2021.11.02 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗蕃紅花生產增加可取代鴉片、世界氣候變遷會議各國努力拯救地球,以色列表示新創科技可協助應對氣候變遷、伊朗海軍在曼德海峽協助擊退海盜襲擊、歐盟將真主黨軍事部門列為恐怖組織以色列認為還不夠

2021-11-02·21 分


2021.11.02 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗蕃紅花生產增加可取代鴉片、世界氣候變遷會議各國努力拯救地球,以色列表示新創科技可協助應對氣候變遷、伊朗海軍在曼德海峽協助擊退海盜襲擊、歐盟將真主黨軍事部門列為恐怖組織以色列認為還不夠

COP26 上的貝內特:“初創國家可以拯救世界” - 觀看
2021 年 11 月 1 日 22:07

納夫塔利·貝內特總理於 2021 年 11 月 1 日在格拉斯哥舉行的 COP26 氣候會議上發表講話。

貝內特是參加會議的 100 多位世界領導人之一,該會議被稱為COP26,旨在加強過去關於氣候變化的決定。
領導人之間的會議特別側重於讓發達國家履行其幫助較貧窮國家實現減排目標的承諾。但會議的其他目標包括通過削減溫室氣體來緩解氣候變化。許多國家,包括以色列,都承諾到 2050 年實現淨零碳排放,並尋找方法來適應氣溫上升的挑戰。
“讓我們成為現實,”貝內特在他的 COP26 演講中說。“以色列是一個小國。我們的面積不到蘇格蘭的三分之一。”

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Bennett 引用了他的政府的“100 步計劃”,到 2025 年逐步淘汰煤炭,到 2050 年將溫室氣體排放量減少到淨零,以及其他政策。
Bennett 說,以色列 60% 是沙漠,是世界上最乾旱的地方之一,但其創新使其成為沙漠農業專家和水技術的世界領導者。
貝內特在格拉斯哥待了兩天,還有環境保護部長塔馬爾·贊德伯格和能源部長卡琳·埃爾哈拉爾及其隨行人員約 36 人。連同安全、新聞和環境保護部幫助獲得證書的一些非政府組織、學者和企業,參加 COP26 的以色列代表團約有 130 人。
代表團中唯一一家初創企業 UBQ Materials 可持續發展副總裁雷切爾·巴爾 (Rachel Barr) 稱讚了以色列以商業為中心的做法。
由於 20 個主要工業國集團未能在周末在羅馬舉行的峰會上就雄心勃勃的新承諾達成一致,COP26 會議的任務變得更加艱鉅。
G20 排放了約 80% 的二氧化碳,這種氣體由燃燒化石燃料產生,被視為全球範圍內日益嚴重的熱浪、乾旱、洪水和風暴的主要原因。
英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜在開幕式上說:“人類在氣候變化問題上早已倒計時。” “距離世界末日時鐘的午夜還有一分鐘,我們現在需要採取行動。”
聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯 (António Guterres) 提醒與會者,有記錄以來最熱的 6 年發生在 2015 年之後。
拜登表示,他計劃與美國國會合作,在 2024 年啟動一項耗資 30 億美元的計劃,旨在通過當地主導的措施幫助發展中國家適應和管理氣候變化的影響。
“太平洋青年齊心協力,大聲疾呼,‘我們沒有淹死;我們正在戰鬥,”來自波利尼西亞薩摩亞島國的布麗安娜·弗魯安 (Brianna Fruean) 說,該島受到海平面上升的威脅。“這是我們向世界發出的戰士吶喊。”
約翰遜上台時,瑞典活動家格蕾塔·桑伯格(Greta Thunberg)轉推呼籲她的數百萬支持者簽署公開信,指責領導人背叛。
發達國家上週證實,他們將晚三年才能達到 $100b。氣候融資承諾,許多貧窮國家和活動家表示無論如何都不夠。
迄今為止做出的減排承諾將使地球的平均表面溫度在本世紀上升 2.7°C,聯合國表示這將加劇氣候變化已經造成的破壞。
Bennett at COP26: 'Start-Up Nation can save the world' - watch
"Our carbon footprint may be small, but our impact on climate change can be mighty… we need to contribute… the energy and brainpower of our people," Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said.
NOVEMBER 1, 2021 22:07

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaking at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, November 1, 2021.

