Love You Forever written by Robert Munsch

2021-02-07·8 分


(Read by Mr. H)永遠愛你- 是一本經典的童書也非常賺人熱淚. 簡單易懂而且非常的溫馨. 自1986年已經銷售1500多萬本也被翻譯成西班牙語跟法語. 每次抱著孩子讀這一本書總會不由自主地默默流眼淚, 令人感動. 希望你們也會被感動.
Love You Forever is an absolute classic, it touches my child's and my heart. It is impossible to withhold the emotions at the end of the story. It is so beautifully written, I love how anyone can create his/her own melody with the little song in the book from mom to the child.
Written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Sheila McGraw, published by Firefly Books.

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