EP02.1 外國人不好說:西班牙同志朋友現身說法,在這個城市裡盡情探索 ft. Ángel|Sex on the beach

2020-10-26·1 時間 0 分





"Liberty matters, but safety no. 1".

Our guest, Ángel, shares his life and experience knowing new people in this big crazy city... as well as some suggestions for those who want to explore themselves here.

The English part starts at 01:39. Let us know if you have any feedback or just give us a like!


01:39 /English interview/
02:30 Why is Ángel in Berlin? What is he doing currently?
07:11 Berlin vs. Spain? Differences between Tindr and Grindr?
12:55 A creepy story happened in Finland…
17:57 There are even categories for gay people?
21:44 Single vs. in relationship? German vs. Spanish? Come to explore!
26:55 Favorite spots in Berlin? First experience in KitKat…
31:44 No condoms for sex in Berlin? What is prep? Things you must know

36:55 /中文內容/
37:16 剛來柏林時怎麼拓展交友圈?天使和安九怎麼認識的?柏林其實很小
39:37 柏林 vs. 西班牙小鎮?交友軟體Tindr vs. Grindr?很多人說有吃「prep」就不戴套!
43:43 天使的芬蘭約會奇遇記⋯⋯什麼什麼式??
47:44 在外走跳、安全要有:約會前必須問對方的幾件事!
48:18 原來男同志還會被分類?twink、daddy、gym rat、wolf、bear⋯⋯
50:23 喜歡單身還是交男友?喜歡德國人還是西班牙人?開放式關係很正常?
53:47 同志必去?第一次去KitKat的經驗

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