(photo credit: CHAIM TZACH/GPO)
GLASGOW – Israeli technology can help save the planet from the adverse impact of climate change, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on Monday.
“As the country with the most start-ups per capita in the world, we must channel our efforts [in]to saving our world,” he said.

Bennett was one of more than 100 world leaders participating in the conference, known as COP26, which is meant to strengthen past decisions on climate change.
The meetings between leaders are particularly focused on getting developed countries to fulfill their pledges to help poorer nations meet their goals to reduce emissions. But other aims of the conference include mitigation of climate change via slashing greenhouse gases. Many countries, including Israel, are committing to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and finding ways to adapt to the challenges of rising temperatures.
While Israel made commitments in line with Western states, the Israeli delegation was especially focused on its strengths in the last point, adaptation.
“Let’s be real,” Bennett said in his COP26 speech. “Israel is a small country. We’re less than a third of the size of Scotland.”
However, he added, “our carbon footprint may be small, but our impact on climate change can be mighty. If we’re going to move the needle, we need to contribute Israel’s most valuable source of energy: the energy and brainpower of our people.”

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Bennett cited his government’s “100-step plan,” phasing out coal by 2025, cutting greenhouse-gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and other policies.
However, he said, “behavioral change will only take us so far,” and that is where new technologies that have not been invented yet will come in.”
“As the country with the most start-ups per capita in the world, we must channel our efforts to saving our world,” he added. “This is why I say to our entrepreneurs and innovators: You can be the game changers. You can help save our planet.”
Israel is 60% desert and one of the driest places in the world, but its innovations made it an expert in desert agriculture and the world leader in water technology, Bennett said.
To help Israel’s hi-tech sector pivot to climate solutions, the government established the “Green Sandbox” to provide funds and slash bureaucracy, he said, referring to a cabinet decision approved last week.
“History will judge our generation’s response to this threat– not by how ambitious we are, but by the practical steps we take,” he said. “Israel is the ‘Climate Innovation Nation,’ and we’re ready to lead the way.”
Bennett is in Glasgow for two days, along with Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg and Energy Minister Karin Elharrar and their entourages, about 36 people. Together with security, press and a number of NGOs, academics and businesses that the Environmental Protection Ministry helped get credentials, the Israeli delegation to COP26 is about 130 people.
Rachel Barr, a climate-change economist and vice president for sustainability of UBQ Materials, the only start-up in the delegation, praised Israel’s business-focused approach.
“We’re from an innovative country, and we believe this is how we’re going to solve our problems,” she said. “We need to get the biggest polluters and the best problem solvers together. Leveraging the power of business to advance sustainability… is how you solve problems.”
By including businesses in its delegation, Israel is signaling its belief that to be sustainable, businesses should have a “triple bottom line” that is good for profits, people and the planet, Barr said.
The task of the COP26 conference was made even more daunting by the failure of the Group of 20 major industrial nations to agree on ambitious new commitments at a summit in Rome over the weekend.
The G20 is responsible for around 80% of emissions of carbon dioxide, the gas produced by burning fossil fuels, which are viewed as the main cause of the heat waves, droughts, floods and storms that are growing in intensity worldwide.
“Humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the opening ceremony. “It’s one minute to midnight on that Doomsday Clock, and we need to act now.”
UN Secretary-General António Guterres reminded the attendees that the six hottest years on record have occurred since 2015.
In his address, US President Joe Biden sought to assure world leaders that the United States would keep its promise to slash greenhouse-gas emissions by more than half by the end of the decade, even as the key policies to ensure those reductions remain uncertain.
Biden, who succeeded former president Donald Trump in January, acknowledged that the US had not always led by example on climate change.
“That’s why my administration is working overtime to show that our climate commitment is action, not words,” he said.
Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement, or Paris Climate Accords. Biden returned to it when he took office.
Biden said the world needed to help developing nations in the climate fight.
“Right now we’re still falling short,” he said.
Biden said he plans to work with the US Congress to launch a $3 billion program in 2024 aimed at helping developing countries adapt to and manage the impact of climate change through locally led measures.
Other speakers, including activists from the poorer countries hardest hit by climate change, delivered a defiant message.
“Pacific youth have rallied behind the cry, ‘We are not drowning; we are fighting,’” said Brianna Fruean from the Polynesian island state of Samoa, which is threatened by rising sea levels. “This is our warrior cry to the world.”
As Johnson took the stage, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg retweeted an appeal for her millions of supporters to sign an open letter accusing the leaders of betrayal.
“This is not a drill. It’s code red for the Earth,” her tweet said. “Millions will suffer as our planet is devastated – a terrifying future that will be created, or avoided, by the decisions you make. You have the power to decide.”
Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose country is by far the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, ahead of the US, told the conference in a written statement that developed countries should not only do more but should also help developing countries to do better.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia, one of the world’s top three oil producers, along with the US and Saudi Arabia, dropped plans to participate in any talks live by video link, the Kremlin said.
Developed countries confirmed last week they would be three years late in meeting the $100b. climate finance pledge, which many poor countries and activists say is insufficient anyway.
The pledges made so far to cut emissions would allow the planet’s average surface temperature to rise 2.7°C this century, which the United Nations says would supercharge the destruction that climate change is already causing.
2021 年 11 月 1 日 19:12


