EP167 聊新聞 #拌嘴怎麼說 #ready竟有別的意思 #蘇格蘭環保暖氣 #聖誕節關在家 #德建立接種中心 | 跟賓狗聽新聞學英文

2020-12-08·6 分


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1 【overrun 擠滿】— 動詞
California hospitals are overrun by COVID-19 patients.

2【ready 準備】— 動詞(比較正式的用語)
Germany is readying its vaccine centers.

3【spat 爭執】— 名詞(通常是比較瑣碎的小事)
A spat between China and Australia on Twitter has quickly escalated.

4【asteroid 小行星】— 名詞
A Japanese capsule has carried the world’s first asteroid subsurface samples back to the earth.

5 【central heating 中央暖氣系統】— 名詞
About one third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions comes from central heating.


1)overrun 擠滿
2)ready 準備
3)spat 爭執
4)asteroid 小行星
5)central heating 中央暖氣系統

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