#黑狗偷吃 白狗受罪#肉粽姨的故事#端午節特別節目#台語廣播劇podcast#

2020-06-25·27 分







00:01:00 節目開始 故事簡介
00:02:13 肉粽姨的血淚事件
00:05:18 秀美為何要提這著汽油去找阿輝?
00:07:42 阿榮兄 生雞蛋的沒有 放雞屎的有
00:11:53 (後面都是廣告)


各位親愛的觀眾,今天蘇Ã說ㄧ封台南下營肉粽姨來的信,是安內啦!這是個黑狗偷吃 白狗受罪的故事。這肉粽姨有一個小叔 外面有女人 原和 肉粽姨無關係,無奈肉粽姨的丈夫是一個不明事理 偽善 又愚忠的人。別人家的風流帳,後面確演變成自己被家暴。真正是。黑狗偷吃 白狗受罪

蘇ㄟ 講乎你聽


肉粽姨的小叔在台南市 開一間公司。表面看來風風光光 不過她這個小叔就愛面子 每次出門 攏開著中古二手ㄟBENLU 跟他一付黑仁仔目鏡 一付 未肥假喘 沒錢假好額人款。

肉粽姨ㄟ夫 叫 阿榮仔 原本在跑船 結果 走3個月休半年 走沒幾年就下船。回家吃自己了 看到他弟弟好親像 過了不錯,就靠過去了 阿榮仔 自去他弟弟公司上班之後 回到家常跟肉粽姨品
(品 炫耀的意思)這cabon若拿的起,馬是就張揚。肉粽姨看在眼裡怨嘆自己有眼無珠 哀怨的說到:人是甘願為人掃廳,不願開嘴叫兄 真沒骨氣!

講這阿榮兄,實在是十分ㄟ大男人主義 凶自己人第一名 在家裡稍ㄧ不如意 就打某打兒,肉粽姨常被打到鼻青臉腫,孩子一哭就趕緊抱開,攏驚驚動到阿榮仔兄。出門了後 龜呀兒的個性 又擱上駕(上身)不知道是公司是真正缺人 還是怎樣,阿榮兄ㄟ小弟阿輝ㄟ對這個傻忠ㄟ兄哥倒也用了習慣習慣!反正多一個人好牽教.

這阿輝喔! 馬不是什麼好東西,公司剛開始有一點轉色,有一點周轉金,就花天酒地,愛派頭,包養小三,金屋藏嬌了。這個秀美阿喔!就是就其中一位,不過她特別的是這個人她對感情比較執直,交往時不知道阿輝以經結婚,回頭發現時已經身懷六甲,飯熟了!

這秀美知道了後,當然是晴天霹靂,阿 阿 阿 那ㄟ安內! 你不說。你永遠愛我(沒有 沒有 我是講我的孩子愛我。你不是對我講山盟海誓。沒有沒有 那是昨眠 壞勢)理智斷線了後,真正就拿提這著汽油去找阿輝阿!

幹你娘阿 死人輝阿 你給我死出來 我知道你在厝內,你敢睡你祖媽,今不敢面對嗎?你算三小查普人,你給我死出來,出來 出來

頭先 公司的秘書秋香 看到秀美在那吵吵鬧鬧,她先是把玻璃門反鎖,原本想說站在高山 看馬相踢 準備拿板凳 來看戲。 後面見到秀美把汽油瓶蓋真的打開了那親像 要來真的了 連忙打電話給公司董事長阿西

阿西:喂 蝦米事情
秘書秋香 :董事長 不好了 不好ㄌ 袋誌大條了。你緊來你緊來啦
阿西:喂 到底是 蝦米事情 這樣 慌慌張張 好好講好好講

秘書秋香 :董事長 不好了 外面來了一個女人 說是要找阿輝要找總經理啦
他現在手提著一桶汽油 準備要放火燒公司了 怎麼辦怎麼辦呢?
阿西:哈 哈 啊打電話給阿榮 快 打電話給阿榮. 說我要緊的事找他

待秋香打電話給阿榮,董事長阿西也表示要盡速解決這個事情,他弟弟搞出來的風流帳,跟他到底有什麼關係 不過他想 女人嗎 褒摸一下就好了安內 安內 就好了 到也硬著頭皮去了,人家說女人為愛癡狂一點也不假 差一點點 就真的 瘋到脫衣脫褲 鑽墳墓。 好說歹說 花了一整個下午的時間 最後呢 阿榮兄把秀美請回家裡去,把在陀大便剷回去家裡了。

阿榮兄先是表明來龍去脈,肉粽姨倒也是善解人意 安慰起秀美來了 這個秀美像是抓了浮木一樣。所有的不愉快跟委屈 都往阿榮兄家裡面倒 這一倒就倒了好幾個月。 這段時間的阿輝呢?顛倒更加輕鬆 反正他老婆對他外面有小三 也是睜一隻眼閉一隻眼
反正這個燙手山芋 有阿榮兄 甲 安內 褒摸 一如往常的酒色財氣 愛錢 愛粉味。

哎!可憐的肉粽姨 白天要上班 回家要照顧老大人 甲有精神症狀的大伯 忙家務 半夜呢 秀美情緒失控還要陪她去掛急診。阿榮兄也是一副事不關己 自己看自己的電視反正。肉粽姨 都會處理好好的!不過 人非聖賢 壓力是累積的

有一天呢正在為小朋友的補習費在煩惱在開口向阿榮兄討錢的時候說:你在你小弟哪裡 公司是你弟弟開的。做得要死要活的 說要開分公司做兩份工作,當初說好的兩份薪水 為什麼只有一份 你小弟 吃銅吃鐵 天(阿路密)都吃去死。

。 自覺男性自尊受到侵犯的阿榮兄。其實在公司也不過就是個提供差遣咁利用的角色而已 沒有實質的作用 老婆說的也是事實 對於這些事實 他也是一點辦法也沒有 唯一擁有的 只有暴力

怕!!幹你娘雞掰 操雞掰 我可以沒有老婆 但是我不能沒有兄弟 你欠打 你你你你!

