#商用台語#辦公室台語劇#如果遇到對你『軟土深掘』的人要如何回嘴#『軟土曬久也會硬』# 台灣拳#台語划拳#

2020-07-29·28 分







00:00:22 節目開始 故事簡介
00:01:10 新化ㄟ黑輪來信
00:06:00 划酒拳台語
00:07:25 蘇ㄟ整裡# 台灣拳#完後一拳公開
00:12:50 (後面都是廣告)

粉絲專頁 台南語 爽!Podcast



人講 做雞著筅(慶),做人著反
雞若欲討食,就愛用跤爪筅物件來食;人若欲生存,嘛愛想盡辦法。來賺吃 作工作,在這鍋粥內翻滾,難免浮浮沉沉 ,最近 新化ㄟ黑輪來信,講他 老鳥被菜鳥欺負,不知如何是好! 來 來 聽看看發生什麼事?

蘇ㄟ大哥,我是ㄧ個科技公司的業務 我來公司3年多了,我沒什麼特別的野心,頭路吃起來也是平平順順的. 不過半年前 我們來了一個新同事 ㄧ開始還沒感覺越到後面就覺的到他很有心機 我們出差都可以報公帳. 他每次都故意不報 或是低報. 製造出為公司省錢的樣子. 後來也是因為這樣子 日後如果出差. 就在不能報公帳. 而且自從他進來之後 經常有意無意地說話諷刺我
他都覺得他是國外大學畢業的 說的話就是專業. 有一次他超級誇張.

boss:公司想要推出這個新產品 IQ_987 鼓勵你們要跳脫框架思考,提供創新的ideal好好銷售此項產品 為了讓計畫順利開始進行,公司投入了一筆很大的資金作為第一步。規格價錢這些細節的問題 讓美國回來的王專員來為大家好好解釋解釋

王專員: 一以上是這個產品初步的簡介.........

黑輪: 抱歉. 王專員 我對產品規格上有一些不清楚的地方

王專員:這個都不懂 你知道怎麽賣嗎?你會賣嗎?


會後. 小美跑到我的身邊. 偷偷告訴我. 你知道嗎. 原本我和王專員:有合作一個case,都談好了! 我原本想pass給你 你知道王專員怎麼對我說嗎: 他說啊!如果這個case是要pass給黑輪 ,那尾手 所有的售後服務 我全都不負責 你爸我花了那麼多時間 就這樣讓那個傢伙佔了便宜 去!

蘇ㄟ大哥。你看 我在這間公司3年 要被才來半年的菜鳥欺負 我每天都想離職 人家說人善被人欺 馬善被人騎 你救救我 到底我該怎麼辦??有時候產品不好。我真的不想賣給客人 要我睜眼說瞎話 我還真辦不到 哎。

當然。蘇ㄟ沒有做過辦公室工作 但是我知道 被人軟土深掘的時候 可以用台語怎麼樣回話 來 這句話叫做 『軟土曬久也會硬』』 這個以前的稻田裡面 這個泥土 都非常軟爛的 但要是 沒有水分給他的灌溉 太陽曬久了 這個泥土也會變得非常的堅硬 喔

公司有公司的制度 良性的競爭 總能帶來最大的收益 誰對誰不對 各位聽眾可以留下你們的言論來討論 最後還是那句老話 一山還有一山高 一滴還有一滴滴
人際關係就像膽固醇 過頭與沒夠都不好 過頭血管就硬化 沒夠就無法穩定細胞壁

啊講那麼多下班了後。來海產店 來酒店喝一杯啦!爽啦~



酒女秀秀:蘇董 就久沒來呢!人家要別墅辣!


酒女阿朱2: 三小!叫你某買,買你去死啦,啊你不就來亂的,秀秀咱們不要理 他 哼!

蘇董:哪有這麼兇ㄟ, stanly 咱不理她,來划拳


酒女秀秀:(跺腳聲)別這樣啦!阿朱 蘇ㄟ,跟我說笑辣!妳看 他那憂鬱的眼神 細噓的喙鬚節仔. tshuì-tshiu-tsat-á. 神乎其技的拳法 和桌上那杯dry martini 都深深的將他出賣了 就那情像 淒黑夜晚上ㄟ火金姑 那樣的鮮明 那樣的出眾。
酒女阿朱2: 知拉。知拉 知到你在秋啦

老朋友ㄚ 這划酒拳在早期的工商社會。不管是士農工商販夫走卒 男人在社會走跳
藉由 喝酒 划酒拳 這是和生疏的人快速的拉近人際關係很好的辦法
但隨著講台語的人越來越少 這台灣拳 可真是越來越少聽見 這不但體現出下港男人

