(in CH.)Who is your favorite Mandarin singer?你最喜歡的華語歌手

2022-05-29·18 分


Who is your favorite Mandarin singer? #MandarinSongs
In this episode, we invite Michael Chin, who is now living in Sydney, to talk about our favorites signers. Those singers come from Taiwan#JayChou #JolinTsai #Mayday, USA#LeehomWang, Hong Kong(#GEM), Malaysia#FishLeong and Singapore#JJLin #StefanieSun.

這集中,我們邀請了現居雪梨(悉尼)的翼,一同與我們聊聊當年我們喜歡的華語歌手。這集提到的歌手包含來自台灣#周杰倫#蔡依林 #五月天、美國#王力宏、馬來西亞#梁靜茹、新加坡#林俊傑#孫燕姿、香港#鄧紫棋 的歌手!

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