當郵報詢問全面禁止真主黨時,歐盟委員會打擊反猶太主義和促進猶太人生活協調員 Katharina von Schnurbein 將這個問題拋給了她的歐盟上級。
2012 年,真主黨特工在保加利亞布爾加斯炸毀了一輛以色列旅遊巴士,殺害了五名以色列人和他們的保加利亞穆斯林巴士司機後,歐盟只是禁止了真主黨的軍事部門。
真主黨認為它的組織是一個不能分為軍事和政治部分的統一運動。部分禁令引發真主黨發言人易卜拉欣·穆薩維 (Ibrahim Mousawi) 於 2013 年重申該組織其他高級官員多年來所說的話:“真主黨是一個單一的大型組織。我們沒有彼此分開的翅膀。”

反誹謗聯盟首席執行官喬納森·格林布拉特 (Jonathan Greenblatt) 於 2020 年在眾議院情報和反恐小組委員會作證,並在聽證會上表示,伊朗政權是否認大屠殺和反猶太主義的最大國家支持者。
格林布拉特 6 月下旬在新聞周刊上寫道,“伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西在宣傳《議定書》方面發揮了實際作用,這是將猶太人妖魔化和使其合法化的持續運動的一部分。” 錫安長老議定書是“俄羅斯情報機構在 19 世紀偽造的……旨在將猶太人作為帝國苦難的替罪羊。”
歐盟委員會司法發言人克里斯蒂安·維甘德 (Christian Wigand) 告訴《華盛頓郵報》,“歐盟委員會重申其對全球反猶太主義鬥爭的堅定而明確的承諾。任何形式的反猶太主義、煽動仇恨和暴力都是不可接受的,也不符合歐盟及其成員國的價值觀和目標。它必須通過歐洲和國家層面的形式行動來解決。這些原則對歐洲人來說是沒有商量餘地的。”
反猶太主義事務專員 Katharina von Schnurbein 拒絕就歐盟是否應該取締這個世界上最致命的反猶太主義組織發表意見,這是一種不尋常的情況。
10 月 13 日,JTA 的 Cnaan Liphshiz 報導稱,“歐盟打擊反猶太主義的計劃‘不嚴肅’,”猶太社區領袖說。這篇文章主要涉及歐盟計劃中概述的猶太人缺乏宗教自由。
該計劃的標題是“歐盟打擊反猶太主義和促進猶太人生活的戰略(2021-2030)”。這份 26 頁的文件沒有提到真主黨或伊朗伊斯蘭共和國。伊朗政權在歐洲首都舉行的年度聖城集會期間,對猶太人和以色列人民和組織進行了監視,計劃暗殺並在整個歐洲煽動致命的反猶太主義。聖城集會促進了猶太國家的毀滅。
2017 年,一家德國法院判定穆斯塔法有罪,因為他獲得了有關德以友好協會前任主任和巴黎一所經濟大學的法以教授的情報。穆斯塔法被判處四年零三個月的監禁。
EU refuses to outlaw the entire Hezbollah terrorist entity
Europe stays mum on terming the Islamic Republic an antisemitic regime
NOVEMBER 1, 2021 19:12

