英文故事 #27 我們一起去打獵抓獅子!We're Going on a Lion Hunt!

2021-11-12·22 分


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1. 孩子愛上學英文,自信開口唸故事,完課後可輕鬆銜接全英文課程

今天的故事改編自一首美國著名的童謠,或是Camp Song,叫做We’re Going on a Lion Hunt。英國童書作家Michael Rosen也曾以這首歌作為靈感,創作了英國國民繪本We're Going on a Bear Hunt《我們要去捉狗熊》,獲獎無數,三十年來受到世界各地小朋友的喜愛。

We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! Long, long grass!
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to go through it!
Chop, chop, chop, chop!

We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! Tall, tall trees!
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to climb up them!
Up, up, up we go!

We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! Deep, deep river.
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to swim across it!
Splish, splash! Splish, splash!

We’re going on a lion hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Wait! Do you see what I see?
Oh no! A dark, dark cave.
Can’t go under it…
Can’t go over it…
Can’t go around it.
We have to go into it!
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe.

A wet nose…
Two big ears…
Sharp teeth…
Ahh! It’s a big lion!

Run! Out of the cave!
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe.
Run! Swim across the river!
Splish, splash! Splish, splash!
Run! Climb up the trees!
Up, up, up we go!
Run! Go through the grass!
Chop, chop, chop!

Run into the house!
Slam the door!
Into the bedroom!
Under the blankets!
Whoo.. safe on our beds!
Tired and sleepy.

We will catch a lion tomorrow.
Good night.


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