哎!唉!在這個信中呢!肉粽姨表示 她的丈夫 寧願為有錢人端屎桶 也不願意給窮人拿皮包! 自己真的是有眼無珠!才會嫁給這個人!他這個小叔偷吃

最後呢。蘇ㄟ是覺得這個故事倒是很符合一句俚語。叫做黑狗偷吃 白狗受罪

身為高級的台灣人 我們就應該記著。有時候往往一句簡單的俚語 背後充滿多少辛酸苦澀。

我們的祝福咱們肉粽姨能夠平安順心 關關難過關關過。 他包的肉粽真的很好吃誒!



如有雷同 純屬巧合


Welcome to Su’s Podcast.

This is a story about taking blame for others.
It begins with a letter from Aunt Rouzhong of Xiaying, Tainan…

(Here goes the story in the letter...)

Aunt Rouzhong’s brother-in-law, Ah-hui, ran a company in Tainan. He was a person with a huge ego. When he was with friends, he liked keeping up with the Jonese by talking about his “used” Mercedes with his so-called “fashionable” sunglasses.

The husband of Aunt Rouzhong, Ah-rong, used to be a crew member before he worked for his younger brother, Ah-hui. Ever since he entered his brother’s company, he began to flaunt himself in front of his own wlife, Aunt Rouzhong. Aunt Rouzhong thought to herself, “He’s got no character.” She sighed regretfully.

She’s so fed up with her hypocrite husband, with his sycophant behavior. He’s full of chauvinist attitude when he’s at home. Aunt Rouzhong and her son would get beaten up if they weren’t doing what Ah-rong asked for. And ironically, Ah-rong became the biggest ass kisser when he’s at work. What is even more terrifying was that his younger brother, Ah-hui, was fully aware. And, he’s used to it.

Ah-hui held parties, hooked up with girls, as the company started to grow. Xiu-mei was one of the girls that Ah-hui hooked up with. She’s down-to-earth and straightforward. She nearly collapsed when she found out Ah-hui’s married. And, it was all too late. She’s pregnant with Ah-hui’s baby. She couldn’t stop thinking about all the promises that he’s made....

Xiu-mei lost it. She carried gas cans to Ah-hui’s company, “I’m gonna kill you! You piece of shit...” A secretary noticed Xiu-mei from the very beginning. She locked up the gate and was ready to enjoy “the show,” until Xiu-mei opened the gas can. She called the president of the company, Ah-xi, panting.

“Yes?” Ah-xi replied.
“Something’s off! There's a lady carrying a gas can, looking for Ah-hui!”

Xiu-mei looked so determined to set fire to the building.

President Ah-xi had a plan, he asked the secretary to call Ah-rong for him. President Ah-xi wanted Ah-rong to handle that woman. Despite that fact that Ah-rong had no idea what this had to do with him, he showed up right away. Ah-rong braced himself up for “the challenge.” He spent the entire afternoon calming her down. To the greater extent, he brought Xiu-mei home.

Once they arrived home, Ah-rong told Aunt Rouzhong what happened this afternoon and why she’s home with him. Aunt Rouzhong expressed sympathy toward Xiu-mei with her situation. She comforted Xiu-mei. She spent some time with Xiu-mei, listening to her story. Xiu-mei, for the first time ever, felt like she’s been heard. While Xiu-mei was being really frustrated, Ah-hui, on the other hand, he’s having fun somewhere. Ah-hui’s wife turned a blind eye to his overindulging life. Ah-hui knew Ah-rong would eventually take care of his shit.

Poor Aunt Rouzhong! She had to work during the day, and to take care of the family after she’s home. With her brother-in-law having some mental problem, this had been tough for her. On top of that, she had to cook for the family. And when “new friend” Xiu-mei had an emotional breakdown, she went to the hospital with her, even it’s very late at night. Oppositely, Ah-rong didn’t think there’s something that he could help out. And to be honest, he didn’t even want to help. What he did was watching TV, and knowing Aunt Rouzhong would handle everything. However, she’s just a human; it was getting harder and harder as stress built up through the time.

One day, Aunt Rouzhong was asking money for children’s tuition from Ah-rong. She couldn’t help but thinking out loud,

“You work for your brother. He owns the company. He wanted you to work at his new branch office. Where’s the manager title that he promised you? Where’s the money for your second job? Huh?

Ah-hui felt offended. A man’s ego was hurt. Admittedly, Ah-rong was just an errand boy. His wife, Aunt Rouzhong, was just spitting out the truth. Ah-rong was not even bothering denying all the “accusations.”

​“What did you say, old bitch? How dare you? I don’t even need you, you know?”

Ah-rong could have no wife, but he couldn’t have no brother.

At the very end of Aunt Rouzhong’s letter, she expresses, her husband is a flatter, a lackey, and a coward the whole life. He’s not interested in earning others’ approval or respect. He was born to be this kind of person. He is the kind of person that never cares about guts. She failed to recognize it when they met. His family even blames Ah-hui’s affair on her.

There’s this idiom, “”Hei gou tou chi, bai gou shou zui.” I think this is perfect to describe Aunt Rouzhong’s story. Let’s pray and hope Aunt Rouzhong would find some inner peace.

Hope we become clever enough to distinguish between right and wrong; hope we have the intelligence to solve all kinds of problems.

Thank you for listening. This is Su’s Podcast.

This story is fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

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