菜英文- 週六你在做什麼?『PodcastLog』160#英文學習 #多益
目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位
It is a leisurely悠閒 Saturday星期六.
I went to a hair salon沙龍 near靠近 the Taichung Art Museum to get my haircut理髮.
The hair dresser設計師 at this hair salon was very attentive細心 and could pick out what I wanted every time.
After I got my hair done, I had to go to a dermatology皮膚科 clinic診所.
I want everything to be unhurried休閒, and I don’t want to feel rushed急忙.
I also want to create創造 my own favorite最喜歡的 podcast content內容.
This draft草稿 was written寫 by myself.
I hope everyone will enjoy it.
After seeing the dermatologist皮膚科醫生 again, I decided to go home and cook煮菜.
Today I ate吃 a total of five different vegetables蔬菜.
The first one was tomatoes番茄, mushrooms蘑菇 and bell peppers青椒, corn shoots玉米筍, and cabbage高麗菜.
I have always總是 felt that boiled food水煮食物 is the healthiest 最健康because there are not too many artificial人造的 flavors口味 or additives添加劑 to keep your body in a relatively相對地 balanced平衡 state狀態.
Taking care of yourself seems to be your biggest responsibility責任.
I always go to the supermarket超級市場 to buy vegetables and fruits and try to buy mainly主要是 organic有機的 food.
Although雖然 the food is more expensive昂貴的, I think it is worth值得 it.
After eating, I decided決定 to rest for an hour before driving to the gym.
There are five main主要的 parts of the rest that I need to practice today.
The first one is the chest胸部, biceps二頭肌, triceps三頭肌, upper thighs上大腿, shoulders肩膀, or the back背部.
I always feel more energetic充滿活力 after every exercise鍛煉.
It is increasing增加 the body's metabolism代謝, it can also detoxify排毒.
Of course, when exercising鍛煉, you will also encounter遇到 some very selfish自私 people.
They often經常 occupy佔據 several一些 equipments器材.
You can only attack攻擊 them with your eyes.
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