熱情 阿莎力 的一面 如果你有豐富的生活體驗跟台語能力 還能組合出 意想不到的話語 可以讓飯局充滿了歡喜這氣氛與pasion 主人有面子 客人也歡喜,這些充滿台灣style
的畫面ㄧ直保留在我的記憶中,十分的美好 所以今日和 各位聽眾分享 我所記憶以台灣民俗這本書中有關著台灣拳ㄟ資料



一開始先喊。帕拉拳: 就是剪刀、石頭、布

帕拉拳 就是日語發音,拳語中祇有主音「帕」、「足」、「毋」是固定的,
剪刀 「剪刀」為「足」或「足奇」

石頭 「石頭」為「毋」或「嗯得」或「毋地」

布 「 布」為「帕」或「帕來」

台灣拳: 台灣拳內容共有九種,分別是:「甭出」、「單操」(吳瀛濤著《台灣民俗》謂:單操乃當朝訛音,清代官居一品謂一品當朝)、「雙雙」、「三三」、「四逢」(四喜詩:久旱逢甘雨,他鄉遇故知,洞逢花燭夜,金榜題名時,四逢乃四逢喜之簡稱)、「六連」(天地四方為六合)、「七巧」(乞巧之諧音)、「八仙」、「九怪」(台語為難纏之意)、「十全」(中藥名)。
台灣拳沒有設定五,而其拳語內容祇要詞首冠上數字,或表達數字內容即可,後面的語詞不拘,比如「甭出」可換為「無來」;「單操」可改成「一枝」或「單單」;「倆相好」可代換為「兩個」或「雙雙」;「七巧」可喊成「巧投」;「八仙」可化為「八匹」;「九怪」可換成「快投」(北斗星又稱九魁,快投乃魁斗之訛音)或「九猴」;「十全」一般都喊為「總來」或「總捧」。反正,台灣拳祇要能表達所要喊的數字意義即可,拳語的內容並不加以限制。變化多端 增加趣味

1 甭出 單操 當朝 一品 無來
2 倆相好 兩個 雙雙
3 三三 老三
4 四逢 四四
6 六連 六合
7 七巧 巧投 乞丐
8 八仙 八匹 巴巴 八同
9 九怪 快投 魁斗 九魁 九猴
10 十全 總來 總捧

Welcome to Su’s Podcast.

In Taiwanese, there’s a saying that goes, “做雞著筅,做人著反。” It means that even a chicken knows to make good use of its claws to scratch at the ground for bugs; we human beings should work harder for living, shouldn’t we? We’re in this real world, trying to make a living, trying to make a name for ourselves. Sometimes we get luck, sometimes we don’t. Recently, I got a letter from Alan of Xinhua. Himself, a veteran, yet was bullied by a newbie, he didn’t know what to do. Let’s hear out his story….

Bro, I work as a salesman at a tech company. I’ve been here for three years. I am not that ambitious about work. Work is just fine like always. However, half a year ago, we had this new colleague, Wang. He’s pretty okay at first, yet we found this guy slippery. You know, when we were out for business meetings, with the receipts, the company would reimburse us later. Somehow, he managed to let the company think that he’s trying to save money for the company. As a result, we won’t be able to do anything at the company’s expense. On top of that, he became sarcastic sometimes, especially around me. He thought he’s better than others as he'd studied abroad. There’s this one time, he’s so over the top.

At a company meeting…
Boss: We’d like to promote this new product, IQ987... In order to make this project go smoothly, we’ve funded a lot of money for this…. Let’s welcome our specialist, Wang, to show you the details!
Wang: ...that’s the brief introduction for today. Thank you. Any questions?
Alan: Yes, I am not clear about the product specifications you…
Wang: If you don’t even get that, how do you call yourself a salesman?
Alan: ...Okay..? I guess I’ll look for more information myself…?

After that meeting, Xiao-mei told me that she once worked with Wang on a case. She thought it’d be nice if I could sign it off and close the deal. Wang said to Xiao-mei,

“if you want Alan to sign off the deal, I won’t bother to care about all the responsibilities that come after. This case cost me enough time to credit myself.”

Bro, you see… I’ve been here for three years, yet, being teased by a rookie. I want to quit every day, you know. They say, “All lay loads on a willing horse.” You tell me, bro! What am I supposed to do? Some of our products are just not that great, I can’t bullshit like we’ve got this perfect product for the clients.

Bro, listen, I’ve never done any office job myself before, but I know this; when you give him an inch, he’ll take you a yard. You gotta toughen up! “軟土曬久了也會硬 Nńg-thôo pha̍k kú iâ ê tīng!” Don’t let others look down on you! You know, farm soil is usually soft and mushy. But, if the farm soil gets no water, it becomes very dry and hard.

