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#Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma
#Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma
EP12【奧運冷知識 Olympic Trivia】S3
Yo yo yo, 喜歡Brosbond 的朋友們!這一集是關於最近火熱剛閉幕的2024巴黎奧運,我們要把熱度重新拉到最高潮!我們要來聊聊那些超猛超神的比賽、值得關注點愛心的運動員,以及此次巴黎有哪些讓人期待的亮點。我們還會在節目中來個有趣的奧運冷知識小測驗,讓你邊猜邊笑。全程都是爆點,不要錯過!馬上收聽/收看,一起嗨起來,Brosbond在YouTube等你來!🎤🔥🥇
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Yo yo yo, Brosbond fam! This episode’s all about the 2024 Paris Olympics, and we’re bringing the heat! We’re talking all the dope events, the athletes to watch, and what’s poppin’ in Paris. Plus, we’re throwing down a fun Olympic trivia game that’ll have you guessing and laughing. It’s all vibes, all energy, and you don’t wanna miss it. Tune in, and let’s get it! 🎤🔥🥇
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