家長對孩子求學的影響? Do parents influence their children’s Schooling?

2021-05-12·23 分


家長對孩子求學的影響? Do parents influence their children’s Schooling?

在華人社會,父母總是為自己的孩子做決定,他們相信這對他們的未來有好處。 這幾乎是華人家庭的核心價值。

In Chinese society, parents are always making decisions for their kids, and they
believe it is good for their futures. It is almost a core value within the
Chinese family. Because of this core value, children have to respect their
parents' opinions and even consider their parents' feelings when children are
making their own decisions. So how parents' influence their children’s
Schooling? What makes the difference between Eastern and Western parents? How to
allow parents to let go?

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