渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

Stephanie Perng

渡渡鳥日子是個任性的 podcast 頻道,只講一些主持人關心的話題。the deuxdo podcast represents two people "doing" podcast. Deux is french for two which is where the founders of the podcast met, not in France but in French class!!
Instagram: @thedeuxdopodcast

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ep.15你是男一派男二派? Team Edward or team Jacob?

ep.15你是男一派男二派? Team Edward or team Jacob?

🄴 渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

瞎妹的追劇人生中總是充滿選擇,你是喜歡陰鬱霸道的吸血鬼,還是忠心耿耿的狼人男?這集我們探討最經典的男一男二類型,以及我們自己的個人喜好,並且歸類出影劇和動漫的男主類型哪裡不一樣。最後,當女主開後宮的時候,在眾多男子類型中,你中意哪種菜? ⚠️注意,本篇純屬娛樂,並無物化男性或貶低女性之意 The world of movies and Netflix are full of choices. Do you choose the gloomy hot Vampire or the loyal cute werewolf? This episode we dive into the world of hot fiction dudes to see which character we prefer, the main guy or the side piece. Next, we discovered the personality differences of the lead between movies and anime. Lastly we discuss the different types of guys in anime. ⚠️Caution: There is no intention to objectify or discriminate and should not be taken seriously Powered by Firstory Hosting

ep.14大學修過最酷的課 The coolest class I've taken in uni

ep.14大學修過最酷的課 The coolest class I've taken in uni

🄴 渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

無期限遠距上課嘍~大學生涯快過去的我們,應該是相當有資格來回顧我們上的一些大學課程。主修比較文學的Jamie 有些課還真的有夠怪,而有些課是教授在怪,真的讓大學生活多采多姿啊⋯⋯ 真的不要在選涼課甜課,有收穫才是重點好嗎?提到的課依序有:Vampire society and culture,俄國文學史,Dangerous bodies and lady killers,變態心理學,人獸之間,語言與文化:以美式英文為例,Metamorphosis,同志生命美學 Powered by Firstory Hosting

ep.13 小屁孩開喝須知 Things I wish I knew before college drinking

ep.13 小屁孩開喝須知 Things I wish I knew before college drinking

🄴 渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

各位喝酒新鮮人注意! 大四老屁股開課啦~ 剛剛開始喝酒時,酒單好長好可怕都看不懂,出門都不知道要帶什麼,喝兩輪就醉的一塌糊塗......就讓我們來幫大家預習/複習一下,喝酒的必知要點,讓你不會跟我們犯下一樣的菜鳥錯誤。這集重磅邀請到派對焦點 @cosmos_cassie 跟我們一起聊聊,喝酒前中後應該準備什麼東西,讓你下次酒局不再徬徨,穩穩的喝到最後! Attention all drinking virgins!When you first stated drinking, everything is just so scary!Well not to fear because these old hags are about to PREACH! Let us give you a preview/review of the dos and don’ts when drinking in college so you guys won’t make the same mistakes we did! This episode we have the party QUEEN @cosmos_cassie here to talk about what to prepare before an alcoholic social event so you get to be the last person standing! Powered by Firstory Hosting

ep12.如何找到你的穿衣風格 How to find your style

ep12.如何找到你的穿衣風格 How to find your style

🄴 渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

本podcasts 史上第一次跨臺合作! 這次請到 @notearstodaypodcast 一起來討論如何找到自己的穿衣風格!找到適合自己的衣服真的超困難,我們知道!所以這不是時尚人士的專業意見,而是姐妹之間的情報分享。首先回憶大道走一遭,回想自己小時候都穿成什麼樣,再來就是各種講時尚啦! First time ever collab with @notearsdodaypodcast to talk about how to find your style! Finding what’s right to wear is hella hard and we know it! Think of this not as a fashionista’s professional opinion but sisters sharing the struggles of dressing better. First we walk down memory lane and think about what we wore back in the day, then it’s Just us talking style! Powered by Firstory Hosting

ep.11 新年舊希望 Old New Year’s resolutions

ep.11 新年舊希望 Old New Year’s resolutions

🄴 渡渡鳥日子 thedeuxdopodcast

2021過了不到一個禮拜,新年減肥計畫又破功了嗎?新的一年,我的新希望到頭來也就那幾個而已,說到底就是實踐力太弱了啊~~這集我跟執行力強大的Jamie討論新年新希望的可行性,說說2020的回顧與展望,盤點我們奇特的舊希望,並許下一個,很有可能不會實踐的新希望,祝福大家新的一年,都能比去年更好! One week in 2021, and I bet that New Year’s resolution of loosing weight fell apart pretty fast. A new year, but the same old me with my same old resolutions. Just can’t seem to bring myself to execute them! This episode i discuss this matter with the planning master Jamie. First we look back at 2020, then we share our weird Old new year’s resolutions, then finally we make new ones that will possibly not come true.... Happy new year guys! 完整版點主頁連結🔗 Powered by Firstory Hosting