LIVE學英文|HowHow x 賓狗

2021-07-22·51 分




00:08:25 Where did you propose? 你在哪裡求婚的?
00:08:28 Tokyo DisneySea 迪士尼海洋世界
00:11:08 How did it go? 求婚過程順利嗎?
00:11:10 I think it went well. because um... 我覺得還不錯...因為
00:12:54 How would you translate 廢片始祖? 「廢片始祖」怎麼翻譯?
00:13:00 Maybe it’s the pioneer of garbage video? 或許是製造垃圾影片的先驅?
00:13:13 或是可以這樣說:the pioneer of crap producer 
00:13:39 Would you say you are the 廢片始祖? 你認為你是廢片始祖嗎?
00:13:46 I wouldn’t say I am, but I enjoy making crap. 我不敢說我是始祖,但製作廢片這回事,我真的樂在其中
00:14:11 What are the three things you take every time you leave home?
00:14:17 Eye glasses, smart phone, and keys 眼鏡、智慧型手機、鑰匙
00:14:29 Wallet, smart phone, keys 錢包、智慧型手機、鑰匙
00:14:38 What about you? 你呢?
00:14:40 Wallet, smart phone, keys. Yeah they’re the same. Sorry for the comment
lol 錢包、手機、鑰匙,好吧,跟你一樣,抱歉我不該那樣笑你XD
00:14:57 What are the first three things you do after you wake up in the
morning? 你每天早上起來,會做那三件事
00:15:01 Open my eyes, brush my teeth, and take a pee 睜開眼睛、刷牙、尿尿


supercalifragilisticexpiadocious 美好的;奇妙的;難以置信的

00:17:16 Is there a word to describe your feeling? 有沒有什麼字,可以形容你現在的感受?

00:19:30 賓狗老師解析時間

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 火山矽肺症


floccinaocinihilipilification 無意義的

00:26:00 Chair 椅子;會議主席
00:26:13 modelling 建模 , shading 上色, rigging 上骨架 , animating 動畫化 
00:28:10 Compositing 合成
00:28:24compositer 合成師
00:28:55 rotoscoping 轉描


00:38:50 If I had a new refrigerator, I ….
00:39:54 He plays very well. 他技巧很好(可能是球類、音樂演奏等等)
00:44:39 If I had a new refrigerator, I would sell my old refrigerator to get
more stuff into my new refrigerator. 如果我有一個新冰箱,我會賣掉舊的,然後塞更多東西到新冰箱
00:44:54 so mundane! 這麼...平凡??
00:45:00 So you want more food and stuff in your new refrigerator?
00:45:04 Yeah, cuz right now my refrigerator is kind of small. 對啊,我家冰箱有點小
00:45:08 Sometimes, when I go to Costco or 大潤發, I won’t buy a lot of stuff cuz
my refrigerator is so small. 有時候我去好市多或是大潤發,我都不會買太多東西,因為我冰箱太小了
00:45:20 If I had a new refrigerator, my life would be better and more
convenient. 如果我有一台新冰箱,生活會更方便更美好
00:45:31 So you want a larger fridge? 所以你想要一個大一點的冰箱?(fridge 也是冰箱的意思)
00:45:36 Yeah, so when I go to Costco or somewhere like that, I won’t be
concerned about the small storage of my refrigerator. So I will buy anything I
want. 對啊,這樣我去好市多之類的地方,就不用擔心冰箱容量,可以盡情購物
00:45:46 If I wanna buy three boxes of milk, or dozens of eggs, I can buy them.
00:45:53 Would you say you’re a shopaholic? 你是購物狂嗎?
00:46:00 I think, during the pandemic, I become a shopaholic. 我覺得疫情期間,我有點像購物狂
00:46:12 I can’t go out, so sometimes, I go to Shopee or something. I visit the
website, put many things in the cart, and then check out.



HowHow: Online shopping is horrible cuz you can’t see the money. You go to the
store. If the cloth is NT$ 1,000 dollars, you take out your $1000 bill and buy
it. You see the money on your hand, so you realize it costs NT$ 1,000.But when
you shop online, you can’t see the money. If the thing is NT$ 10,000 or 20,000,
they’re just numbers. You don’t feel anything.But when you shop online, you
can’t see the money. If the thing is NT$ 10,000 or 20,000, they’re just numbers.
You don’t feel anything.But 20,000 on your hand? It’s a lot!So online shopping
is horrible. You’ll spend a lot of money, but you don’t realize it.

HowHow:線上購物很恐怖,因為沒有付錢的感覺,如果是去店裡購物,衣服要 1000 元,你就必須拿出 1000
元大鈔,你會看見手上的鈔票,意識到這件衣服花了你 1000 元。但上網購物時,看不到金錢來往。一個商品要花 1 萬 2
萬,也只是數字,沒有什麼感覺。但如果是親手付 2 萬元,哇那感覺就很多,所以線上購物很恐怖,你花很多錢,但是沒什麼感覺

Bingo: It’s true. Online shopping makes you careless. You spend a lot without
feeling any pain.

Howhow: yes, and in the end of the month, you see the bill, you would be like
“What the XXXX”
Howhow:對啊,然後月底看到帳單,你就會心裡罵 XXX

Bingo: Do you feel the pain when you see the bill? Or you just go “”Fxxk it, I
don’t care!”

Howhow: No, of course! It’s like, “what did I buy?”You check the list: ”Ok I
bought this and that, ok!”It costs a lot.

Bingo: Did you change your behavior after you saw the bill?

Howhow: I changed my behavior for a day or two, then …

Bingo: and then it comes back lol.Yes, exactly!

00:48:28 Why do you need a larger fridge? What does it bring to you? Like
convenience to your life. Howhow 解釋了為什麼需要一個大冰箱,會帶來什麼好處,比如說生活變方便


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