

Bûn-ha̍k Tân lûi-kong

⚡Literature Tân lûi-kong Podcast⚡

We are friends who met in Tân-lûi Taiwanese Literature study group.

Tân-lûi is the pen name of Dr. Ngô͘ Kéng-jū. He is one of the most important Taiwanese literature writers. His works make people feel very friendly. Because they are all stories that happened in Taiwan. There is sadness, joy, humor, and caution.

The point is, he writes in our mother tongue, Taiwanese, which is also called "Tâi-gí". This is the language we are familiar with. However, it has been oppressed by the ruler.

Tân-lûi's literary works seem to wake up the souls of Taiwanese people. The readers are enlightened and want to express a lot of feelings and thoughts. It's like being beaten by lightning and thunder. In Taiwanese is said "Tân-lûi-kong".

Therefore, we decided to make this Podcast together to share the ideas from the reader's point of view. So that more people can get close to Taiwanese literature.

⚡文學Tân雷公Podcast ⚡


看陳雷老師ê台語文學作品chìn親切,lóng是咱台灣chit-tè 土地發生ê故事。有悲、有喜、有笑詼、有警世。

重點伊用咱熟似ê台語文來寫,kán-ná kā咱台語人ê靈魂叫精神仝款。


決定做伙來做這ê Podcast,用讀者角度分享感覺kap想法,hō͘愈濟人親近台語文學。

⚡ Bûn-ha̍k Tân-lûi-kong Podcast ⚡

Gún tī «Tân-lûi Tâi-gí-bûn-ha̍k tha̍k-chheh-hōe» se̍k-sāi.

KhòaⁿTân-lûi lāu-su ê Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k chok-phín chìn chhin-chhiat. Lóng-sī lán Tâi-oân chit-tè thó͘-tē hoat-seng ê kò͘-sū. Ū pi, ū hí, ū chhiò-khoe, ū kéng-sè.

Tiōng-tiám i iōng lán se̍k-sāi ê Tâi-gí-bûn lâi siá, kán-ná kā lán Tâi-gí-lâng ê lêng-hûn kiò cheng-sîn kāng-khoán.

Tha̍k lāu-su ê chok-phín liáu-u, ē ū chiok-che ōe siūⁿ-beh kóng. Koh ū-lâng bē-su hō͘ lûi-kong kòng--tio̍h.

Koat-tēng chòe-hóe lâi-chò chit-ê Podcast. Iōng tho̍k-chiá kak-tō͘ hun-hióng kám-kak kap siūⁿ-hoat. Hō͘ jú-chē lâng chhin-kīn Tâi-gí bûn-ha̍k.


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P004 鄉史補記[舂迸賊 陳鴨] / Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì [Cheng-piàng-chha̍t Tân-ah]

P004 鄉史補記[舂迸賊 陳鴨] / Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì [Cheng-piàng-chha̍t Tân-ah]

🄴 文學Tân雷公(陳雷台語文學)

