
2022-07-25·19 分


歡迎光臨 Podcast《激罵揪某聊》偶爾聽一點沒營養的吧!工作感情、幹話綜藝、名人專訪本節目什麼都有...有知性、有喜劇、也有鬧劇。平台搜尋🔍《激罵揪某聊》 https://fstry.pse.is/6dwcmb
—— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

有關《Dataa Point. 數據﹐碰!》針對年輕人帶傘習慣的數據調查:http://www.dataa.com.tw/archives/2379

🎼The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Bossa Antigua by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3454-bossa-antigua
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://incompetech.com

🎼The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Chinese Dreams by MusicLFiles
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6318-chinese-dreams
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://cemmusicproject.wixsite.com/musiclibraryfiles

🎼The following music was used for this media project:
Music: The Path of the Goblin King v2 by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4502-the-path-of-the-goblin-king-v2
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://incompetech.com

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