Taiwan-Japan: Distance, History & Shared Interests ft. Stephen Nagy

2023-11-17·19 分


In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Stephen Nagy from the Japan Institute for International Affairs, tells hosts, media producer Rath Wang and Yiting Lien from the Lai presidential campaign, why the Taiwan-Japan relationship is one of the most crucial in the region and the context behind Tokyo’s vested interests in Taipei.

Nagy also talks about what is behind many public statements in support for Taiwan from the international community. He also details how Chinese aggression has brought South Korea and Japan closer and raised eyebrows for countries all over the region. Nagy also speaks about the erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong, where he was a long-time resident. He stresses why it is crucial for the world to not let that happen to Taiwan and the importance of strengthening ties with global partners to maintain and protect the country’s autonomy, democracy, and way of life.

Nagy is also professor of politics and international studies at the International Christian University in Tokyo. He serves as a distinguished fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation and fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, specializing in Indo-Pacific and Japan-U.S.-China relations.

本集《世界信賴台風眼》,我們邀請到日本國際事務機構的 Stephen Nagy,與主持人兼媒體製作人王健智,及賴清德總統競選團隊的連翊婷(Yiting Lien),分享台日關係為何事區域中最重要的關係國際關係之意,以及東京在台北既存利益的脈絡。

Nagy 也分享了許多來自國際社群對台灣的聲援的公共聲明背後的意義。他也闡述了中國的野心背後,如何將南韓、日本拉得更近,也讓區域的各個國家拉緊神經。Nagy 也說到,他長期居住的香港的自由正在傾頹,並強調這就是為什麼對世界來說,不讓這件事發生在台灣,以及為此加強與國際夥伴的連結以保護國家的自主性、民主與生活方式的重要性。

Nagy 是東京基督教大學政治學及國際研究的教授。他同時也在亞太基金會,以及全球加拿大人事務機構服務。他的專長是印太和日、美、中關係。

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