Supporters of Lebanon's Hezbollah carry a coffin of a person who was killed in violence in Beirut on Thursday, during their funeral in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon

Amid complaints by European Jewish leaders that the European Union does not have a serious plan to fight rising antisemitism on the continent, a spokesman for the EU told The Jerusalem Post that the EU will not ban the entire terrorist movement Hezbollah and declines to say if the Islamic Republic is an antisemitic regime.
When the Post asked about a full ban of Hezbollah, Katharina von Schnurbein, the European Commission Coordinator on combating Antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, punted the question to her EU superiors.
Peter Stano, EU Spokesperson for Foreign Policy, told the Post that “The military wing of Hezbollah is already on EU terror list. Any changes in the nature and scope of the existing listing are for EU Member States to discuss and decide by unanimity.”
After Hezbollah operatives blew up an Israeli tourist bus in 2012 in Burgas, Bulgaria, murdering five Israelis and their Bulgarian Muslim bus driver, the EU merely proscribed Hezbollah’s military wing.
Hezbollah considers it organization to be a unified movement that cannot be divided into military and political parts. The partial ban sparked Hezbollah spokesman Ibrahim Mousawi, in 2013, to reiterate what other top officials of the organization have stated over the years: “Hezbollah is a single, large organization. We have no wings that are separate from one another.”
When asked if the Islamic Republic of Iran—the chief sponsor and strategic ally of Hezbollah—is an antisemitic regime, Stano said that the “EU has been very clear in its condemnation of antisemitism in general and of the calls for destruction of Israel by anyone who comes up with such unacceptable calls.”

Anti-Defamation League National Director Jonathan Greenblatt Courtesy
The Anti-Defamation League’s CEO ,Jonathan Greenblatt, testified before the House Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism in 2020 and said at the hearing that Iran’s regime is the top state-sponsor of Holocaust denial and antisemitism.
Greenblatt wrote in Newsweek in late June that " Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, played a hands-on role in promoting The Protocols as part of a sustained campaign to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish people." The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was "a 19th century forgery by Russian intelligence services…designed to scapegoat Jews for the empire's hardships."
Several reasons why the EU commission won’t declare the Islamic Republic an antisemitic regime might be explained by attempts not to upset the clerical leaders in Tehran in order to reach an agreement on the nation’s nuclear program.
European Union member nations are also animated by Iranian markets and trade deals, including Iran’s vast oil and gas production process.
When questioned if the EU will condemn the Iranian's regime lethal antisemitism and Holocaust denial, the spokesperson said “We do it everytime we are confronted with such remarks, not only in case of Iran.”
Christian Wigand, EU Commission Spokesperson for Justice, told the Post that “The European Commission reaffirms its firm and unequivocal commitment to the global fight against antisemitism. Any form of antisemitism, incitement to hatred and violence is unacceptable and incompatible with the values and aims of the European Union and its Member States. It must be addressed through form action, both at European and national level. These principles are non-negotiable for the European.”
Hezbollah is widely considered a deeply antisemitic terrorist organization because of its terrorism targeting Jews and calls for the elimination of the Jewish state. Germany, Britain, the US, the Netherlands, the Arab League, Japan, Canada and many additional European and Latin American countries have proscribed Hezbollah's entire organizaiton a terrorist entity.
It is an unusual situation when the commissioner to combat antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, declines to deliver her view on whether the EU should outlaw the world’s most deadly antisemitic organization.
She told the Post: “Thank you for your reply. May I refer you to the reply which you received yesterday from the Spokespeoples’ Service of the European Commission (attached). Please send your requests in the future to the colleagues in charge of press queries.”
On October 13, the JTA’s Cnaan Liphshiz reported that “European Union plan to fight antisemitism ‘not serious,” Jewish community leaders say.” The article dealt mainly with the lack of religious freedom for Jews outlined in the EU plan.
The plan is titled “EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life (2021-2030).” The 26-page document does not cite Hezbollah or the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran’s regime has conducted surveillance on Jewish and Israeli people and organizastions, planned an assasination and stokes lethal antisemitism across Europe during its annual Al-Quds rallies in European capital. The al-Quds rally promotes the obliteration of the Jewish state.
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which was designated by the US as a terrorist organization, paid the Pakistani man, Haider Syed Mustafa, carry out an assassination of a European Jew and monitor Jewish and Israeli organizations and individuals in Germany and France.
In 2017, a German court convicted Mustafa for securing intelligence on the former director of the German-Israel Friendship Society and on a French-Israeli professor from an economic university in Paris. Mustafa was sentenced to four years and three months in prison.
Mustafa spied on French-Israeli business Prof. David Rouach, who teaches at the elite Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris and served as head of the French-Israeli Chamber of Commerce, and, according to German authorities, his actions were “a clear indication of an assassination attempt.”
The US government, under both democratic and republican presidents, has classified Iran’s regime as the world’s worst state-sponsor of terrorism.
2021 年 11 月 1 日 22:08