📖原著小說:鄉史補記p.37~43,金安出版 Goân-tù sió-soat: Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì p.37~43,Kim-an chhut-pán 🧙作者:陳雷(吳景裕博士/醫師) 授權使用 Chok-chiá:Tân-lûi(Ngô͘  Kéng-Jū Phok-sū/i-su)siū-koân sú-iōng 🎶音樂🎶 ☆月琴樂曲專工演出、錄音製作:楊咩咩~印度傳統舞蹈老師。Mā是文化部楊秀卿國寶傳習計畫藝生,想beh kā臺灣文化唸歌傳承--落-去。曲名:江湖調。 🎶Im-ga̍k🎶 ☆Goe̍h-khîm ga̍k-khek choan-kang ián chhu, lo̍k-im chè-chok: Iâng/Iûⁿ me me~Ìn-tō͘ thoân-thóng bú-tō lâu-su. Mā sī Bûn-hòa-pō͘  Iûⁿ Siù-kheng kok-pó thoân-si̍p kè-e̍k gē-seⁿ. Siūⁿ beh kā Tâi-oân bûn-hòa liām-koa thoân-sêng--lo̍h-khì. Khek-miâ: Kang-ô͘-tiāu. 💻劇本拍字/Kio̍k-pún phah-jī:Hūi-ú, Kùi-lân ✏編劇/Phian-kio̍k:Kùi-lân 🎭演出/Ián-chhut🎭 Bēng-chin:口白/kháu-pe̍h Khun-bêng:陳鴨/Tân-ah  Sè-lâm:虎--a/Hó͘--a;郭甲/Koeh kah Tân-lō͘:羊á/Iûⁿ-á;Chông--a A-chhiu:無耳錢á/Bô-hīⁿ-chîⁿ --a Î-him:紅蓮/Âng-liân;斗--a/Táu--a Kùi-lân:顧更--ê/Kò͘-keⁿ--ê 📽製作人、✂剪輯、配音、發佈/Chè-chok-jîn,  ✂chián-chip, phòe-im, hoat-pò͘ :A-koan 🎶音效來源/Im-hāu lâi-goân 燒金紙/sio kim-chóa:https://www.soundeffectsplus.com/product/bonfire-burning-ambience-01/ 風/hong:https://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesoundtw.html 擛旗/ia̍t kî:https://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/flag 腳直直chhāi塗--ni̍h/Kha ti̍t-ti̍t chhāi thô͘--ni̍h:https://freesound.org/people/000600/sounds/180015/ 旗颺颺飛/kî iāⁿ-iāⁿ poe:https://freesound.org/people/Huggy13ear/sounds/138973/ 賊股行路/chha̍t-kó͘ kiâⁿ lō͘:https://freesound.org/people/Cornwallis89/sounds/244597/ 鳥菝仔跋--落/Niáu-poat-á poa̍h--落:https://freesound.org/people/bmacphail/sounds/569541/ 拔鐵尺/poeh thih-chhioh:https://freesound.org/people/mooseranger/sounds/170711/ 硞木魚/kho̍k bo̍k-hî:https://freesound.org/people/Jagadamba/sounds/219159/ 刜椰子/phut iâ-chí:https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/H3PaUzT1b5/ 搜身軀/chhiau seng-khu:https://freesound.org/people/BarkersPinhead/sounds/274664/ 一捾鎖匙/1-kōaⁿ só-sî:https://freesound.org/people/Fenodyrie/sounds/565909/ 走入郭--家/cháu--ji̍p Koeh--ka:https://freesound.org/people/SoundsForHim/sounds/395562/ 開大門/khui tōa mn̂g:https://freesound.org/people/FreeToUseSounds/sounds/404820/ 開米間ê門/khui bí-keng ê mn̂g:https://www.soundeffectsplus.com/product/door-creaking-09/ 行入米間/kiâⁿ ji̍p bí-keng:https://freesound.org/people/florianreichelt/sounds/459964/ 潑尿/phoah giō/jiō/liō:https://freesound.org/people/deadrobotmusic/sounds/609945/ 呸瀾/phùi nōa:https://freesound.org/people/saha213131/sounds/667113/ 摃鑼/kòng lô:https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/411575/ https://freesound.org/people/2NiD/sounds/33855/ 斗--a偝重行/Táu--a āiⁿ tāng kiâⁿ:https://www.soundeffectsplus.com/product/footsteps-walking-on-road-slow-02/ 規陣共斗--a摃--死/kui tīn kā Táu--a kòng--sí:https://freesound.org/people/itsadequate/sounds/353676/ https://freesound.org/people/Robinhood76/sounds/100813/ https://freesound.org/people/mf_gloom/sounds/517851/ https://freesound.org/people/FlameEagle/sounds/131142/ 💁‍♀️歡迎留話kā阮講你對這一集ê想法/ Hoan-gêng lâu-ōe kā gún kóng lí tùi chi̍t chip ê siūⁿ-hoat: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl03lkheb148x0904wa5ew44c/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

P003 鄉史補記話頭~學甲公傳說 Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì ōe-thâu~Ha̍k-kah-kong thoân-soat

P003 鄉史補記話頭~學甲公傳說 Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì ōe-thâu~Ha̍k-kah-kong thoân-soat

🄴 文學Tân雷公(陳雷台語文學)

