「曾有法官說過,因有績效壓力,前輩往往會叮囑後輩,辦案不要節外生枝,久而久之就會去脈絡思考,但照顧事情何其複雜……」-報導者記者 曹馥年 ⠀⠀
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What’s your beef?是什麼意思呢?
What’s your beef? 是你怎麼了?你在抱怨什麼
每堂課500 元 一小時
單堂買課 沒壓力
一三五 晚上7-10點
每次上課都會 另外補充『道地俚語』喔
讓你看 美劇 電影 輕鬆到位
1 Today, you can buy glasses and eye-related與眼睛有關 products產品 online在線的, through通過 purchasing購買 agents代理商, etc.
2 Store staff職員 "preset預設 consumption消費 amounts金額" to increase增加 single consumption as the number of visitors訪客 to physical glasses stores實體店家 has declined下降 year by year.
3 In order to attract吸引 customers顧客, some optical光學 shops have turned into coffee shops and candy shops.
4 "If customers stay a little longer, they'll spend花費 more."
5 Co-operate with Internet celebrities名人 and Youtubers, and use digital數位 and social社交 marketing行銷.
6 Offer提供 discounts折扣 and promotions促銷.
7 Provide提供 incentives誘因 to increase loyalty忠誠.
8 Create創造 engaging迷人的 and interactive交互 content內容.
9 A lot of local當地 businesses企業 寶島 小林 are opening "optical光學 centers中心", investing投資 millions百萬 of dollars in equipment裝置, accumulating累積 professional專業 energy能力, and even checking consumers' eyes to make lenses鏡片 and frames框架 look good.
10 Currently現在, JINS has about 50 stores in Taiwan; OWNDAYS has entered進入 its eighth year in Taiwan and plans計劃 to reach 70 stores in five years.
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