Humanity has Missed a Great Chance

2023-10-26·5 分


In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we delve into the urgent and sobering message delivered by Xuefeng, the messenger of the Greatest Creator and an embodiment of various spiritual figures. Xuefeng's words echo the alarming findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – a stark warning that humanity stands on the precipice of an "extremely pitiful doomsday" by 2040 if global warming isn't curbed below 1.5°C.

The episode starts by revisiting Xuefeng's earlier predictions and his call for humanity to change its traditional production and lifestyle patterns to mitigate climate change. As we examine his claims, we confront the unsettling reality that the window for effective action is closing rapidly.

Xuefeng also presents a potential solution in the form of the "New Oasis of Life" model, but he laments the lack of interest and urgency from global leaders and the public at large. The episode challenges us to consider whether humanity deserves its impending fate or if there's still hope for redemption.

While the climate crisis appears increasingly insurmountable, we explore the potential for resilience and renewal, emphasizing the role of nature's laws and causality. It's a wake-up call that prompts us to reflect on our collective choices, emphasizing the need for immediate and sustained action to avert the catastrophic future that looms large.

Tune in to this episode to contemplate the dire warnings, the missed chances, and the potential path forward in the face of an ever-escalating climate crisis.

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