以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特、美國總統喬·拜登和英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜於 2021 年 11 月 1 日在英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥參加慶祝聯合國氣候變化大會 (COP26) 開幕日的晚間招待會時聊天。

法國是 2015 年核協議的締約方,並支持恢復談判以重新加入該協議,英國也是如此,其首相鮑里斯·約翰遜將於週二與貝內特會面。


國際原子能機構(IAEA)總幹事拉斐爾·格羅西於 2021 年 9 月 13 日抵達奧地利維也納,參加 IAEA 理事會會議的開始。(圖片來源:REUTERS/LEONHARD FOEGER)

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貝內特還向法國總統埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍 (Emmanuel Macron) 做出承諾,此前有人指控以色列擁有的網絡安全公司 NSO 的軟件可能已被用於入侵馬克龍的手機。
一位外交消息人士稱,兩位領導人周一在格拉斯哥舉行的 COP26 氣候會議間隙的會議上討論了此事,同意繼續謹慎處理此事。

納夫塔利·貝內特總理在格拉斯哥會見法國總統埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍(圖片來源:CHAIM TZACH/GPO)
7 月,一個包含數千個電話號碼的數據庫被洩露給多家媒體,這些電話號碼據稱是 NSO 的 Pegasus 軟件的目標。其中包括馬克龍的個人手機,以及其他幾位法國內閣成員的手機,這些手機可能是摩洛哥安全部門的目標。NSO 拒絕與該列表有任何联系。
Pegasus 是在國防部許可下出售的,馬克龍在他的名字出現在名單上後向以色列投訴。以色列承諾調查此事。
2021 年 11 月 1 日 16:12


週五,在伊朗 10 月初無人機襲擊美國在敘利亞的軍事基地之後,美國財政部對伊朗發布了新的製裁措施,專門針對伊斯蘭革命衛隊 (IRGC) 無人機計劃。
美國財政部表示,伊斯蘭革命衛隊一直在提供無人駕駛飛行器 (UAV) 或無人機,供伊朗支持的團體使用,包括黎巴嫩激進組織真主黨,以及受危機影響的埃塞俄比亞。
此舉是拜登政府對伊朗採取的外交走鋼絲的一部分,因為它繼續對德黑蘭的軍事威脅採取行動,即使它尋求恢復 2015 年的核協議,前特朗普政府於 2018 年退出了該協議。

