

舊振南 X 正聲廣播電台

我們知道一年之中有分春夏秋冬, 但對有五千年歷史的智慧老祖宗來說, 其實是有二十四個氣候, 每兩個禮拜都有一個季節
春耕 夏耘 秋收 冬藏
春分 冬至 小暑 大寒
南哥說舊故事 帶你認識二十四節氣的智慧故事
每周三更新, 隔週還有舊振南小喜時間的訪談唷~

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🄴 二十四節氣的智慧故事


The story of dragon boat festival-端午節的由來英文版

The story of dragon boat festival-端午節的由來英文版

🄴 二十四節氣的智慧故事

Welcome back! Do you think the weather is getting hotter and hotter? Yes, summer is here!In summer, there is an important tradition for Chinese people: the Dragon Boat festival. The Dragon boat Festival happens on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. During the festival, people eat rice dumplings and row dragon boats. The rice dumplings are delicious and the dragon boat competitions are exciting. Do you know where the Dragon Boat festival came from?According to legend, the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yan was very loyal to his country and the people.However, the king listened to a treacherous court official, so he was banished from the country, Qu Yan was very sad and unhappy, so he jumped into the Miluo river with stone tied to him. The people of the state were very sad when they found so they went to the Miluo river to pay tribute to Qu Yuan. The people rowed boats back and forth in the Miluo river, hoping to find Qu Yan’s body for burial. In order to prevent Qu Yan’s body from being eaten by the fish and shrimp in the river, the people prepared bamboo leaves wrapped in rice and put it into the river for the fish and shrimp to eat. Since then, the act became the tradition of rowing dragon boats and eating rice dumplings, or Zongzi on the Dragon Boat festival.Another legend of the Dragon Boat festival is the legend of the White Snake. In the Song dynasty, there were two snake spirits who had been practicing for thousands of years, Bai-Suzhen and XiaoQing. One day in a bright spring, the two sisters went down the mountain to play int the West Lake. Suddenly, it rained and they both got wet. Just as they were looking for a place to hide from the rain, a scholar handed over an umbrella. Bai-Suzhen looked at the scholar and felt a familiarity. As it turns out, the scholar had saved her in her previous life.Bai-Suzhen said: Thank you so much. What is your name?The scholars answered: “My name is Xu Xian. I live by the lake. You can use this umbrella!”Bai-Suzhen said: “My name is Bai-Suzhen. She is my sister XiaoQing. We live in Baifu not far from here. If you have time, you can come to my house as a guest.”After a while of talking to each other, Bai-Suzhen and Xu Xian’s relationship got better and better. Not soon after, they became husband and wife. Bai-Suzhen also helped Xu Xian to open a pharmacy. Xu Xian was a kind person and had excellent medical skills. Many people sought medical treatment from them, and they lived a happy life.One day, a monk named Fahai who came from Jinshan Temple passed by and saw Xu Xian, who exerted a demonic energy. Later, he found out that Xu Xian’s wife was actually a thousand year old spirit. He said to Xu Xian: “Your wife is a snake demon. If you continue to be together, you will be hurt by her over time.”Xu Xian said angrily: “My wife is so kind, how could she be a snake demon? And how could she possibly harm me?”Fahai knew that Xu Xian had a hard time believing what he said, so he told Xu Xian: “If you don’t believe it, give her some regular wine on the Dragon Boat Festival, and then see if she will change back to her original form.”Upon hearing what Fahai said, Xu Xian thought to himself “I’ll just try it out, if the lady doesn't transform, then the monk is lying.” So, on the Dragon Boat Festival, Xu Xian managed to make Bai-Suzhen drink the wine mixed with realgar. Unexpectedly, Bai-Suzhen really turned into a snake. Xu Xian was so frightened that he fainted, and he has been ill since then.In order to save Xu Xian, Bai-Suzhen went to Xianshan to steal fairy grass. Monk Fahai thinks that Bai-Suzhen is a snake demon and will always harm people, so he took the opportunity to take Xu Xian to the Jinshan Temple and put him under house arrest. Then, he looked for an opportunity to get rid of the snake demon as Bai-Suzhen and XiaoQing went to Jinshan Temple to rescue Xu Xian.Bai-Suzhen said to Fahai, "Although I am a snake demon, I have no intention of harming anyone. I just want to live a good life with my husband. Why do you want to break us up?"Fahai said angrily: "Humans and demons shouldn't be together in the first place, so you and the other snake should go back to the mountain and continue to practice!"Bai-Suzhen said: “No! I must save my husband today.”Bai-Suzhen, XiaoQing, and Fahai fought fiercely. In desperation, Bai-Suzhen led the water from the West Lake to flood the Jinshan Temple. In the end, Bai-Suzhen lost her magic power to Fahai, and was covered by Fahai with a golden bowl. The couple was separated.It is because of this legend that there was the custom of sprinkling realgar to avoid evil spirits on the Dragon Boat Festival. However, realgar is poisonous, so you can't drink it. Even Bai-Suzhen will be poisoned and show her true shape. Some people will hang calamus and wormwood on the door during the Dragon Boat Festival, or wear sachets, all of which can help avoid bad luck!There are many mosquitoes in summer, and it is easy to breed diseases, so everyone should pay more attention. Children should wash their hands and disinfect more, pay attention to hygiene, and then the virus can be driven away. I hope everyone stays safe during this festival! See you next time!