「鄉史補記」分做第1部:西史補記,kap 第2部:東史補記。 "Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì" hun chò tē it pō͘  : Sai-sú-pó͘-kì, kap tē jī pō͘ : Tang-sú-pó͘-kì. 文學Tân雷公Podcast 第3集演出規phō小說ê「話頭」。 Bûn ha̍k Tân lûi-kong Podcast tē 3 chi̍p ián chhut kui phō sió-soat ê “Ōe-thâu”. 台南散鄉ê鹽份地帶,佳里興隔壁ê學甲,姓黃--ê大部份是學甲公ê後代。 Tâi-lâm sàn-hiong Iâm-hun tē-tài, kap Ka-lí-hin keh-piah ê Ha̍k-kah, sìⁿ N̂g--ê tāi-pō͘ -hūn sī Ha̍k-kah-kong ê hiō-tāi. 有人講學甲公趁大錢是cheng-piàng賊陳直ê墓致蔭。 Ū lâng kóng Ha̍k-kah-kong thàn tōa chîⁿ sī cheng-piàng chha̍t Tân-ti̍t ê bōng tì-ìm.   Mā有人講黃--家是cheng-piàng賊, a̍h是番á ê後代。 Mā ū lâng kóng N̂g--ka sī cheng-piàng-chha̍t, a̍h sī hoan-á ê hiō tāi. 為tio̍h查明真相,作者四界訪問請教。 Ūi tio̍h chhâ bêng chin-siòng, chok-chiá sì-kè hóng-būn chhéng-kàu. 才了解he歷史ê根頭m̄-tiāⁿ生tī西部ê嘉南平地,也有thòaⁿ去到東部ê內山--去, Chiah liáu-kái he le̍k-sú ê kin-thâu m̄-tiāⁿ seⁿ tī se-pō͘ ê Ka-lâm pêⁿ-tē, iā ū thòaⁿ khì kàu tang- pō͘ ê lāi soaⁿ--khì. 認真kā資料khioh-si̍p--起-來,整理做「鄉史補記」...言告 Jīn-chin kā chu-liāu khioh-si̍p--khí-lâi, chéng lí chò 「Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì」... 🌱作品第3回:鄉史補記話頭~學甲公傳說  🌱Chok-phín tē 3 hôe~ Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì ōe-thâu -- Ha̍k-kah-kong thoân-soat   📖原著小說:鄉史補記p.30~36,金安出版 Goân-tù sió-soat: Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì p.30~36,Kim-an chhut-pán 🧙作者:陳雷(吳景裕博士/醫師) 授權使用 Chok-chiá:Tân-lûi(Ngô͘  Kéng-Jū Phok-sū/i-su)siū-koân sú-iōng 🎶音樂🎶 ☆月琴樂曲專工演出、錄音製作:楊咩咩~印度傳統舞蹈老師。Mā是楊秀卿老師ê藝生,想beh kā臺灣文化唸歌傳承--落-去。曲名:七字仔、西樂都馬。 🎶Im-ga̍k🎶 ☆Goe̍h-khîm ga̍k-khek choan-kang ián chhu, lo̍k-im chè-chok: Iâng me me~Ìn-tō͘ thoân-thóng bú-tō lâu-su. Mā sī Iûⁿ Siù-kheng lâu-su ê gē-seⁿ ,siūⁿ beh kā Tâi-oân bûn-hòa liām-koa thoân-sêng--lo̍h-khì. Khek-miâ: Chhit-jī-á, Se-ga̍k-to͘-má. 💻劇本拍字/Kio̍k-pún phah-jī:Hūi-ú, Kùi-lân ✏編劇:Kùi-lân主編,團隊做伙討論修改。/Pian-kio̍k: Kùi-lân chú pian, thoân-tūi chò-hóe thó-lūn siu-kái.   🎭演出/Ián-chhut🎭 Bēng-chin:口白/kháu-pe̍h A-iûⁿ:顧監A /Kò͘-kaⁿ A Tân-lō͘:顧監B /Kò͘-kaⁿ B Sè-lâm:阿餘/Á-ú Î-him:主持人/Chú-chhî-jîn;陳直/Tân-ti̍t A-chhiu:環--a /Khoân–a。   🖌本集Podcast說明翻寫做白話字/pún chi̍p Podcast soat-bêng hoan-siá chò Pe̍h-ōe-jī:Siok-bí   📽製作人、✂剪輯、後製、發佈/Chè-chok-jîn,  ✂chián-chip, āu-chè, hoat-pò͘ :這A-koan   🎶配音/Phòe-im 雷公聲/lûi-kong siaⁿ:https://www.epidemicsound.com 顧監A關鐵門聲/Kò͘-kaⁿ A koaiⁿ thih-mn̂g siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/s/654525/一 阿餘開鐵門聲/Áú khui thih-mn̂g siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/s/635748/ Tháu褲帶ê聲/tháu khò͘-tòa ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/Vinrax/sounds/434913/集 洗褲帶ê聲/ sé khò͘-tòa ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/rzSHI/sounds/345016/的 Ka褲頭ê聲/ka khò͘-thâu ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/ValentinPetiteau/sounds/627627/想 暗時蟬á聲/àm-sî siân-á siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/s/178504/ 牛車ê聲/ gû-chhia ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/victoryang/sounds/636827/ 火把ê聲/hóe-pé ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/florianreichelt/sounds/563012/ 掘塗ê聲/ku̍t thô͘ ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/YemiMoses/sounds/346046/法 Lù衫ê聲/lù saⁿ ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/orginaljun/sounds/151674/ 跳--落-去ê聲/thiàu--lo̍h-khì ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/deleted_user_2104797/sounds/325270/ Khàm墓龜ê聲/khàm bōng-ku ê siaⁿ:https://freesound.org/people/NoiseCollector/sounds/64172/ 💁‍♀️歡迎留話kā gún講你對這一集ê想法/ Hoan-gêng lâu-ōe kā gún kóng lí tùi chi̍t chip ê siūⁿ-hoat: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl03lkheb148x0904wa5ew44c/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

