【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】 Learning/學習活動Ⅵ

2022-05-02·10 分


👉🏻0:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語map [mæp] [名] 地圖mark [mɑrk] [動] 做記號 [名] 記號marker [mɑrkɚ] [名] 標誌;白板筆;馬克筆math [mæθ] [名] 數學music [ˋmjuzɪk] [名] 音樂notebook [ˋnot͵bʊk] [名] 筆記本page [pedʒ] [名] 頁paper [ˋpepɚ] [名] 紙張pass [pæs] [動] 及格;經過;超過;傳遞PE [縮寫] 體育 (physical education) 👉🏻4:30 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點
.pass 相關用法:
1. (v.) 經過
例 : We passed several stores. 
2. (v.) 及格
例 : He didn’t pass in that subject. 
3. (v.) 傳遞
例 : Please pass me the ketchup. 
4. (n.) 通行證

👉🏻6:10 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. The earthquake wiped the village off the _____. 
(A) paper (B) notebook (C) map (D) mark 
2. I've written down all the words I've learned in a _____ 
3. That period was a bright _____ in the history of the empire. 
4. What news is there in the _____ this morning? 

A: I’m really not good at math. I still failed in the subject this semester. 
B: Me, either. Don’t you think the subject is too hard for us? 
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💯《Answer Key》: 1. (C) 2. notebook 3. page 4. papers

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