林皓洋 Lin Haoyang Show

林皓洋 Lin Haoyang Show

Lin Haoyang






另外在KKBOX Spotify GooglePodcast 音樂串流平台









I am an actor

I was a model and singer before

Now transforming into a podcast creator

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EP.04 第二杯半价 讓我用歌声陪伴你- ♫ 录音室作品

EP.04 第二杯半价 讓我用歌声陪伴你- ♫ 录音室作品

🄴 林皓洋 Lin Haoyang Show

录音室作品 Studio works 送给那个我喜欢的人 For the one i like 每天 每天 都路过那家奶茶店- ♫ Every day, every day, passing by that milk tea shop 第二杯奶茶 全部半价- ♫ The second cup of milk tea is half price 可是 却没人陪我兑现- ♫ But no one will accompany me to cash it out 小橘猫 天天 坐在那家奶茶店- ♫ Little orange cat sits at that milk tea shop every day 有时候 我也会 偷偷的去看一眼- ♫ Sometimes I would secretly take a look 我多么想有一个每天陪我喝奶茶的人- ♫ How I want to have someone who accompanies me to drink milk tea every day 知道我的喜好 我的味道 甜度要几分- ♫ Know my preference how sweet i want 我多么想变成你最喜欢的乌龙玛奇朵- ♫ How do I want to become your favorite oolong macchiato 这样你就可以独爱我一个- ♫ So you can love me alone 乌龙玛奇朵 奶茶配coco- ♫ Coco Oolong Macchiato Milk Tea 葡萄柚多多 金桔养乐多- ♫ Grapefruit Kumquat Yakult 百香绿QQ 和卡布奇诺- ♫ Passion Green QQ and Cappuccino 还有奶盖配红茶 仙草配奶冻- ♫ And milk cap with black tea, grass with milk jelly 不要波霸只要仙草这句话讲特认真- ♫ Don’t boba, just say the words like fairy grass very seriously 我多么想能和你一起分享这一杯快乐- ♫ How I want to share this cup of happiness with you 这样你就可以独爱我一个- ♫ So you can love me alone 乌龙玛奇朵 奶茶配coco- ♫ Oolong macchiato milk tea with coco 葡萄柚多多 我爱你很多- ♫ A lot of grapefruit, I love you a lot https://pay.firstory.me/user/linhaoyang 感謝以下贊助的聽眾: Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP.03 无奈的主播们ft.七七.暴龙兽主播

EP.03 无奈的主播们ft.七七.暴龙兽主播

🄴 林皓洋 Lin Haoyang Show

三個深夜無奈的主播閒談 Three helpless anchors chatting late at night https://pay.firstory.me/user/linhaoyang 感謝以下贊助的聽眾: Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP.02 橘子汽水 讓我的歌声陪伴你- ♫

EP.02 橘子汽水 讓我的歌声陪伴你- ♫

🄴 林皓洋 Lin Haoyang Show

你就像天上的云朵我好想变成彩虹- ♫ You are like a cloud in the sky, I really want to become a rainbow 橘子汽水的香味飘在空气中- ♫ The scent of orange soda is floating in the air 你嘴角的奶油看的我好心动- ♫ The cream on the corner of your mouth makes me feel so excited 我和你的默契有种节奏- ♫ There is a rhythm to my tacit understanding 牵着我的心跳跟你走- ♫ Take my heartbeat and follow you 就这样牵着你一直走 (这路没有尽头)- ♫ Just lead you along like this (the road has no end) 就是喜欢你偷喵着我 (的害羞)- ♫ I just like you stealing me (shy) 让我紧紧牵着你的手望着星空- ♫ Let me hold your hand and look at the stars 直到我们心灵相通- ♫ Until we are connected 就这样牵着你一直走 (这次绝不放手)- ♫ I'll lead you on like this (Never let go this time) 我会努力变成属于你 (的流星)- ♫ I will work hard to become your (Meteor) 帮你实现心底所有的期待的愿望- ♫ Help you realize all the expectations in your heart 不管四季变化我的心意不隐藏- ♫ No matter what the seasons change, my heart is not hidden https://pay.firstory.me/user/linhaoyang 感謝以下贊助的聽眾: Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP.01 Statement from me

EP.01 Statement from me

🄴 林皓洋 Lin Haoyang Show

Thoughts about the outbreak in China https://pay.firstory.me/user/linhaoyang 感謝以下贊助的聽眾: Powered by Firstory Hosting