JCPOA 聯合委員會最近在維也納舉行的會議。以色列能否說服拜登政府停止其重返協議的競賽?(信用:路透社)
為恢復該協議而進行的最新一輪間接談判,即聯合綜合行動計劃(JCPOA),預計將於 11 月底舉行。伊核協議由德黑蘭與美國、俄羅斯、中國、法國、德國和英國等六國簽署。
週六在羅馬舉行的 G20 峰會期間,拜登會見了該協議的歐洲簽署國領導人,即英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜、德國總理安格拉·默克爾和法國總統埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍。
JCPOA 的複興“將取決於他們 [伊朗] 的行動以及我們的朋友們的意願,他們是最初協議的一部分,堅持我們並確保如果他們不能回來,他們會在經濟上付出代價,”拜登說。
如果談判繼續拖延,布林肯還質疑 JCPOA 的有效性。
“我們仍然相信外交是將核計劃放回協議中的最佳途徑,即所謂的 JCPOA,”布林肯說。
“華盛頓希望繼續特朗普對伊朗實施的大部分制裁。這對伊朗來說是不可接受的,”Amirabdollahian 說。
COP26: Iran at the fore in Bennett’s meetings at climate conference
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with few other world leaders in bilateral meetings during the United Nations Climate Conference. Iran was a running theme.
NOVEMBER 1, 2021 22:08

Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, U.S. President Joe Biden and Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson chat as they attend an evening reception to mark the opening day of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), in Glasgow, Scotland, Britain November 1, 2021.

GLASGOW - Iran played a prominent role in Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s bilateral meetings during the United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow on Monday.
Bennett and French President Macron held a one-on-one meeting, where they discussed challenges in the Middle East, foremost of which was Iran’s advanced enrichment of uranium in recent months.
France was party to the 2015 nuclear deal and supports resuming negotiations to rejoin it, as does the UK, whose Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to meet with Bennett on Tuesday.

COP26: Iran at the fore in Bennett’s meetings at climate conference
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The UK, France, Germany and the US released a statement on Saturday rapping Iran for enriching uranium to a point at which there is no longer a credible civilian use and indicates a weapons program. However, they called Iran to return to the negotiating table and US President Joe Biden committed in the statement to returning to the Iran deal and staying in it, as long as Iran does the same.
Iran also came up in Bennett’s meeting with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the UN Climate Conference. Bennett asked Morrison to call for a strong condemnation of Iran at the upcoming International Atomic Energy Agency’s upcoming board of governors meeting, set for later this month.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi arrives for the beginning of an IAEA board of governors meeting in Vienna, Austria, September 13, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/LEONHARD FOEGER)
The prime minister also said Australia should designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Australia, like the EU, only banned part of Hezbollah - its External Security Organization - but not the Lebanese terrorist group in its entirety.
The matter was discussed in Australia’s parliament earlier this year, when a commission recommended proscribing all of Hezbollah, and is expected to come up in Canberra again.

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Bennett also promised French President Emmanuel Macron, following allegations that software from Israeli-owned cybersecurity company NSO may have been used to hack Macron’s phone.
The two leaders discussed the matter in their meeting at the sidelines of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow on Monday, agreeing to continue to deal with it discreetly, a diplomatic source said.
Bennett and Macron also agreed to move forward and continue to strengthen cooperation between their countries.

PM Naftali Bennett meets with French President Emmanuel Macron in Glasgow (credit: CHAIM TZACH/GPO)
In July, a database featuring thousands of phone numbers alleged to be targets of NSO’s Pegasus software leaked to several media outlets. Among the numbers was Macron’s personal cell phone, as well as those of several other French cabinet members, which may have been targets of Morocco’s security services. NSO denies any connection to the list.
Pegasus is sold with permission from the Defense Ministry, and Macron complained to Israel after his name was found on the list. Israel promised to investigate the matter.
Bennett also invited Morrison and his wife to visit Israel. He said Australia is a “great friend and big supporter” of Israel and saying he hopes to strengthen ties between the countries.
The prime minister also met with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez. He spoke with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of the hall where leaders gave speeches.
On Tuesday, Bennett plans to meet with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
2021 年 11 月 1 日 11:48

伊朗革命衛隊 (IRGC) 的一艘船於 2019 年 8 月 22 日在伊朗阿巴斯港附近的未公開地點航行。


BAB-EL MANDEB 是阿拉伯半島和非洲大陸之間的重要海上咽喉要道,也是索馬里海盜活動的焦點。(信用:維基共享資源)
英國海事和貿易組織 (UKMTO) 在其季度報告中表示,海盜襲擊事件有所減少,但非海盜事件(例如無人機襲擊)呈上升趨勢。UKMTO 往往只記錄交戰,而不記錄海盜被擊退的事件。