以色列議會投票“支持或反對猶太復國主義”。

“福音派將與內塔尼亞胡站在一起,”他說。“如果內塔尼亞胡加入反對派,福音派——我的 7700 萬人民——將與他一起加入反對派。”
後來被記者問及他是否會反對以色列政府時,他澄清說:“我們仍然會支持以色列國,但我們不會有以前的立場,因為我們不會有信任,信任就是一切。 ”

內塔尼亞胡總理於 2018 年 12 月 30 日在里約熱內盧的福音派基督徒聚會上發表講話 (Avi Ohayon/GPO)
埃文斯最近幾天一直在開展一項運動,以說服以色列人不要放棄內塔尼亞胡,他在 以色列時報博客平台上的一篇謾罵帖子中表達了他的觀點,他說上帝選擇了內塔尼亞胡來領導以色列。
埃文斯還向候任總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 發布了一封公開信,稱他為“令人作嘔的失望”,並指責他“在美國福音派人士的臉上拉屎”。
“我想親自向 Naftali Bennett 道歉,因為我使用了一些嚴厲的言論和粗魯的語言,”他說。
他貶低貝內特,反復稱他為“七人座”,因為他的亞米納黨在 3 月的選舉中贏得的席位很少,並說世界領導人不會認真對待他,甚至不知道他的名字。
“沒有人問我們,即使我們有 7700 萬,”他說,並聲稱對特朗普政府承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都的決定表示讚賞。“你不是從美國的猶太社區那裡得到的。你是從福音派那裡得到的。如果不是我們,唐納德特朗普四年內不會給你一件事。”

人們走過2017年5月19日在耶路撒冷歡迎美國總統唐納德特朗普的海報(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
埃文斯是2017 年 5 月在耶路撒冷周圍豎起的數十個廣告牌的幕後 推手,這些廣告牌敦促特朗普“讓以色列變得偉大”。廣告牌的目的是提醒特朗普他在選舉中向福音派