P002 作品紹介「消失--去ê西拉雅時代(鄉史補記)」

P002 作品紹介「消失--去ê西拉雅時代(鄉史補記)」

🄴 文學Tân雷公(陳雷台語文學)

頂回第1集P001播送小說ê聲音演出。這pái第2集P002來紹介這pha作品,有字詞、寫作手路等等;團隊mā會分享讀soah bē輸hō͘雷公敲--tio̍h ê 感想。   🎭分享者🎭 主持人:Î-him (pān-ián Yes boy、囡仔歌)、Bēng-chin (口白、囡仔歌)、Kùi-lân (王阿麗、棄--a、囡仔歌、阿餘阿母)、Sè-lâm (阿餘)、A-Koan (主題、夥計、阿餘小妹)、A-chhiu (環--a、囡仔歌)、Tân-lō͘ (賣糖A、B、C) ❤️感謝授權! 第2集P002 🎼片尾音樂:🎵歌名:永遠的故鄉、詞:陳雷、曲:王明哲、演唱+演奏:王明哲,來源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd-tP_U5S74  ⚡雷公聲:https://www.epidemicsound.com   第1集P001 📖原著小說:鄉史補記 P.163-174,金安出版 🧙作者:陳雷(吳景裕博士/醫師) 授權使用 🎶音樂🎶 ☆揚琴樂曲:佐京,新竹北埔八音團團長~專工演出、錄音製作。曲名:採蓮、嘆煙花。 ☆西拉雅語歌曲2首:Ngô͘ Tì-ta̍t/ Quinlan ~創作、演唱、錄音製作。🎵歌名:Tu Kalung, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L47mSLograQ&list=PL01hfpJ6DYwt8Zll3Ax8h2CE1YLjG1MaA&index=2。🎵歌名:Tu Hivat ki Apuy,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA-6m0IAmls&list=PL01hfpJ6DYwt8Zll3Ax8h2CE1YLjG1MaA&index=4 ⚡雷公聲:https://www.epidemicsound.com     📽製作人✂剪輯、後製、發佈:A-koan 💁‍♀️歡迎留話kā gún講你對這一集ê想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl03lkheb148x0904wa5ew44c/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

P001消失--去ê西拉雅時代 (鄉史補記)

P001消失--去ê西拉雅時代 (鄉史補記)

🄴 文學Tân雷公(陳雷台語文學)