I believe that getting along with others works like this: it’s when our body and the cholesterols are having each other’s back. Having too much cholesterol makes our blood vessels harden; yet, we can’t fix our cell wall when we’re not having enough cholesterol.

I understand that an institutional company will promote healthy competition for better profits. However, there’s someone always better than you. Don’t get arrogant. Don’t let it go to your head.

In Alan's story, what do you guys think? Newbie Wang did something wrong? Alan is too upset? Is this all about rightness? I invite you guys to leave a comment or thoughts below.

It’s a long day. Let’s go get some drinks. (They visit a jiudian.)

At a jiudian....
(Jiudian is a place where you can “order” some “girls.” You buy their time; they’ll stay in the booth with you and drink with you. Some businessmen like to bring their business partners there as they negotiate the deals.)

Girl Xiuxiu: Su-dong, it’s been a long time since you last visited! You promised me a building last time, yes?

Su-dong: Alright, ok, if i got this deal tonight, I’d let my wife get you one.

Girl Ah-zhu: You get your wife…, fuck you! Forget it, Xiuxiu, let’s not take his case anymore.

Su-dong: Sassy, huh? Stanley, let’s play the hand game.

Girl Xiuxiu: ohh, stop that, Ah-zhu, you don’t understand. Look at Su, look at his eyes, look at his beard, look at how he plays the hand game, look at the glass of the Martini that he’s having… He just can’t hide how outstanding he is. I'm so attracted to him. He’s like the firefly in the dark nights. He's so exceptional.

Friends, in the early 60s of Taiwan, this Taiwan hand game is a way for people to interact with others, to get along with others, and even to develop a good relationship with others, especially when two groups of people are not close at all. However, as there are less and less people speaking Taiwanese, this Taiwan hand game is not that popular in recent days. This old Taiwan hand game is fading. You can barely hear the exchange of “the shouting” anymore.

Whether it’s a casual gathering, a formal dinner, a business occasion, this Taiwan hand game boosts up the mood and delivers passion as the event goes. This is something very Taiwanese. I have many joyful memories with this hand game. So today, I'd like to share this Taiwan hand game with you guys.

Here’s how to play the game:
First, you start with “Pa la Can,” which is the Rock Paper Scissors. (“Pa la Can” is the Japanese.) The winner goes first.

While both players give out the numbers by their fingers, at the same moment, the winner will say the number that he thinks the total of their fingers would be, from 0 to 10. However, they are not gonna say the number like “yi, er, san… (one, two, three…).” They say phrases that indicate the numbers that they want. For example, if they want “one,” they don’t say “one.” They say “甭出”or”單操”or”當朝”or”一品”or”無來” to indicate the number one. If they want to say “two,” they say “倆相好”or”兩個”or”雙雙.”

If it's your turn to say the number and you get the sum of the fingers right, you win.

Here are some of the phrases that you can use when you’re playing the game.
You can say:
甭出(biàn), 單操(tan tsho), 當朝(tong tiau), 一品, 無來(bô lâi) to indicate one. (單操, 當朝 are homophones.)
倆相好(lióng siong-hò), 兩個(nǹg ê), 雙雙(siang siang) to indicate two.
三三(san san), 老三(lāu san) to indicate three.
四逢(sù hong), 四四(su sù) to indicate the number four.
(There’s no phrase for five. Explanation below.)
六連(lák liân ), 六合(lák hàh) to indicate six. (六合 means the universe.)
七巧(tshìt khà), 巧投(tâh), 乞丐(khit-tsiáh) to indicate the number seven. (七巧, 乞丐 are the homophones.)
八仙(pat sian), 八匹(pat phìt), 巴巴(pa pa), 八同(pa tâng) to indicate eight.
九怪(káu kuè), 快投(khuài tâu), 魁斗(kuê tàu), 九魁(káu kue᷈), 九猴(káu ka᷈u) to indicate nine. (九怪 means someone’s weird.)
十全(sip tsuân), 總來(tsóng lâi), 總捧(tsóng phóng) to indicate ten. (十全 is a name of Chinese medicine.)

Players avoid saying five.
Because there’s a good chance of meeting five. They don’t want the game to end short. They want the game to last longer.

Some people might raise questions about how to know what phrase to use. It’s all about the mutual agreement between two players. And most importantly, the rhythm of Taiwanese. As the game goes, they raise their voice. They might eventually shout out phrases at each other. They choose phrases that work with the flow, work with exchange tempo. This is when the vibe is building up. The game is all about that. And, again, this is why they avoid saying “five” as the high possibility of meeting five might kill the good mood.

Thank you for listening. This is Su’s Podcast.

如有雷同 純屬巧合

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