【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Guess what? 猜猜看! 發生甚麼事!!

2023-01-23·10 分


W: Hey, Julian. Guess what?
M: What?
W: I just got transferred to Tokyo as the new executive officer in Marketing.
M: No kidding? Congratulations! When are you going to Tokyo?
W: Probably next month. I have to wait for the paper works. Hey! You should come visit me some time.
M: Don’t worry! I will.

1. guess [gɛs] (v.) 猜測;推測
2. transfer [trænsˋfɝ] (v.) 調任
3. Tokyo [ˋtokɪo] (n.) 東京
4. executive officer [ɪgˋzɛkjәtɪvˋɔfәsɚ] (n.) 執行長
5. marketing [ˋmɑrkɪtiŋ] (n.) 行銷
6. congratulation [kәn͵grætʃәˋleʃәn] (n.) 祝賀;慶賀
7. visit [ˋvɪzɪt] (v.) 拜訪;探望

👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Guess what? 《Note》 Guess what? (猜看看發生什麼事?) 通常後面回應者會回問 What?讓對方把話說完。
A: Guess when?
B: When?
A: Guess how?

2.A: Guess what?
B: __________?


💯《Answer Key》: What
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