🄴 二十四節氣的智慧故事




🄴 二十四節氣的智慧故事

各位大朋友小朋友好,又到了南哥說舊故事的時間囉!今天我們要談的是24節氣中的芒種,芒是芒草的芒,種是種子的種。芒種是二十四節氣中一個完全反映農作物現況的節氣,芒上面有個草字,其實是代表芒草,長長的稻芒的部分。種是代表已經長好了,芒種芒種,也是忙著採收作物種子的時刻。芒種是豐收的季節,有芒的麥子快收,有芒的稻子可種。芒種,是豐收 也象徵著新生。芒種時節也是各種夏日水果紛紛上市的時候,小朋友們最近有沒有吃到好吃的芒果,荔枝,鳳梨呢?還有西瓜,香瓜,哈密瓜,還有可以做成蜜餞、梅醋梅酒的青梅也都已經採收囉。南哥想到都要流口水了。今天南哥就要來說個發生在「芒種」時節的故事-青梅煮酒論英雄各位大朋友小朋友大家好,這個疫情實在太嚴重了,相信很多人生活都被影響,不能去學校上課,不能去補習班學才藝,在外面玩都要戴口罩,甚至有些小朋友還要被隔離在一個房間裡面好多天,真的好辛苦喔~所以小朋友們~我們一定要好好照顧自己的健康,早睡早起提升免疫力,勤洗手多漱口讓病毒遠離我喔~今天小喜時間我們要來訪問聰明的劉備,來請教他在芒種的時候,除了去曹操家聊天,還做了什麼其他有趣的事呢?

小滿-謙虛的故事 合輯

小滿-謙虛的故事 合輯

🄴 二十四節氣的智慧故事

不知不覺夏天已經悄悄的來到,如果大家家裡附近有稻田的,大家有沒有發現已經結了滿滿的稻穗在上頭了呢?因為「小滿」的節氣要到了呢!小滿是二十四節氣裡夏天的第二個節氣,有小朋友一聽到「小」滿應該會問,「是不是還有大滿啊?!」不過啊二十四節氣中,還真是沒有「大滿」。在二十四節中,「小」和「大」做兄弟的有三對,他們分別是小暑大暑、小雪大雪、小寒大寒。可是只有小滿,沒有大滿。那什麼是滿呢?小滿的意思是說,這個時節莊稼已經長得比較豐滿和茂盛了,麥子類的植物,顆粒逐漸飽滿,但還沒有完全成熟。可能是亞洲人個性含蓄,總是不會把話說滿,所以穀粒飽滿只有小滿,沒有大滿喔。物至於此,小得盈滿,謂之小滿。這正是古人的思想精髓。正所謂“水滿則溢,月滿則虧”水滿了就會溢出來,而月亮變圓了之後又慢慢出現缺口。任何事情都是這樣,一旦達到巔峰就意味著衰敗,而最美的時光正是巔峰前的那一段輝煌,也就是小滿。還有人說 “滿招損,謙受益”。滿也有太過自信滿滿的意思喔,只有謙虛才能受益,好啦,今天呢 南哥就來說一個謙虛的人的故事-京劇大師梅蘭芳上週小滿的故事大家還喜歡嗎?大家有沒有聽懂滿帶來的含義呢?小喜姊姊真的是很喜歡這句話就是:越結實的稻穗,越低頭。小朋友們都要當個謙虛的好孩子,懂得尊重別人,無論是貧窮富貴,無論是什麼樣的職業,都要有禮貌的對待她人,別人才會喜歡跟你做朋友唷。今天小喜姊姊又要穿越時空,請到知名的京劇大師梅蘭芳來上小喜時間,讓我們來請問梅老師如何當一個謙虛的人喔~希望你喜歡我的故事有更多的問題請email給小喜姊姊 jlee@jzn.com.tw 啾咪~