EP 8 - 還記得我嗎? Do You Remember Me?

2021-09-08·32 分



讓我們回到2018 一起重溫家庭溫情劇「生日快樂」
從現今回望到過去 去尋找答案 去做個了結

溫馨提示: 有一點雷⚡️ 小心慎入吶

P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Join us as we review one of our top fave series from 2018, “Happy Birthday the Series”.
You may be actively avoiding tearjerker plots but you cannot say you have watched Thai series if you haven’t watched this series!
Your tears will be worthwhile, we promise.
Follow the characters as they work backwards to present a bigger picture behind a suicide in a normal middle-class family.
Prepare lots of tissues if you ever decide to watch after hearing our review😅

TW: Spoilers ahead. Enter with caution.

P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!


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