🌱作品第1回~消失--去ê西拉雅時代   📖原著小說:鄉史補記 P.163-174,金安出版 🧙作者:陳雷(吳景裕博士/醫師) 授權使用   💻劇本拍字:Hūi-ú, Sè-lâm, A-chhiu, Kùi-lân, Bēng-chin, A-Koan ✏編劇:A-Koan, Sè-lâm, A-chhiu, Kùi-lân, Bēng-chin, Î-him   🎭演出&訪談: Bēng-chin:口白、囡仔歌;受訪 Kùi-lân:王阿麗、棄--a、囡仔歌、阿餘阿母;受訪 Sè-lâm:阿餘;受訪 A-Koan:演出主題、夥計、阿餘小妹;受訪 Î-him:Yes boy、囡仔歌;主持人 A-chhiu:環--a、囡仔歌;受訪 Tân-lō͘:賣糖A、B、C;受訪 Hê-bí:賣糖D、E   🎼音樂:感謝授權! ☆揚琴樂曲:佐京,新竹北埔八音團團長~專工演出、錄音製作。曲名:採蓮、嘆煙花。   🎤西拉雅語歌曲2首:Ngô͘ Tì-ta̍t/ Quinlan ~創作、演唱、錄音製作。 🎵歌名:Tu Kalung, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L47mSLograQ&list=PL01hfpJ6DYwt8Zll3Ax8h2CE1YLjG1MaA&index=2 🎵歌名:Tu Hivat ki Apuy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA-6m0IAmls&list=PL01hfpJ6DYwt8Zll3Ax8h2CE1YLjG1MaA&index=4   🎶聲音採集 🐦鳥、蟬 叫聲、餐廳ê聲:A-Chhiu 💦 Khek水、倒水、phû水:Kùi-lân 👂蟬á叫聲:https://freesound.org/s/321591 🏃跤步聲:https://sampleswap.org ⚡ 雷公聲:https://www.epidemicsound.com   ✂製作人、剪輯、配音、後製、發佈:A-koan    (以上台文漢羅合寫) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  (下面台文Pe̍h-ōe-jī)   🌱 Chok-phín tē-1-hôe~[Siau-sit--khì ê Sih-la-iah sî-tāi]   📖 Goân-tù sió-soat: Hiong-sú-pó͘-kì P.163-174, Kim-an chhut-pán 🧙 Chok-chiá: Tân-lûi (Ngô͘ Kéng-jū phok-sū/i-su) siū-koân sú-iōng   💻 Kha-pún phah-jī: Hūi-ú, Sè-lâm, A-chhiu, Kùi-lân, Bēng-chin, A-Koan ✏ Pian-kio̍k: A-Koan, Sè-lâm, A-chhiu, Kùi-lân, Bēng-chin, Î-him   🎭 Ián-chhut & hóng-tâm: Bēng-chin: Kháu-pe̍h, gín-á-koa; siū-hóng Kùi-lân: Ông A-lē, Khì--a, gín-á-koa, A-Ú a-bú; siū-hóng Sè-lâm: A-ú; siū-hóng A-Koan: Ián-chhut chú-tê, Hóe-kì, A-Ú sió-mōe; siū-hóng Î-him: Yes boy, gín-á-koa; Chú-chhî-jîn A-chhiu: Khoân--a, gín-á-koa; siū-hóng Tân-lō͘: Bē-thn̂g A、B、C; siū-hóng Hê-bí: Bē-thn̂g D、E   🎼 Im-ga̍k ián-chhut, lo̍k-im: Kám-siā siū-koân! ☆ Iông-khim ga̍k-khek: 佐京, Sin-tek Pak-pō͘ Pat-im-thoân Thoân-tiúⁿ ~ choan-kang ián-chhut, lo̍k-im chè-chok. Khek-miâ: Chhái liân, Thàn-ian-hoe.   🎤 Sih-la-ia-gí koa-khek 2-siú: Ngô͘ Tì-ta̍t/ Quinlan ~ chhòng-chok, ián-chhiùⁿ, lo̍k-im chè-chok. 🎵 Koa-miâ: Tu Kalung, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L47mSLograQ&list=PL01hfpJ6DYwt8Zll3Ax8h2CE1YLjG1MaA&index=2 🎵 Koa-miâ: Tu Hivat ki Apuy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA-6m0IAmls&list=PL01hfpJ6DYwt8Zll3Ax8h2CE1YLjG1MaA&index=4   🎶 Siaⁿ-im chhái-chi̍p 🐦 Chiáu, siân kiò-siaⁿ, chhan-thiaⁿ ê siaⁿ: A-Chhiu 💦 Khek-chúi, tó-chúi, phû-chúi: Kùi-lân 👂 Siân-á ê kiò-siaⁿ: https://freesound.org/s/321591 🏃 Kha-pō͘-siaⁿ: https://sampleswap.org ⚡ Lûi-kong-siaⁿ: https://www.epidemicsound.com   ✂ Chè-chok-jîn, chián-chi̍p, phòe-im, āu-chè, hoat-pò͘: A-koan         🤗留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:https://open.firstory.me/story/cl0mi29ojb8zd0920fb681by0?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting

P000 Literature Tân lûi-kong PODCAST Introduction

P000 Literature Tân lûi-kong PODCAST Introduction

🄴 文學Tân雷公(陳雷台語文學)

Literature Tân lûi-kong Podcast We are friends who met in Tân-lûi Taiwanese Literature study group. Tân-lûi is the pen name of Dr. Ngô͘ Kéng-jū. He is one of the most important Taiwanese literature writers. His works make people feel very friendly. Because they are all stories that happened in Taiwan. There is sadness, joy, humor, and caution. The point is, he writes in our mother tongue, Taiwanese, which is also called "Tâi-gí". This is the language we are familiar with. However, it has been oppressed by the ruler. Tân-lûi's literary works seem to wake up the souls of Taiwanese people. The readers are enlightened and want to express a lot of feelings and thoughts. It's like being beaten by lightning and thunder. In Taiwanese is said "Tân-lûi-kong".   Therefore, we decided to make this Podcast together to share the ideas from the reader's point of view. So that more people can get close to Taiwanese literature. 📣 Speaker: Tân-lō͘ Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/story/cl0e17kcm3iwn09462jduax2u?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting