#8 Culture | Etiquettes in Different Countries | 旅行時的各國禮儀須知

2024-04-09·9 分


1. rude (adj.) 粗魯的
2. accidentally (adv.) 偶然地
3. pressure (n.) 壓力
4. essential (adj.) 基本的
5. preparation (n.) 準備
6. reaction (n.) 反應
7. perceive (v.) 感知
8. material (adj.) 物質的
9. possession (n.) 所有物
10. various (adj.) 各種不同的
11. homeless (adj.) 無家可歸的
Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
📚Title: 10 common things Americans do that are considered rude in other countries
📚Author: Ciara Appelbaum
🌍Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/etiquette-rules-what-is-rude-elsewhere-2017-8
🎥The Discussion Question from This Episode:
What is something you think is rude?
✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
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